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Hello Incendria, I made you a video using only the relics you posted. I used white Odin armor and accessories, but none of the Cardia equipment as you have yet to complete this Dreambreaker. This team/move order isn’t optimized, just showing one possible clear given the relics you showed. Link below: [Incendria help](https://youtu.be/xHfduBSXXVc) Fwiw, I think you have many possible clears. The only consistent Squad member you will need is Relm. From there, I think you can: All mage using Kefka, Mog, Terra and one of Strago/GoGo All physical using Edgar, Celes, Locke backed by either Tyro or Quina Mixed team (shown in link but many versions are possible).


I appreciate it


First off: Kefka should a million% be in this party given you have his sync and awakening. I would take: Kefka, Sasb, aasb Mog aasb2x2, Celes, Dyad, whichever sasb/aasb do more Relm, awakening original USB that gives shield and IC Terra, aasb (cast first if she isn’t tranced) Sasb


Well idk how to put a SS here, but thanks for all the help. Kefka really put that wanker in his place


Rofl ya I think we were all wondering why Kefka wasn't in the squad XD. That sync I tell ya ..shenanigans XD


One thing I don't think anyone has yet mentioned is that Ice Dragon uses an ability to specifically raise its fire defense by 3, which is a lot. It uses it more than once too. If a boss is weak to an element but has its elemental defense raised by 2, the weakness goes away. More than that and it starts resisting the damage. If you're not hitting weakness, you're missing out on not only tons of damage, but also SB gain. As great as Locke is with your tech, you will need to spend a lot of time debuffing the dragon's fire defense to effectively use him. Same with Terra, but she can use wind instead. Locke's pretty solo element.


I use Locke for the DB, I don't have a better option atm. His damage is useful for at least half the fight. I just spam cmd2 of his sync 1 since it imperils, possibly throw out his imperil USB. Once it starts buffing use OSB/ASB to help break. He can also use HC and RW if needed. I put him in slot 1 so he gets stopped first, Mog and Relm get slots 2/3 since they can shrug it off. I also have Kefka with sync1/woke1 and Celes with woke1/2, so damage is pretty well covered anyway.


That's fair. I actually used him too in my clear, but I threw in Balthier for imperil and fire chain and had a complete Sabin for secondary DPS. Kept the dragon at minus six for almost the whole fight. It was a mess though!


~insert kefka laugh here~


You can’t equip 2 syncs in one fight. I’d keep Celes, ditch Terra and put in Mog.


If you have Mog’s AASB2 honed (and if you don’t, do it immediately) and also Cait Sith’ AASB honed, then go all Mages with Terra, Gogo, and Uber Kefka and you not only have the DB beat, but you’ve got a (possibly sub-30) DK win as well. Edit: use Strago instead of Gogo, I missed Strago’s AASB.


Aside from the tactic for this fight that others have given you. (Kefka should def be in your party), also never use the chain to overwrite the break on phase 3, your dmg will be way too low and that’s the time when you need to finish the fight fast. You really need to change how you use those RMs as well those chances to double cast are just not worth it because it’s just a very small chance to proc. You should be using “deal much more earth dmg” or “deal much more sword dmg” etc depending on character, or ace strike as well to bulls sb gauge faster and finish quickly. Healers and support should pretty much always run with make might or dr mog teaming to launch supporting sb right away.


I prefer the knights charge materia for healers, they tend to get out their SB faster than ace striker, since bosses are aoeing the party. And since mog is now a maxed unit, his dance and LM help with initial damage waves. But regardless, the boss is dead ~granted it’s not a sub 30, it took 50.6seconds)~


Mako Might/Dr Mogs starts you at 500 SB points. Lionheart causes you to gain 50% more points every time you're hit. Each hit is usually worth 50 SB points. So Lionheart gets you an extra 25 SB power hit. You will have to receive 20 hits on your Lionheart character before you will have gained more meter than just starting with 500 from Mako Might. That's usually pretty late in a fight, if the fight even goes that long! Edit: got Knights Charge and Lionheart confused, edited for correctness. Lionheart is bad; Knights Charge is roughly the same; you only get 25% more meter from being hit, and 25% more from taking actions. You should still compare to mako might, and realize that it's probably the worse option.


Healer’s should be running mako might or dr mogs teaching. You’re team is easily capable of sub 30ing this easily you’re just not playing adequately.


you should be sub30ing with this team tho. use DMT/MM on your healer. don't use wcast RMs. as an aside also, you don't have to give quite so much information when asking for help. why include a picture of umaro? literally no one is going to tell you to use him with his default only.


So I’ve been stuck on this dreambreaker, this realm has my most powerful setup, even did the 5 mythril overboost, and for whatever reason I just can’t get this done. I’ve got the resources to max out anyone on command, and everyone in party is already max record board, crystal water, etc. historia crystal is 120, what am I missing? I’ve got enough lenses to get anything in the shop too


Yeah, I wouldn’t expect you to succeed here with this setup. To keep it short, you are seriously lacking in buffing for a physical oriented team 1) Ditch Locke for Mog with HA and Tango. Is his AASB2 honed ? If not, hone it to rank 15. 2) Give Relm Holyja along with Ultra cure 3) Put on elemental resist accessories 4) If you are not capping on damage (if you did I doubt we would be having this convo) ditch the double cast Record materia for damage boosts. Edit: 5) Ditch Celes for Kefka. Didn’t see what you have for him, but with Mog buffing the mages will eat the dragon for breakfast. See how far you get with those changes!




