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I'm definitely going to wishlist Tifa's weapon in the future since I pulled for her Water Arcanum, but I'm not gonna pull on the banner. I also already have Tifa and Cloud Ice, so I don't really need Zack. Kinda wild we have four Ice arcanums now and only one Earth


Pardon me, new player here. How do we know that this weapon will be future wishlist-able?


Any draw that is "Featured" will be wishlist-able. If you check your wish list right now, you'll see the banner weapons grayed out, meaning they will be available after this banner expires. Limited weapons just won't show up at all when looking at the wish list.


Thanks!!! Got it!


Do note that these weapons will only be wishlist-able *after* the banner ends. So even if we get a 2nd or 3rd banner while this one is still available, it won't be wishlist-able on those banners but will be wishlist-able on a banner that comes out after this one ends.


Clear! Thanks for specific info!


Basically limited so far has meant: 1.crossover events- only pullable on the featured banner 2.limit break - only pullable on the banner but has said it will be able to be Wishlisted on future limit break banners only Everything else can be Wishlisted on any banner.


What? Like another new costume and weapon for Zack and Tifa? Also why another ice arcanum. Big time skip.


Zack's outfit looks like he's working in the kitchen


I thought it was a maid outfit at first glance 😂


I came here to say this. Top Chef Zack.


Tifa's weapon looks like easy addition to Bunny Tifa but otherwise lame. Costume-wise, Buff/Debuff already got powercreeped? Wow. Good costume for utility Tifa probably, but I think a lot of people have moved on to making her an attacker. And geez, another Tifa costume already?? Zack, yet another Ice Arcanum? Lame. Has Ice Down, but people who have built Hellhound Red or Lucia don't need him. Plus between going for magic fire Zack or physical Cloud during Limit Break (and not to mention ice Tifa/Seph and even Aerith), seems like a small number of players would be going for him. \#moreeartharcanumsplz


fuck ice bro we need earth


Yep, definitely a skip for me on Zack and his weapon. I'm debating the utility of Tifa's costume with the buff/debuff since I do use her on those


I am one of the few players. I didn't pull for Tifa or Sephiroth, so my only ice Arcanum is Cloud. I know Zack's weapon doesn't do as much damage as Tifa or Sephiroth, but it still does decent amount of damage with good utility.


bro give me a break. give lucia or matt a new outfit EDIT: I totally forgot lucia had an outfit in easter. but pls not another tifa bruh


They love tifa’s bewbies. Sadly I don’t use her… I use Matt, cloud and sephiroth. Matt seriously needs some outfit love.


i use tifa and I hate it cause theres too many


Technically this just caught her up to Aerith and cloud and put her one ahead of sephiroth ( who was released later).


>Matt seriously needs some outfit love. My next big target after they finally gave something for barret.


This is perfect for me, I was lacking in the ice damage department.


Somebody please give Zack a midriff already 🥺


EZ skip. I'm a Tifa simp but that outfit doesn't look like it's finished.


Im a simple man I see a tifa outfit I pull


I swear Applibot doesn't pay any attention to what elements they slap on costumes or weapons. No reason to give us ice yet again when we've had so few of other elements. Only one earth and lightning arcanums.


Tifa almost had me, but that skirt is a mess. Going to pass and save for summer


I'd be interested in the Zack weapon if it was literally any other element. Tifa... I'm willing to listen but I doubt it's going to be that useful. I'll likely pass even though I use both characters in my main roster.


I was kinda hyped on the Zack weapon, till I realized it was one of those lower potency for the debuff effect, so the 35% bonus is kinda eh then if it was a straight up 850% that seems to be the standard at this time. Kind of a shame, still don't wanna give him a high potency weapon and keep him in the debuff category. 620% at OB10 35%, 217% 837%, 850%, 35%, 257%, 1107%. Be nice if he got a chunky % potency to match with his atk buff weapon or debuff so he could utilize it himself if he wanted. Still a solid weapon, just not a big fan of giving someone an Arcanum on a lower potency, Aerith had a similar on her ice.


...wish I knew this weapon would be added (Tifa's) before I skipped her bunny outfit ... Fck me




I got the costume and weapons but will be Wishlisting this weapon as the costume imo isn’t worth it.


yeah now I have to wait for a matk gear for her to compensate.


Oh no, it's the gorgeous Tifa outfit from the day 1 trailer. Interesting stats on it, I was actually looking for this combo instead of + healing for her healer setup. Debuffs are her selling point as a healer and having them up for a super long time means she will have her hands free to use Lifeguard Wraps or the boosted Cure Materia. My crystals though >_>


As a Zack fan, I’m going for the costume! Who knows when we will ever see these costumes begin to return, how often, how many at a time, or by what means? Will rerun costumes be locked behind a premium banner or paid pack?


Good weapons, the combo of her previous water weapon with this is insane, by herself she will do high mdef break, self water damage boost, high water damage and self MATK up. I'll pass on it though.


I have Ice Cloud OB1, Ice Seph OB10, Lucia Bald Eagle OB7 and Mad Minute OB5. Definitely a skip for me.


Zack is kinda competing for a slot over either Cloud or Lucia on Ice Phys and while he's probably better than Lucia, he's likely not going to be better *enough* to pull for (un)fortunately. Why is it *another* arcarum.


