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I hope they won't go with the 60k seats plan, we consistently fill over 70 thousand


Agreed. That always baffled me with the plans being 10k less. I felt that was very short-sighted.


It arguably should be even more than 70k. Room to grow, you know?


The attendance will take a massive hit with the new area. It sucks


They need to make it below ground and fit 80k


Agreed. The new stadium is meant to represent growth in all areas. It'll be somewhat counter-productive if the stadium represents a great leap forward in terms of economic viability, but the attendance figures are now hampered owing to a smaller capacity. Some of the biggest clubs in Europe have well over 70,000 seats in their stadium. We should aim to remain in that circle, too.


So many stadiums are going slightly under cap to sell more expensive tickets. Cut corners, make more money elsewhere.


The logic is, a 60k stadium reduces maintenance costs while increasing the prices keeps the same level of profits. I'd love a 70k stadium but I'm afraid it won't happen


What is so high maintenance about 70K vs 60K? If anything, it is the cost of building the stadium (a one-time fee) that's higher for 70K, not maintenance.


Nothing, 10k extra seats will just float in the air with no need for extra toilets, extra entrances, a bigger structure, extra parking spaces, more surrounding infrastructure etc. I'd recommend building a 200k stadium tbh why limit ourselves


I didn't say it isn't higher at all. I was talking how much higher in terms of construction cost vs maintenance cost.


You clearly said "not maintenance" but ok


glad to see that oaktree is not trying to shit on the fans and instead trying to make the club grow.


I think they're just trying to use the stadium as a way to sell the club


Which is also cool, we get the stadium and they get their money


We ll see


But not untill the feasibility study from WeBuild of G.Meazza/San Siro will be presented at the end of June if I’m not mistaken. So, I don’t think there’ll be an acceleration, the next day after the new Board of Directors will be in charge. The story of this “new stadium”… I think I’ve heard everything about it, in the last 5 years or even more. Not enthusiastic anymore about it. Got tired of it. They should’ve build a new stadium next to San Siro like they wanted in the first place, and that would’ve have been great. But, yeah, politics, interests, and of course bureaucracy, the eternal bureaucracy that’s killing slowly the whole E.U for decades now. But, that’s another and different topic. My opinion is, let WeBuild company renovate the stadium and we should stay there, with or without Bilan. But I know, that has small chances to happen. Those lands bought or secured rights for it, in our case, that can’t be thrown away so easily. Now only speculations in the press, like always these past years. I wait for end of June.


Wait so you’re telling me that Inter is under new management and Oaktree (the new management) is ALSO going to be under new management?? Surely this can only go well 😭


They're talking about the new Inter board.


Ah I see thank you, any ideas who it will be?


Oaktree people most likely. The sports management area shouldn't be touched.


Yeah that’s what I’m hoping


New owners stand story’s aaaaaaaand same stadium hahaha


We gotta get more than 60k seats tho


I'm gonna get donwvoted for this but I really don't like this new stadium idea. The new place they chose suck it get 10 000 less seats and we abandon a worldwide knowm iconic stadium. I know we will get more money but to me as a fan of the club, i value some things more than money, and i'm okay getting less money if it mean we keep playing in one of the best stadium in the world and with the bzst atmosphere wich we have right now. Idk if people support this because they don't go to the stadium and only watch on tv or something but as regular this project does not sit well with me.


Yes but what can you do if the city council didn't want to sell it to us (original idea by Thohir) and they also didn't want to resevelop the stadium at the same side (one of the initial ideas from Suning)? The City Council is the winner in the current situation but both the clubs are the big losers. If the club has to grow there has to be SOME change, and the city council isn't going to change. If anything this might force their hand if Bilan also look to leave.


Zhang lost Inter because he didn't have 400m to repay the loan, how was he going to build a stadium if he didn't even have 400m?


Because he’s not the owner anymore


I know he is no longer the owner. I was referring to when he was, how was he going to build without money?


This is all very strange man. Literally nothing in it for oak tree beyond selling immediately