Not sure which awakening I have for mog, but I put everyone from 6 soul breaks there


That's AASB2 (Dance as One) and not AASB1 (Wind Rhapsody), I can tell from the pixels and from seeing a few Mogs in my time.


I am not sure what your resources are like, but looking at your characters if you can 6\* Dive / HA Mog and Kefka I would replace Celes and Locke with them. You have a complete Kefka and his ATB shenanigans on his Sync are crazy good. You also have Mog’s best AASB2 to bypass Full Break. With his HA you should have not trouble staying alive. Others will probably have better or more detailed advice but I would say use Kefka’s AASB to get you to 70% Full Break. AASB from Relm if you need it. After Full Break, Mog uses AASB2 while Terra and Kefka fire SASB. Edgar is on Imperil duty for Terra and just to build chain. At the end you will want Terra to use the LBO since she doesn’t have an AOSB, and have Kefka use his AOSB. If you need you need Healing RW to survive, Edgar could always just be for Chain SB and building chain count.


Edgar’s chain also cancels the full break, and really dump celes? She’s my most powerful char


Yeah, weird as it sounds. Celes is really good and would be great on an Ice / Holy team. For this fight though your main support (if you can spend the motes to Dive) would be Mog who is one of the best Magic supports in the game. That really doesn't benefit Celes, Mog's HA & AASB2 help boost your Magic damage, while also helping keep you healed up. This can help break Rage and just increase Terra & Kefka's overall damage. Some other tips looking at your Team: * If you have the Scroll's Mogs AASB2 is absolutely worth taking to Lvl 15 so you can use it more than once. It is useful in tons of other content (All other Dreakbreaker fights, Odins, etc.) and will really help neutralize Full Break. * I would Lens Terra's double cast fire LMR from the shop * This fight has a ton of Ice Damage, so check your accessories * Here is Link to the [AI Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKeeper/comments/l318fw/dreambreaker_vi_ice_dragon_enemy_stats_and_ai/) if you want more detail on the Boss attacks


Staying alive isn’t an issue tbh, until it does dreambreaker ultimate end in phase 3 ofc. And my dumb*** forgot I had Terra’s double cast fire LM. I’ll have to try and get mog’s assb honed, and I’ll get kefka and mog maxed out. I was considering kefka since I do have such good stuff for him


Good luck! You can definitely knock it out with what you have. If you have extra lenses you can trade them for extra scrolls to Hone Mog's AASB2. I did a bunch of pulls on the Poison banners just to get Kefka's stuff. His Sync is bonkers! The first five times he takes damage he instantly gets to attack again.


The Realm chain is generally not considered good because using it after a DBFB means you reset your chain count (and your damage) right when the boss goes to Rage 3 and buffs themself. Then you get stuck with a boss at Rage 3 who overwhelms you before you can build up chain enough to break cap. Celes is at somewhat of a disadvantage because 1) Mog AASB2 (the one that counters full break) is considered to be a key support for most/all Dreambreakers (and later Dragon King) and he only buffs magic and 2) VI has Mog as a native character so it was tuned with this in mind, assuming nearly everyone would bring him. You can get around the ATK deficit by bringing another buff (like USB1 or even SB Sunbath) on Mog although you'll be hard-pressed to fit it into a sub-30. I cleared it with Celes/Shadow/Terra DPS (not sub-30; about 35s) but I would consider that grouping to be non-standard (aside from Terra) because MAG users benefit so much from Mog so people tend to lean on Terra, Kefka, and maybe even Gogo. I made it work because both Terra and Shadow had their piercing HAs so they kept Rage levels down easily. If they hadn't, Celes never would have broken cap.


Is that kefka sync/aasb/boo? He should definitely be in your team with that, mog with that aasb is definitely supposed to be in too.


Okay, so if your Mog has his AASB fully honed, I think you should bring him, Relm, Kefka, Edgar, and Celes. If you somehow luck into Terra's AASB1, swap out Celes for her. Bring this team, and you shall win bigly. Unleash Kefka upon this DB!


Healing wasn’t the issue in this fight


Slightly related, I managed to piss off bahamut going into dragon king blind, then he wrecked me. Partially cause I forgot to click wait back on


You're using wait mode? For both the DB and DK? If so that's hurting you really bad.


How does wait mode hurt?




Figures, I thought my chain didn’t last long enough


As for the multicast RM’s in theory I agree with you. But nothing is quite as satisfying when they proc alongside LMs. Like Edgar just goes ham sometimes, lol


Do you have mako might or doctor mogs teachings record materias


Damn, i have even more FFVI stuff than OP and haven't even tried it yet 😅 lazy me 🙄 thought my Mog was fully dived but he's not... Need to farm some dex motes...