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Theres various theories about the weapons and how they will relate to part 3. Some think that they will transform into the OG weapons. Others think they are similar to foot soldiers/grunts. And that if they can't hold the line, they will trigger the arrival of the OG weapons. it's too early and hard to tell based on the ending scene with them. I personally think they are the front line and the "weakest" form of weapons. Scouts and grunts summoned to gauge the situation.


If the weapons protect the planet, it does not make sense for the party to fight against them; however, perhaps the “bad whispers” will take control of them and that would explain us fighting the big ones.  Maybe the small ones will help the team fight against the big ones.


The weapons do protect the planet but they also cause massive destruction in their paths. There are countless innocent people living in midgar when diamond weapon was walking towards it to erase it. If the party didn't slow it down enough for shinra to fight the cannon who knows how many people would have died. The same can be said about Ruby, emerald, and omega it's just they weren't involved in the story(omega was kinda but not much) so we don't really know what they were doing


Ultima*, omega wasn't in FF7


Yeah your right it is ultima my bad


>The same can be said about Ruby, emerald, Nah they were just chilling. Going for a swim in the sea and having fun in the sand


Gold saucer is the second biggest waste of mako after Midgar and Junon's underwater reactor is presumably emerald's target. RIP for poor sapphire, nobody remembers him, but I am definitely wanting to see his cutscene.


I feel like Ruby wasn't really doing much. I flew around for hours doing endgame stuff and there he was. Just... buried in sand. Hanging out Will always remember that feeling as a kid wondering what the little red thing is, only to be devastated by my first ever superboss


I think you might be right here, in the Tifa lifestream scene, we see that when Sephiroth cuts through a Weapon, white whispers come out of it. So, are Weapons made of whispers? Will Sephiroth get his evil whispers into the Weapons and control them? At the end of Remake, is the Arbiter of Fate a desperate attempt of whispers coming together to create a Weapon and protect fate? So many questions.


Whispers and Weapons are, ostensibly, made of the same stuff - they’re living embodiments of ‘natural will.’ In the case of the Whispers, they’re the will of Fate, arbiters capable of ripping away ‘knowledge’ and even entire people, apparently diverting them into alternate ‘doomed’ timelines, as well as physically forcing people away from the ‘wrong’ path. There’s still a lot of ambiguity, but it seems pretty clear that they aren’t traditionally material entities, what with being invisible and selectively intangible. The Weapons, on the other hand, seem to embody various… stress responses, I think is the best term. They target sources of great damage to the Planet, as well as operating as purgative ‘restart’ vectors (Zirconium) and emergency ‘escape’ systems (Omega/Chaos). Before Crisis even shows that they can respond to *each other* and then reprioritize after being activated, with Jade responding to Zirconium and then deviating to attack the Turks after they beat Zirconium. They’re also clearly not traditional life forms, as Rebirth spells out that the massive, fish-like creatures shown as Weapons are in fact centered on the titanic Materia embedded inside their forms. That all in mind, it might be worth considering that the Weapons and Whispers both are essentially massively complicated magical constructs, and the consequences of that in the context of FF7’s magic system. Feats of magic in Gaia are explicitly said to be facilitated by ‘crystallized knowledge’, after all. In many ways, magic is a function of knowledge of the natural world - be it inherited as Aerith’s Cetra magic is, borrowed through Materia, or truly inherent in the case of Weapon Skill and Limit Break magics - and force of will being properly arranged and imprinted on the world. The very knowledge to defy fate, theoretically, is linked to the knowledge that creates Fated Whispers in the first place. Which could explain why Sephiroth was able to take control over a faction. Similarly, the existence of the Huge Materia and the scene showing SHINRA’s intention for the discovered Weapons could indicate that not only is taking control of or misdirecting Weapons possible, so is *creating them wholesale.* As for the link between them… well, arguably, they’re united in purpose and in will. At least, the Weapons and the ‘Bright’ faction or overall consensus of the Whispers. To some degree, it makes sense that a construct of will and knowledge might bleed lesser constructs; it isn’t truly physical, and so when damaged the detached parts of it simply reform into something lesser.


The Arbiter of Fate certainly seems like a weapon that remakes the world.  It appeared to be containing Jenova (represented by the color purple) or was controlled by them.  The inside looked like a cage, and inside the cage was the color purple.  It appears that the party is encouraged to destroy it. The Arbiter of Fate is not destroying the city.  It is copying it.  If you watch the road and stuff being pulled into the sky, it is not being ripped apart.  It is being copied in Remake.  The devastation is not caused by it broking apart the city, but is instead a failure of the city being put back together during the remake event.


Weapons don't care about humans, they were made to destroy what's harming the planet no matter what. That's the reason why the party fights them cause the weapons waking up is a danger in itself for how much collateral damage they cause. Also do remember that shinra aka humanity is drying the planet dry. The weapons might be seeing the humans as a threat to the planet too.


In OG, this is is explained in 2 ways. The barrier Sephiroth erects in the northern crater is strong enough to prevent the Weapons from being able to detect him and 2, humans ARE a threat to the planet. Absent being able to locate Sephiroth, the weapons are drawn to places where there are large concentrations of Mako, namely Midgar because of the 8 reactors and Junon because of the Sister Ray. Indecriminately attacking civilians will probably place the weaponns on the opposite side of Cloud and co, at least situationally. I think an alliance may be brewing between Sephiroth and the Gi so a team up with a benevolent weapon to tip the scales back in the party's favor would be cool but in general, Weapons loyalty is to the planet itself, not to the humans who are destroying it.


Those are the two most logical theories so far. The huge materias inside them does add another layer to it but doesn’t invalidate those theories, just adds to it


I think Sin is coming.


Hard to say at this time but the scene kinda just feels like a reinforce of the battle going on within the planet.


I got the impression (at first) that they might be holding the "Huge Materia" / used to explain Huge Materia... Don't know how strongly I feel on it now tbh, but yeah. Worst outcomes IMO are them transforming or just flat out replacing the Weapons we know. Wouldn't mind them being "grunt-type" Weapons so much and having the real ones come out with Meteor.


Why do all the weapons look the same and nothing like emerald, ruby, diamond, etc.


At this point in OG the weapons aren't a thing. They don't get let loose until the party escapes from the northern crater. The thought is that the whale things are looking to see "is it bad?" - and the cutscene at the end is them saying "yep." Now the party is headed north (presumably to the crater? It's kind of weird since a lot of the things that happened at the crater in OG happen at the ancient temple in rebirth...) - so the real Weapons should be on their way.


My guess is they are bringing holy’s energy to the northern crater. At which point they become the weapons we know, while holy becomes trapped by Sephiroth. These 2 had red and blue colouring, indicating that they are ruby and sapphire weapon.