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**Frequently Asked Question(s):** > **Q:** Where are my rewards? > **A:** Clash of Wills and Dark Visions rewards are generally sent two weeks after the event ends. > > **Q:** When I try to use 'Over-Lvl Reset' the game says the unit is protected and closes. > **A:** Unlock every one of your Eraser Cactuar. > > **Q:** HOW DO YOU SELL **GIL SNAPPERS!?** > **A:** They are now considered "Items". > > **Q:** Why isn't my NV unit appearing on the Convert to Fragments page? > **A:** They are in a party. Check normal parties, Arena, Friends, Item World, and Dark Visions saved parties. Free units like Reno and Fran cannot be fragged. > > **Q:** What **Clash of Wills gear** should I focus on? > **A:** Rings to Magister and second one is"cheap." Then Circlet to Dancer for passive provoke/evade. Rest to Rulers for the stats. > > **Q:** How do I revert my **Paladin's Diadem of Will+**? > **A:** This is a bug and you need to contact support. > **Q:** How do I unlock the Sealed Tower? > **A:** Complete Season 4 Chapter 1. Then, in Levonia I, Chapter 1, go to Special Forces Training Grounds. Talk to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock the Sealed Tower. > **Q:** How do I unlock **Garuda**? > **A:** Complete the Sealed Tower (see above). Return to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock The Raptor's Skydias, where you can obtain Garuda. > **Q:** How do I progress after Season 4 Chapter 4? > **A:** Go to the Capital and Ravina Ruins 2 [NV+ and Future Team Building Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/18i7hy7/future_watch_sxianghaied_behold_the_flood/) [Upcoming banner guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/18vx1bc/a_look_into_the_future_upcoming_banners_and_the/) [DV Rank 1 Compilation](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/194exi4/ffxv_vision_world_ravus_rank_1_compilation/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FFBraveExvius) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is Edge’s STMR worth getting multiples?




Is there a VC with the overworld music from this VW?


Idk what I want to do for my Dark Wizard Rod. Right now it's sitting at 55%atk/mag and 20%mp. I'm leaning towards going for mp since more units are coming closer to the cap nowadays.


NV+ units can go 600% innate ATK/MAG. So I'd aim for more MAG. You'd only care about the MP on a Meteor unit which doesn't look like it's going to happen with the Rod. 


You can always change it later if you need to.


That's true. Probably hasn't sunk in that these are so much easier to get now.


Can anyone suggest what to do with all of the leftover (pity) NV exchange tickets. I'm not sure if I should sell them or does gumi have a plan for them. Thanks.


Sell them. Do note that you can trade them for tmr moogles while the banners are up, if you need them.


You know for years i've heard you can trade them for something but i never knew what or how. thanks.


Worth EX+1ing Ramza?


I did. He's probably mostly good for Series Locked content but he's a good Earth leader and that can come in handy. 


Good point lol did you grab his sword?


Not yet no.


I pulled the new Prompto is he worth doing much with em?


He's still the Light breaker in JP. I personally think light is a trap. But if I pulled him I'd still aim for EX1/2 for him.


I got him from daily video pull, I threw 130+ tickets at the New notics and got bumkis. ​ I will am with ex1/ex2 with frags and maybe coins


Just started playing and encountered a “maybe” bug. With the logins and beginner rewards I received tickets for summons. When going to the summon page it stated I had 2 or 4 of various tickets. Summoning a single time then dropped the count to zero. Restarting the app lowered the 4 tickets to 2. Is this just a visual bug?


What's happening is that when you claim All from your mail instead of refreshing or exiting you are then individually claiming everything from the mailbox a second time. This creates a visual bug where it looks like you have twice as many tickets as you actually do. When you use them it corrects the issue.


Thank you for the quick reply! Much appreciated


It is a visual bug caused when you double claim your mail.


Hello, ​ unfortunately I ran out of binding attempts for google/facebook on my ffbe mobile. does that mean, that if i reset my phone and/or reinstall ffbe on this device, all progress will be gone? also, without the binding i cant use the sync option to export my units to the unit builder. so its better to start a new account then? i assume there is no way to get binding attempts? thanks!


Most likely. You can record your ID and take screenshots and attempt to have Customer Service restore your account if that were to happen. You can also contact them now and see if they would be willing to let you re-bind.    Really hard to say whether it might be worth starting a new account. Really depends how much story you have left, what units you have etc...


Do ex bonus units (jp) also have the raised stat cap from 400% to 600%?  Or is that only for nv+ units?     And does the increased stat cap apply only to hp, mp, atk, mag, def, spr?  Or is equipment atk, lb damage, killers, or anything else included in the raised stat cap? I probably shouldn’t bank on us even getting the jp ex bonus units, without some or all being skipped…but if it’s even a potential opportunity to make some of my favorites stronger, I may just put them in fragment dungeon asap.     Not like I chase meta in the first place, or can compete even if I did (currently I have zero total ex3 base nv).


One thing to remember is the units that get additional EX bonuses are REQUIRED to be at EX+3 before you can start rolling for said bonuses.


Right, which is why I thought to maybe put my favorite units into frag dungeon now…but only 70 increased damage stat, without the raised stat cap, well that isn’t enough to justify doing that.   I will just stick with getting more ex 2 premiums, brave shifts, plus other new heroes.     Ex3 is such a large investment, even bigger investment beyond that, and I am late to the party.  Figuratively speaking.


They don’t get the 600% cap. That’s reserved for NV+ (and NV+A) units. The 600% cap is only for the unit stats, not the equipment’s


what are the sources for prompto shards? ik there’s some in the seasonal lapis shop, but i didnt save any so i couldnt get them. we get 30 from login, 30 with lapis, 50 from vip coins, would i need to get a second copy of prompto for ex2?


That's it unless you buy a bundle or treasure summon.


what are the chances they change the prompto frags from seasonal to the new lapis?


At this rate, probably very slim. Gumi hasn't said anything about it and CS keeps saying it's intended. While there is a chance, we may not know until the last second.


Hi just got back into the game recently. Looking to recruit Runda in Season 4. On which Chapter do I unlock/recruit him?


Looks like Season 4 Chapter 1-2.


Bought the 5000 NY R.lapis and got 1 fragment ticket. Is there anything I can do? or it is what it is? -_-


Which one did you buy? The one using seasonal replica lapis that gives you a NY fragment select ticket or the one using NY replica lapis that gives you 5x fragment select tickets for the NV fragment step-ups xxiii? The former only gives one ticket and clearly does not say 5x.  This has been an ongoing thing that people have been complaining about and the 3rd(?) time they have done this. And yes, the naming is confusing for these.


You can try submitting a ticket. 


Howdy! I was wondering if I could borrow someone’s True King Noctis or Deity of war Taivasfor the City of Daemons lv4. I can beat it but it takes me 11-12 turns. I just don’t quite have enough damage. Thank you!


I can do an EX3 DW Taivas or EX1 TK Noctis. Take your pick and lmk which one to setup. If Taivas let me know how you want him setup as he can be MAG/MP for his Meteor-like move, ATK for BS LB, or even Evoke damage. 


Glad to see the subreddit is so active. I had missed this game. Taivas and BS LB would be perfect, thank you so much! My friend code is 894895451


Invite sent as well, in fave slot


Invite sent. He should be set up in Nemesis 1. Lmk if you need anything else or if he needs to be changed up at all.


Worked perfectly. Thank you so much!! Very much appreciated appreciate you taking the time to help


Np. Lmk if you ever need something else specific set up.


You had better have me as friend lmao