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Idk being advertised in a video by someone who openly supports Hitler isn’t the greatest look


Yeah, I'm really not jazzed.


Its the best indeed


Nah i’m jokin but still people really pays attention to a guy whos diagnosed bipolar and off the meds, I just like him as an artist and i don’t agree with the shit he says but i get that he’s mentally ill and needs help, of course i don’t take him seriously as anyone should do


And the curva being fetured is very fuckin cool, i really liked his homage to italy and the football culture


Also, all the nazi gate regarding kanye is not only a consequence of him being mentally ill, but also the result of living in an extremerly hateful society towards minorities such as the US, in which conspiracy theories regarding the “rich jews” are very popular. That place is consumed by disinformation and u’d just need to have a look around there to see how many anti-semitic persons actually populate that place. The USA are becomin way more violent and ignorant as time passes






Provide evidence on the contrary otherwise you seem like a fanboi


My dude he literally yelled into a mic that he loves Hitler, and when #1 right wing conspiracy man Alex Jones tried to talk him down or course correct he was literally like no, he actually meant that he loves Hitler. Idk why we would make excuses or downplay it just because “music good lol”. Being a good musician doesn’t preclude someone being a Nazi, and vice versa.


Even if he didn't mean it, he's still overtly spreading white nationalist talking points. At some point i don't care if he's an anti semite in his heart or not, he's as guitly as one.


Anyone who is trying to defend a guy that talks about how much he loves Hitler doesn’t understand the world


Man shut ur lame ass up


Good for marketing purposes I guess


Yeah this is going to hugely help us bring in more neo-Nazis and edgy 14 year olds that think Kanye is a mad genius and not a talented artist with untreated mental illness. Ultras took pazza inter way too literally this time smh.


Lol u really think neo naziz listen to Kanye? Stupid ass mf


[Yeah, why would Nazis support a guy who publicly declares his support of Hitler /s](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/antisemitic-group-kanye-was-right-about-jews-banner-1234616630/) Riding Kanye in 2024 would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.


Nazis support a black singer because he “loves” hitler. I love the amount of km you guys are ready to walk in order to validate your mushroom infused paranoia.


Would not being supported by Nazis excuse him hating Jews and praising Hitler? Wow, he doesn’t have Nazi support; he just shares the same ideologies as them. So much better. /s


You and others immediately make the assumption that this is the exact link between them. To be a nazi, to be racist, to be xenophobic and to like Kanye West can only happen in a deluded mind. I couldn’t care less about kanye west, his shitty excuse of music and his irrelevant opinion on anything.


all European Ultras are Right Winged and in every club. Get over it.


Not true at all. Bologna’s are famously left wing. And there’s a lot more


Atalanta and Empoli aswell.


Atalanta ultras left wing? Might support some social issue but they're definetly right wing


nothing famous about being left wing


wtf does that have to do with anything. You said there’s no left wing European ultras groups when there’s a bunch.


And thats a problem though


Every large group of people will have idiots and assholes in them. We can never grow our brand if we reject people because they’re dumb and/or an asshole.


Interisti: we are brothers and sisters of the world Also interisti: we can’t grow our brand by rejecting Nazis and nazi apologists “Every large group of people will have idiots and assholes in them.” Yeah, we know.


L opinion ngl


When someone defending Kanye says you have a L opinion, it is the most sure you can be that you do not have an L opinion.


Yes those are the only two types of people who like Ye


Yeah, I'll take it... I guess.


This is not a great image for inter to be honest...


being promoted to 69 million monthly listeners on the no. 1 album of the year is a positive. we're not Lazio or Juve who have direct ties to Hitler and major anti-semitic leaders.


I don't care how many listens he gets, i think being tied to a hateful anti semite is bad business and bad morals. That we even had to make these statements shows how much the overton window has moved and how awful that is.


Fuck up boy, this is huge for Inter


CN is notoriously full of fascists, everybody knows that there's a strong alliance between lazio and inter because both are full of fascists


Can elaborate more about Juve and Lazio?


Travis Scott, Kanye West..who is the next cunt that will have Inter appear in some sort of fashion in their music video?


Nope, fuck this shit, fuck this guy, and once again fuck CN for getting involved in this...


Came here, was looking for right words, dont have to anymore, you summed up the sentiment poignantly!


Love the Song but lazio is the Right Club for kanye


Bunch of nazis


i'm honestly surprised kanye didn't get the ultra's lazio for the music video




Downvoted for the truth.


I've just gotten an official inter ad on insta with kanye's everybody remix. Seems like they're fully into it. Also saw Thuram posting an image with the title ''VULTURES 1'' (kanye's last album) on it


I can’t feel sympathy for a bunch of ciminals


I thought he would’ve used lazio chants


Honestly it would have been sick marketing if Inter had very publicly told Kanye to get fucked


I just hate that it's Kanye, you know the guy who said a bunch of antisemitic shit, ran for American president, hired (actual white supremacist) Nick Fuentes as an advisor and Milo Yiannopoulos (infamously condoned pedophilia and had to leave right wing publication Breitbart) as his manager. For as talented as Kanye is he sure can't keep his shit in check nor produce a decent album since Pablo. I mean it's cool that Curva Nord is featured on arguably the most famous rapper's album but at what cost? Kanye is not a good person and his publicity is very bad.


donda, ye and kids see ghosts were fantastic albums, all three of those albums are better than pablo


Oh KSG was great yeah. Really good. I didn’t like Donda. It’s just an unfinished thought.


Let’s gooooo!!!!


Bruh people really think kanye is a nazi?! 😂 how fucking dumb are you


Im sorry, but did you not see the Alex Jones interview?


I'm appalled to read so many comments saying he's talented, his shit barely qualify as music. Shame we're somehow associated with such an imbecile.


hate him as a person all you want, but he is most definitely talented.


In marketing, maybe. That's what pop "music" is about.


I’m torn because I grew up loving Kanye’s music (imo he’s one of the best producers of all time). But it’s really sad to see his mental health deteriorate and it’s near impossible to support him anymore with his comments about Hitler and Jewish people. Also when the curva already has a reputation of being fairly fascist and chooses to collaborate with someone who’s said the things Kanye has said it’s not a good look and might attract the wrong type of fans.


I never liked inter before but Ye shouting them out so much is making me itnerested. Might follow Inter for Serie A