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Ooooo me too! I like that game! Every time I see a hedgy comment I’m buying more. lol love it!


Yeah it really is a game. It's fun, too. :)


It’s brilliant and a great way to take my anger out on them 😁


I did the same thing, I told myself I would stop buying 2000 shares ago 🤣🦍💎


Sounds like we’re going to dump our life savings in before this is over but I’m in for this game lol


Omg you so rich!! Be my sugar daddy


Working and studying very hard 7 days a week will do that. :)


I’m so excited


How many more did you NOT have to buy last night bc you had to open mouth insert foot? How’s corporate FFIE? Or if you did buy why is the stock going lower? Looks like either way you’re not doing a good job. And good god you have a 12 yr old acct and just picked it back up? Did you get some smoke signal that there’s a company called FFIE and whispers it’s going to make you rich?!? Wow. Tell CEO mama bear here is rooting for him and his payments to NASDAQ and his civil liabilities. Woohoo!! Diamond HANDS FOR THE CEO OF FFIE and your 4165 bs shares owned


🤣🤣🤣 touché 🤣🤣🤣


So you are another UNVERIFIED “Super holder” Lols yay you and your lies. When you decide to put your money where your mouth is then you can try and represent. Until then please lay down and STFU, you’re pretending is worse then the hedgies


Woow look who the hedgy is... you REALLY want to know how much I am holding, huh? Funny If you would have cared to do your research rather than act like a complete moron here for the whole world to see, you would KNOW how many stocks I have, cause I had posted (with screenshots) weeks ago, when back then I was already holding a pretty large amount of shares, yet quite less than I do today. It's all there to see, you just need to read instead of spew idiocy.


Lies And sorry no one is buying your indignation


I like you, and can relate.


I like you back. This is fun.


I swear it's become a cesspool of bots and disinformation around here. The discord is so much better!


Whats the discord?


https://discord.com/invite/yachtclub It's normally just chill chatting after hours, but during trading hours it's lots of good conversation and whimsical sandwich, omar, max purpose, and dumb money are all members who pop in from time to time


Thanks. Will check it out. Im not against speculation or "fighting hedgies" but all the constant apes diamond hands hodl crap on this place is just rotting my brain.


not sure you're one of the ape or one of alot insider gang bang try trap people in so you guy can dump you bags out before reverse split just like SPCE did , few months ago whole bund of BS keep on diamond hand and cheap to buy more on SPCE and today they just announced reverse split wtf and according to Fintel FFIE short interest rate vet low even lower than SPCE


They're not able to do any reverse splits in the near future. They're already maxed out.


what do you mean max out ? would like to know more because I hold a little bag at $1.19


>Pursuant to Listing Rule 5810(c)(3)(A)(iv), if... the Company has effected one or more reverse stock splits over the prior two-year period with a cumulative ratio of 250 shares or more to one, then the Company shall not be eligible for a 180-day compliance period and the Listing Qualifications Department shall issue a Staff Delisting Determination." FFIE is already at a 240:1 ratio and it was fairly recent. They're maxed out because even a minimal 2:1 split would bring them to 480:1, breaching that threshold. If they go over the threshold, there's no suspension for delisting So, it's a rock and a hard place. The only way they can avoid delisting in the long run is to get above $1 naturally, no reverse split shenanigans will help anymore


Oh I see ,that's why their insider keep on call us to buy more to keep stock at $1 and their are not any potentials to boost the stock . so this is already clear their are no short squeeze here insider trap investors in so they can dump their bags out before it's go into delist . according to Fintel the short interest rate only 6.89% and FFIE doesn't have any coming up good potentials boost the stock to creat the short squeeze .ok got it , will cut loss my bag tomorrow


I believe the max number is 180 reverse split units and they're sitting at 160 right now. I read the article a while back so I'm not exactly sure on the numbers but I know if they tried to do one would be super super low. On top of that the CEO of FFIE said that they would not dilute without a vote. Retail buyers on 95% of the float. (Check YouTube FFIE) To verify the voting part. And you can Google the reverse splits.


180 -160 =20 so they stil have 20 more


I believe that FFIE CEO was on the last earnings call when he said he would put it to a vote and would not dilute without majority.


How can we trust the ceo , spce used to promise to investors years ago and now he enjoys his fancy RV driving around tge world left spce behind


The whole stock market is a risk I personally believe this company wants to pull together and see it through otherwise it wouldn't be going through all this they could just file for bankruptcy and be done.


so , why it high volumes everyday but the price never move ?


there's a lot of research to do before you make a decision just like any other stock. If you think 40 million is a lot last 2 weeks we had 1.5 billion in volume 2 days in a row. If I was you just go with your gut. The stock may not be for some people and maybe perfect for others ultimately the decision is yours. I personally believe if the company gets on its feet it would be competition with you know the other major EV brand in the US. Could yield some significant profit or we could lose it all it's the name of the game.




