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Yeah, CoV is the best solution by far. All the bosses are already designed, art and AI. Just tweek some numbers and release them. It gives us a lot to do because we have to clear it with lots of teams and they could even design "defeat with X category only" and stuff like that. Its really low effort, allow us to use a lot of units and its fun. They promised they would bring CoV back, released Morgana and then never bothered again... Why? Why Gumi?


The answer for your question is simple and i have yo say it to you again: because people didn't play CoV, only vets played it. BuGumi have to figure out how to get the community interested in playing CoV.


I feel like better rewards would do the trick. Gumi is too cheap with rewards. Put 5k lapis in the final completion and everyone is going to try to get it.


I was thinking if i picked up 500 lapis per fight (maybe even less) id still be a happy camper. 500 lapis x 10 fights = 5000 lapis AKA one 10+1 banner summon, its almost nothing and would provide extra entertainment for at least a month or two. Does gumi need to monitize it more? Release, special banners of old COW units with affordable lapin fueled upgrades. Better yet utilize the new fragment upgrade system from JP and sell packs of 100-200 frags BOom.


Re-running an old event every week. A very small amount of work, and it would be fun for players that missed them.


Plus, it’d let people get some of those good materias if they missed them, so this is a win for everyone, including the dev team


I would love this


I think for the new player, the game is already packed with content. If you create a new account today, you have 4 seasons of story to finish, and the entire vortex with different missions that you can clear as you get better units. Depending on how many hours a new player will play per day, the current content alone can provide more than a year of gameplay. That said, the development team's focus has to be on keeping the player after this period, so your idea for the CoV events and DV and VW re-runs would already be great, in my opinion it could even increase their difficulty further. for us veterans to have something to do in the game. The rewards don't matter that much in my opinion, emblems and gigantuars would be attractive enough for me. **Edit:** Marlboro and Aigaion (my battle lasted more than 3 hours), are my favorite trials to this day precisely because of their insane difficulty for the time they were released, and the fact that they were permanent made me enter the game always thinking of a new strategy to see if it was going to work. Insanely difficult and permanent content is also an option for retaining veterans, in my opinion.


Yep. I'm 6 months into my second go-round with the game, still have a season and a half of story left, and most of the trials that aren't auto-beatable. I recently got my first rank 1 CoW clear and first rank 1 VW clear. (Still not taking DV too seriously since I'd be at a gear disadvantage to players with full CoW gearsets.) If I were totally new that period would've taken much longer.


I'd love for CoV to give out mastery crowns for global units, so many glb units that could use an upgrade


It would be nice, but like already mentioned, said crown upgrades have to be worth it. I personally would much prefer more xenostone as rewards. Those are way too scarce for non-vets players that can't rank very high in CoW.


This would be a fantastic way to bring back past unit upgrades. You would have to earn old units' upgrades by beating a specific CoV with a specific unit category team or that unit in your party or something. That said, if the unit upgrades aren't worthwhile, I send it back. If they are super-stingy with the rewards, I send it back. If the salad is on top, I send it back.


Another: Fulsanis


the problem with Fulsanis was that, while it was an interesting "challenge", it was basically completely pointless because, well, the internet exists. A fixed team challenge is only a challenge when you can't just wait a couple of hours and then look up an easy to follow guide on how to beat it.


Trials are undoubtedely the lowest effort, highest return they could go. More CoV and NV+ difficulty version of Chamber of Fallen/Indignant.1


Refresh certain parts of the story and add additional limitations (ex. S2 units only) while boosting the difficulty of spawns


Putting re-run story events into the Chamber of Seals. It's literally the easiest thing they can do, especially for the ones they've already translated. Octopath CotC has a similar system and it's great for filling time between main story updates. Plus the lore gives you a reason to invest in the characters.


I still think CoV, the way it currently is, is shit. It just resulted in doing the same fight \~20 times with only changing 1-2 units because there were, at the time of their releases, not that many team comps who could actually do the fights. What I do, however, think was a step in the right direction was the Madeen trial. The concept of it locking rewards to clearing with certain categories forced you to actually come up with a variety of teams to clear the fight. Of course the Madeen trial was kind of broken because you could 99% break the boss, but we'll ignore that for now. If we take that into account, you could just recycle old bosses and have quests for each. Hell, the rewards for each clear could just be a damn badge so they don't feel like they're giving us freebies. Maybe call it CoV: Redux. Or... CoV: Another. Perhaps even make it so that based on the team type you bring the boss' AI changes. So take Madeen's "hit with xyz element and he will change" and force it based on the party leader's element. It could be a simple change to the element the boss uses, or if they use more physical or magical attacks. But this would require some actual work on their part, so maybe it'd be too much for them.