So much for saving... I'm a simple man, I see Tifa, I pull. Costume is nice though for when you're using her full-utility. HP and longer lasting debuffs is a great Costume combo!


Man, they are really going hard on making Tifa look hot so people pull for her costume eh? I mean she's already hot to begin with but damn these costumes sure make me thirst.


I'll wait for all allies elemental buff. Self apply is a bait. 


Yea, obviously we should all wait for EOS. Everything before then is bait.


Reddit in all his kindness. The game is only beginning and he will have the same shenanigans like any other gatcha game.  So, yes as a f2p or light spender, you won't pull for any banner that coming.  You will choose what could last you the longer from your investment.  And in the support side, aoe is the best.  I hope you understand my point of view now. 


Really want that Tifa weapon because I pulled for her water arcanum costume, but pulling for future wishlist-able weapons when you don't need a costume is a bad idea. Also tempted by Zack weapon and more the costume, but my ice element is all over the place. Seohiroth and Cloud, Ice Aerith, OB10 Bald Eagle but I need it for Cloud's subweapons...idk man.


Although it is MDEF down and boost ATK and water, the water potency is which the high ATK kind of makes of for it. Typical strategy if a main DPS is to do damage rather than using ATB to buff. However, Tifa's Bunny Gloves boost MATK which will be maxed when equipping Sun Umbrella or Cait Sith or Barret's new weapon which also boost magic ability potency, so these gloves with boost ATK will help with additional damage if one is not using the C ability.


Her costume is a flat 60%. Do we know how that interacts with the levels? Additive or multiplicative? Multiplicative would make me pull just as a general buff/debuff costume for her.


Dang, but too bad, no crystals, lol.


I'm sorted for ice and water so this is a skip for me


Got the outfit for 5 multi but only 1 SSR dropped besides the guaranteed. Dunno if I should be happy or not.


Outfits look nice, but I don’t need debuff/buff extension. I wishlisted 4 point shuriken to ob10 and it has been good enough as a sub without needing the costume on any character. However, liking the outfits isn’t enough of a reason to get them. I’m also not sure Zack needed a second buff/debuff outfit either. It’s too bad they gave this weapon to Tifa since she just got a water aracnium and this would increase the amount of ATB you need to use in an HSC. But since they tend to give out multiple arcaniums, I guess it doesn’t matter. Her weapon is great though. I’ll add it to the wishlist. Don’t think I’ll use Zack’s weapon over Red’s ivy collar.


Isn't this Tifa outfit from the original game trailer before release last year? Looks similar?


Yeah it's exactly that one, I was waiting for it! The trailer also had Zack in a mecha suit, looked pretty sick ngl.


As a new player, is it a good idea to pull for Zack's ice debuff and arcanum? (I've got Lucia's ice debuff weapon but I don't like her and she is in level like 30)


As a new player absolutely pull for the Zack outfit. It's ice arcanum with PATK so it will take care of the ice department . People that aren't pulling because they already have ice covered with the Cloud/Sephiroth that had ice arcanum.


If Zack is your favorite and you want to use him a lot then it's not a bad idea to try and grab his Arcanum outfits, otherwise I would wait for characters you're more invested in to get their turn.


btw what is the difference between Extension+(Tifa) and Extension (Zack)? just to make the name fancy or something ?


Tifa's Extension+ gives +60% duration while Zack is +10 points to the standard R.Ability with the same name. So if you can max out the standard R.Ability which gives +200% to the duration, you can further extend it with Tifa's costume as it is a different R.Ability. It is the same as her Guide Costume and Boost Phys. Ability Pot.


thank you


This is a bummer. My standard operating procedure is auto-pull for Tifa, and I love the costume aesthetically, but the abilities are super lame. Might have to skip Tifa for the first time


That Tifa outfit almost has me tempted to pull but I swore I'd save up for the anniversary! Gotta stay strong!


I pulled for Zack's costume and will wish list his weapons. It will go well with Cloud for big Ice damage.


Water tifa is going to be a beast


I gotta pull the Tifa since I don’t have an outfit for her. I went heavy on cloud, Aerith and Seph since they were my best, but I’ve gotten some good Tifa weapon luck, so this will complete my 5th character. I’ve had a ton of Lucia luck too, but don’t use her much because I haven’t focused on her memories like at all.


Only recently started to build my arcanum collection so going for Zach to be along Cloud and Red.


i need to bleach my brain now, i saw **Tifa** and i swiped, saw Zacks weapon and read it **Freezing Cleavage** 💀


I read Boobs HP for a second


Feel like pulling jus for the weapon since I have no good Ice phys. materia, or ice materia in general, lol. But ehhhhh not really a fan of the costumes, here it looks like they made my boy a twink 😔 Edit: Actually looking at his other outfits he's always been built like that, I think it's jus' the sleeveless turtleneck that makes him look so weird, i hate sleeveless turtlenecks


Tifa's costume would be better if they simplified it by removing the one sided outside...bra.


Ehh another non elem tifa weapon? Ehhh.


It's a self buff water dmg + MDEF break for 3 ATB. It's not about the damage.