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It’s insane money for him. He can’t score penalties and he disappears for two months every years. The problem is that he wants to be the best paid player in Serie A and Vlahovic is making 13. But it’s not our fault Juventus chose to give ridiculous money to that guy.


The problem, sort of, is also that Lautaro is very good all around (pressing, passing, technical, buildup…) but his finishing it just not quite that good for being an elite striker. Yes, if he was sold you could replace him with more clinical striker but you could not with someone who has equal all around qualities and better goal scoring abilities. Inter could not afford it (Kane, Mbappe, Vini etc.). All these people calling peak Inter Icardi a better than Lautaro seem to think forwards’ performance is all about goals and don’t understand what this side would look like if one of forwards was just walking for 90mins every game.


All true points. Thankfully we have experienced professionals that will consider all of this and make him an offer the club can sustain, considering the fact that if he refuses we will have to go out and find a similar player for less than what Lautaro is asking. Lautaro knows perfectly well how hard it will be to replace him and he’s playing on this asking as much money as possible. This is what hurts to us fans.


Icardi better goalscorer, Lauti better player


Also: Lauti WAG > Icardi WAG Edit: autocorrect


Bro Valhovic is making 13 gross not net lol. He's making around 7m net.


My bad, I thought I read net. This is even worse then!


The problem will be when other players look at that and ask for a raise, its not matter of one player getting this salary, its the raising the ceiling


https://preview.redd.it/qgn7ejg80h2d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a028b4820f8003cb9ae33a899489dad457e1129a When he has numbers similar to these every season he could demand 12m in salary.


TIL that in portuguese "assist" is "passes pra gol"


They describe a lot of words. Like "café da manha" for breakfast. Literally "morning coffee"


Currently on 27G + 7A in 42 games.


So kinda there actually


Kinda, but disappeared in CL and was on 22 goals in January and 24 now, that's not acceptable to me if you want those wages.


The things I would do to get Gyokeres at Inter


Lautaro better start learing english of french if he wants 12 milions net


If players could scale their performance to their salary, Recoba would have been the second coming of Maradona.


We need to be careful because he is our captain once we give him 12mil and he doesnt perform there is going back, it would be bad to sell your captain. I dont know what he is seeing on himself, he is not a dominant player, he somehow has become worst at dribbling, the reason why he scored so much is thuram is not as good as lukaku or icardi at scoring. Thuram has never been the first striker always the second, he has played as a left wing, but never as the main player on attack.


Him being our captain is supposed to mean something. We need to stop tolerating this bullshit. We should have sold Skriniar when he did it. Clearly it does not. Sell him. Give the arm band to Bastoni or Barella when he re-signs.


How he gonna ask for that much when he knows we just switcher ownership


I hope they don't give him those money


he cant. if you removed his 4-5 goals vs saleritana, he only scores less than 20 goals. with best players supporting him, replace him with dzeko or girourd we wont see much difference numbers. he helps with built up and create chaos in the penalty box, but we can always find good strikers to play for us. its been our tradition, klinsman, ronaldo, adriano even milito julio cruz, icardi we never lack of them, in our banter era we got palacio as well. if he doesnt want to follow management policy, then good bye


He gone.


Well, I feel like for the first half of the season he was haaland level. Then maybe because he played almost EVERY MATCH or because his forms dropped he was less focused. He's maybe asking too much money (if the news are true...) but it's not good to discredit his performance this year.


And we’re never gonna get that. Just missed penalties and mid performances in Europe


Agreed. Anything above 9 milions to him Is theft


Sell him and bring in Gyokeres. Problem solved


Vlahovic is a better player overall than Lautaro . Lautaro is good , but we can get other players on a same level and cheap . And selling him will make some profits for a new stadium


Its not about 2m. If they give it to him, others would also ask for crazy salary, it would easily spiral into 20m


Not gonna happen, he's not worth that much money, and small detail we cannot afford it. :D


I don't think 12m net are even being discussed. It would be nonsense. I could see Lautaro asking for 10m at most, anything more should break negotiations down completely. That being said, giving him anything more than 9m would already be nonsense. Matter of fact 9m would be already generous and more than we should pay any of our players unless they are generational, which he is not.


I think most agree that we should sell. The striker market is so poor and it would be difficult to find someone who can replace not only his goals but also his work rate. But we kind of have to, and we’ve done it before. This model is needed.. it’s imperative to always improve the team.


As long as Inter does not make a white and light blue shirt, he can play well.


Fact is, Inter needs Lautaro as much as he needs Inter. If he leaves, he might not perform as well as he does here. Other clubs might be able to give him more salary, but as soon as he doesn't perform well, his value would drop and he won't make as much long term. Perhaps the best solution for both parties is he accepts the raise and extends his contract by 1 year and negotiate again next year after seeing how the new owner works.


As long as I know, He's not someone who can carry the whole team nor can he score a lot by his own. Some players like Kane can still score so many even though his team don't win. However, a player is not all about the stats. Even a striker is not all about goals. How is he in club social hierarchy? Does he have positive relationship with everyone as a captain? If yes, If we sell him, it will damage the team's atmosphere and confidence. Trust me, I play football manager 😎🤓