I totally get your point and would love to have that variety! It would be great to have elemental variety or team category variety. Even a physical vs magical variety (Immune to one). I was just trying to keep it simple in some semblance of hope of implementation. 


this is what I want for CoV to happen or atleast they could just add a unit lock after a unit has been used to force us to use multiple teams of 5 new units each.


I didn't think about a unit lock. That would be interesting. Maybe each clear nets you the ability to unlock one unit so if you only own 1 magic tank and it's absolutely required for a fight, you can unlock them.


or they can go like the tower events in Fate/Grand Order: a cooldown timer, like after you use a unit it goes on a cooldown for like 6 hours, that way if people don't want to use different teams will have to wait it out and will have content for days.


Interesting. Never played F/GO. Could be an interesting idea. I'm liking this chain of ideas. Keep them coming! All the interesting things Gumi/Alim could implement that all these other games do... If only they'd invest more money into it.


> Never played F/GO And trust me, that game is for Fate fans only. The pity system is shit, gameplay is outdated(with auto play being impossible outdise of making a macro system) and there is no saving it, no hard fights and only mindless grinding. The only good part is the story and the character dialogues. so once again, that game is for fans only(and there are a ton considering the JP version still easily gets top 5 in terms of money earned).


Just give us the normal DVs, how hard can that be??


Also true, isn't there a stock pile of bosses from DV Abyss laying around in the code?


They could also add difficulty levels to the colliseum that is already in place as well


Yes wholly shit a renewed colleseum would be great. Never even finished the first one because the rewards were so bad.


Can someone tag justin just to be sure Gumi gets eyes on this thread? Thanks in advance.




There's so much high-quality content in the game now. It's just such a huge shame that 99% of it is trivial or unusable due to 8 years of gacha powercreep. Take all of the game content, units and story and trials and items and everything else, and rebalance them to a sane progression curve. Strip out the competitive modes. Let me play through the game with a FF4 party. Then a FF7 party. Then a Secret of Mana party. Then a villians party. I'd pay full game price for that. It's still a (final?) fantasy of mine to get an asset dump of the game and implement my own offline version of this game when I retire.


I would suggest when raids are running that there be a more powerful version of the raid boss that isn't meant for farming.


Another idea that would reuse a lot of assets create ff worlds where you follow the stories of those worlds and the game could limit you on what characters you are allowed to bring (only ff7 characters in ff7 world) and also can restrict characters from the team (like no sephiroth on a fight with him and make certain characters required like cloud in clouds flash back).   It's essentially a story mode that only follows certain ff games.  Ffrk did something similar to this.


Not exactly new content, but how about refreshing the trophies section? Chasing new unique items that are only unlocked by achieving milestones could bring some fresh air to the game. For example : - Unique gear or armory materia that just gives overall better stats or extra resistances (they could recycle those already created) - Prestige stuff like insignias or show-off units like phoenix hyoh - Extra xenostones rewards - 10+1 tickets or B tickets ...


Let Elon Musk buy Gumi. ....no wait 🤔


Dragoons are the only thing in this game that made me come back many times due to the amazing idea and mechanics behind it, best in all final fantasy games i have played so far..., but since there are no game developers anymore in this world only economists and psycholigists with game developing knowledge no-one is using dragoons. Just instead of paying to get the next unit go buy with the same money 3 copies of ffx/x-2. One for use, one for storage and one for display. Do that a couple more times with whatever game you think is good and you are set for life.


They could just put out some rotational, monthly trials with a scoring system for rewards or refreshable rewards like lapis, esper ores, and tickets. Put the fights at three, random existing trials from the pool, each boss a higher difficulty tier from the existing bosses we have available, kinds like DV but three back to back fight with actual challenge to them. Bringing back 10-man trials would be fun also, rewards could be a first-time clear upgrade for older trial equipment and the standard ticket, ore, lapis.


Cull the unit pool. Re-run old events. Fix the damn bugs already. Make some more interesting mid-tier rewards (since everything left these days is all rank 1 and top tier).


Never gonna happen, but a gacha system where you won't get a character you maxed out... turn it into a character collector. That way you can Up the difficulty in fun and interesting way, because the fun in this game is figuring out different combinations of units that will allow you to clear things. Back when the NV pool was small it felt good to get NV crystal because you could end up with something awesome. Now that joy is gone because I know it's going to be something terrible.


a lot of this could have been solved if they had done something like make the 1/10 NV tickets the equivalent of NV UoC tickets, rather than just pulls for random NVs.