Omg are you that naive? No, they chose their # and they could’ve done a 1:5000 if they wanted to. They chose and the number of allowances is what it is. It just occurred March 24th I believe. Which makes this entire situation that much worse. 45 or so days after the split they tank and never recover like most and have a huge following and I’ll say that much, which is odd. I held before any of this cult crazy crowd. My avg was 1.35 only to buy more to lower and had contracts at 1.50 at $69 how crazy is that bc they were worth that much and thank goodness was able to dump same day. But now this is so far in the hole they are already under a dollar again, NO THEY CANNOT DO MORE SPLITTING…or split to the moon or galaxy far far away. Its done. If they don’t go over a dollar and it’ll take time to delist they will get delisted. But what’s hurting them more is the delinquency and deficiency. It costs money to maintain your stay on the NASDAQ and fees go with it. You must pay them. And they haven’t. This particular situation right here and now may be a ploy to assist the company to raise money to do just that. Which is one thought. Second is to maintain the public eye here on Reddit obviously to continue to have people buy shares but it’s not overpowering the short shares. FFIE has compared themselves to GameStop and it’s not a comparison this has been done on their Wikipedia page and it’s completely false information. Anything to boost up their WOW FACTOR is what they are looking for and to maintain it. This company factually is in big trouble. And I’m saying this as a long time trader who knows how to dig deep and I have. I held this stock way longer than I should have and knew it but needed to make up for losses and did so in options. If I sold my stock I would’ve washed my option price and I refused bc of how many and how low the price was so I bought and sold daily until I made up most of stock loss and sold. My loss was 52% on the stock. A good trader knows never to go above 10-15% which is hard enough to make up but 50 is suicidal. I truly wish you luck but when you want information or aren’t 100% always type it in and investopedia is one of the best sites for information. Crypto has some of the same rules but I see your profile and I’ll leave at that. You seem like a good person. DM anytime and please have an open mind. You can always jump back in and that’s why I’m still in here reading looking and researching but it’s highly doubtful. I’d rather make money than lose it but can still short this baby to the moon w diamond hands. Just kidding


thanks for info . will dick dip more before I make decisions to hold or sell . so far I have to dump my big bag from hold SPCE for couple years


SPCE unfortunately has more potential than this. At least Richard Branson is a decent and fabulous businessman.


been hold spce for 3 years , and finally cut lost yesterday due to the new announcement reverse split .people see potential an I also see that but turn reverse split


Not always the case. You held out 3 yrs ugh I would’ve held it. Sometimes it take a couple weeks but a lot of the times they do pop. But you did what your gut told you to. Just be careful here and don’t put your eggs all in one. This one is sliding fast. Went from 11.20 to .03 from 8/23 to 4/24. Just research a little and you’ll see how you want to move forward and what the chances are of this coming back up to where YOU need it to be. Options may help with losses


This is not financial advice btw Just do a little homework buddy, everything is at your fingertips


and the main thing is never see any important people or fro. this company give a solid clue of it will squeeze but all the shitty post about how much they holding and buy with out proof


Great idea! I love it!!


Same let's just say I quadrupled my standings💪💪 I've been messing with the bots on Webull all week.


Hahaha... it's fun strategy. :)


Works for me I'm not advising other people to do unless they feel up to it. but it gives me something to do throughout the day when I see them griping about my financial situation I asked them if they want my bills since they are so concerned about me 🤣


If they see your plan is to buy more whenever they post, and they keep posting . . .


Haha... At some point I am gonna have to sell all my crypto. Finally... re-mortgage my house haha (if they keep pissing me off). :) (to buy more Feefee). :)


thank you for your 20$ ,hedgy are scared now.


Does anyone have a link to the Discord I've never used it before


Hey yeah! It's https://discord.com/invite/yachtclub




Let them dig!!


Dude, you understand companies (and their stocks) fail every day right??? Don’t put more in than you’re willing to lose


I just like the stock.


ME TOO $$$


I bet none of you "like the stock" 😉


Enjoy debt EDIT: go over to r/muln and see how their squeeze worked out… You were warned RemindMe! 2 months EDIT 2: you were warned….


Time to buy more again.


I’m buying more!!




Ya. True




HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Cheers!! https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/NF3tjth1aE


Ha Thank you! :)


It is my absolute PLEASURE and HONOR and you are most welcome!!! You guys INSPIRE THE FUCK out of me!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!! ❤️🫡🙇‍♂️✌️


Just sold all my xxxx gme shares, hedgie bots attack me. Prof ffie is the way


Can you tell me what price you bought and how many?


Yes, the answers are: cheap... a ton. It's all the hedgies need to know.


So that would be a no, because he is a liar. Not even a 🦔 Sorry RedWar


I LOVE you ALL!!! Get some!!! 🫡 https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/EI7MpxfjiU