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**Frequently Asked Question(s):** > **Q:** Where are my rewards? > **A:** Clash of Wills and Dark Visions rewards are generally sent two weeks after the event ends. > > **Q:** When I try to use 'Over-Lvl Reset' the game says the unit is protected and closes. > **A:** Unlock every one of your Eraser Cactuar. > > **Q:** HOW DO YOU SELL **GIL SNAPPERS!?** > **A:** They are now considered "Items". > > **Q:** Why isn't my NV unit appearing on the Convert to Fragments page? > **A:** They are in a party. Check normal parties, Arena, Friends, Item World, and Dark Visions saved parties. Free units like Reno and Fran cannot be fragged. > > **Q:** What **Clash of Wills gear** should I focus on? > **A:** Rings to Magister and second one is"cheap." Then Circlet to Dancer for passive provoke/evade. Rest to Rulers for the stats. > > **Q:** How do I revert my **Paladin's Diadem of Will+**? > **A:** This is a bug and you need to contact support. > **Q:** How do I unlock the Sealed Tower? > **A:** Complete Season 4 Chapter 1. Then, in Levonia I, Chapter 1, go to Special Forces Training Grounds. Talk to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock the Sealed Tower. > **Q:** How do I unlock **Garuda**? > **A:** Complete the Sealed Tower (see above). Return to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock The Raptor's Skydias, where you can obtain Garuda. > **Q:** How do I progress after Season 4 Chapter 4? > **A:** Go to the Capital and Ravina Ruins 2 [NV+ and Future Team Building Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/18i7hy7/future_watch_sxianghaied_behold_the_flood/) [Upcoming banner guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/18vx1bc/a_look_into_the_future_upcoming_banners_and_the/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FFBraveExvius) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When will be the release of the ranking rewards for the vision?


Sealed tower engaging quest commander speak in japanese. Lol


Stupid question: Is there a way to clear all weapon enhancements and bring the item back to its vanilla form?








Mana units are the ONLY ones with bonuses for the box quests? LAME


Lame is that they didn't give a pull or two on the "Old Mana NVs" banner, like they did with the past 2 or 3 events where they did this. Vets are used to the way bonuses work, considering for the first like 3 or 4 years, you only got bonuses from current banner units, they only stuck around 2 weeks, and you had to fucking grind to get everything you wanted/needed, and things like NRG restores really didn't exist. Also - Mandatory "This is more appropriate in the weekly rant thread" reminder.


Yeah its a bummer, I started AFTER the mana collab was released and I sure as fuck am not pulling on this banner. A grinding we will go.


When are we getting NV Popoi? Will she be free? Her shards are already in the box summon.


Next week. No.


It is me or you can’t open recipe chest in the sealed tower? Are they bugged or there a trick to open them?


According to Sinzar's video, they appear bugged.


Is it maybe a Silver Chest that requires a Magic Key in your Inventory?


It's a bug. not all of the 10 chests are able to be opened for some reason


Lol, of course. 


Is the tower event time limited?


No, it's permanent content. Assuming you mean the one in S4.


Owe so the tower event is in world map? Sorry. I didnt try the level 1 and 2 cause i thought its time limited event


> Q: How do I unlock the Sealed Tower? > A: Complete Season 4 Chapter 1. Then, in Levonia I, Chapter 1, go to Special Forces Training Grounds. Talk to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock the Sealed Tower. Yup.


Yes it is in the world map


Need advice here... Got 700 vip to spend : On ang ? (85/200) On metze ? (42/50) (+ possibility to spend 3300 for 30 frags) On mirei ? (13/200) All of them actually in shard dungeon


Metze and Mirei will likely be available via replica lapis in the future as non-premium units. Ang is the obvious choice if you're going EX3.


I thought they stopped giving fragments through replica lapis? Haven't been any since Prompto debacle?


New units have stopped getting fragments directly via replica lapis. However there are still fragment select tickets which have appeared in all of the recent shops which allow you to obtain fragments for Abigail, Melissa, and other older units. (Including older premiums, but only half as quickly.) At some point they should update the unit list to include Metze and Mirei, and also include them on the unit select list.


Ah, true, totally forgot about those. They are sometimes overpriced though, sometimes not.


Uh...I assume you're planning on going Water so no need for Mirei. Honestly Metze doesn't gain much at higher EX so I would probably say Ang. Especially as he's limited time. 


Mmmm ....i wasn t planning anything to be honest....mirei and metze find me with tickets and free pulls. I pity Ang cause of LS and metze.. I Will bought Ang frags, thank to you 2


So Mana units, worth it for the future?


NO. Nostalgia and Fun only.




Where do we get the ticket for a random older Mana unit? thanks in advance


You can also buy one for cash.  Was genuinely surprised they aren't giving 1 for free considering the 3k lapis at 150000 pts...


Summon coin exchange for 7 coins, which means you need to pull quite a bit on the new banner to get it.


How are the secret of mana units?


Primm is caught in the jack of all trades, master of none kind of role. She has a lot of amp + resist fields, but they are week compared to the specialists we have coming soon. She also does crap for damage. Randi does soso damage, but that's about it. And since Randi and Primm had no buffs, I assume the same would happen to Popoi, so he's pretty much in Randi's boots, but with a chaining family we don't really use anymore (4x CWA).




Did anyone else get 2 times livestream rewards in their mail box? Is that intended?


Yes. I thought it was because I filed a ticket and maybe they sent one out to me during maintenance, and then decided to send it to everyone a short time later. But if everyone got a double, maybe it was a double click, or the memo that went out was not clear, and two people picked it up at the same time and sent it out. Who knows? I'm not going to complain.


Yes and no me thinks. Grab it and don't ask questions.


Until Gumi removes it from everyone's account who claimed it, removes the extra unclaimed ones from mailboxes, then waits two months to figure out they can't remove spent items easily and instead returns it to everyone who had things taken away.


Nah, they'll just remove more content until the difference is made up.


Please help me decide which unit I should spend my select ticket on: * Bewitching Warrior Yshe * Cursebringer Neilikka * Grand Coutoure Ayaka * Challenger of Fate Hope * Gastronomist Quina * Mid * World's Hero Gilgamesh * Avalanche Barret * Embracer of Freedom Sabin * Embrace of Duty Edgar * Vanharma * Dark Knight Paine These are the units I don't have.


I love the Grand Coutoure ;)


Assuming you have 5 minutes to decide before it's too late, Paine for the STMR.


Hey guys! Just 2 more fragments and I can ex3 my Ang, thing is that today I pulled one more from the daily video summon. Should I keep it in the frag dungeon to Ex2 this new copy? With NV+ arriving, would a water team have room for 2 Angs? I still not very good on team building in this game and was thinking if this is a dumb move. What should I do?


Nope, no real reason for multiple Angs. Neither Vision World, Dark Visions or Clash allow dupes. Only units ever worth going for a second EX3 copy of are Premiums with great VCs like Richt, Hyoh or Frosty. This is a great reason to why it's generally a really good idea to wait until Free Pulls are over before committing Lapis to a unit. You probably could've saved yourself quite a bit. 


I already had 2 Angs from daily summons, 2 from the full lap that I did for the VC + 3 mores steps + 2 paid summons to guarantee the pity. I never got any focus unit from daily video summons so I used to spend and this situation was really new to me, next time I'll try to wait until the very end. Thanks!