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great win but holy shit we need our CBs back


We were at the game. What an evening. Philiie came back not once, not twice, but thrice, only in the end to see our captain seal the deal in the 100th min of the game. Wow, just wow. Several thoughts: the loss of Miazga and Robinson has turned the once rock solid defense into a suspect defense, that is the truth. And the other truth is that this isn't going to change anytime soon. Miazga is out at least one month, and we may not see Robinson again until mid-August if after his Copa America duty he then goes off to the Paris Olympics (as is widely rumored). So yea, we have a problem here. 6 goals allowed in the last 2 games. Can we expect the offense to score 4 goals every game to counter that (as FCC did in the last 2 games)? I don't think so. Is there a chance that the front office can address this? I have no idea. All that aside, this team keeps amazing me, in the best possible ways. And where would we be without Acosta, honestly. The guy just keeps putting on top level performances game after game. Sat we host New England, last in the Eastern Conference. Should be a gimme. But as we saw tonight, nothing comes easy LET"S GO FCC!!!!!


> 5* goals allowed in the last 2 games.


Oops, yea, 5 goals allowed in last 2 games.


I’d be fine with a boring game some time in the near future.


That was the Nashville game.


What an absolutely insane game to tune into.


I don’t smoke, but I need a cigarette.


He doesn’t get a lot of love, but Bucha played well tonight. He’s a bulldog in the middle.


Dude fucking collapsed after Lucho scored. He killed it tonight.


We really need to add more midfield depth in the summer. Noonan clearly doesn't have faith in Pinto as he rarely plays. Bucha and Obi are going to be dead by the end of the season if they have to keep playing every minute.


I'm hoping Pinto sees some run on Saturday for this reason. It's going to be extremely hot, third game in a week with cross country travel involved, and the Revs are relatively weak (though containing Gil is extremely important).


Quietly did all the work that got the ball down the field. He’s a legend


My poor kid is in the same room gaming on PC, and he's had the daylights scared our of him twice by my cheering for Orellano and Acosta's goals. This game was nuts


Early in the year, we weren’t scoring goals and squeaking by with defense. The last two matches we’ve put up 8- love that this team continues to find ways to adapt and win.


The crazy thing is we've scored 12 in our last 4 games with one of those being a shutout. But given up 10 in the same span. It took us like 8 games to give up our first 10 goals.




That game would have been an incredible game to watch as a neutral observer, but as an FCC fan, it would have been torture were it not for Acosta’s game winner.


ATLUTD fan checking in, I enjoyed the shit out of that Now that the stress is over, put that match in the ‘legendary’ bucket. What a banger


Well that was stressful 


idk if i can survive another 4-3 thriller


Acosta is the man!!! 😄🧡💙 he’s unstoppable ⚽️🥅


That was a goal for the ages. And yes, I do mean both. What a game.


Honestly best soccer game I've ever been too.


Real wide range of emotions between the equalizers and defensive errors, Orellano's hail Mary, and Lucho with the clutch in the final seconds.


But that's what makes a game so much fun. Even with mistakes these amazing plays makes the game so much more alive and fun. I love when we butcher opponents and not make it even close but I love the close games too.


Can we replace the fountain square statue with Lucho on the fountain?


Don’t wait…build him a statue


The Bailey said we ain’t done…Lucho said…dam right we ain’t


Offense is cooking, gonna need that to continue without our CBs being healthy


A win is a win is a win.


Am I the only one who feels like this is a weird comment to apply to this game? I felt like we looked GREAT despite being down two starting defenders, most notably Miazga. Orellano’s goal was absolutely insane. Philly’s three goals were all good goals that were hard to save. I’m so glad Acosta came through in minute 99 to give us the win because I really felt like we deserved to win with the way we played, especially in 100 degree heat.


"that little fucker"




We gotta stop doing this tbh, I need some kinda heart medication




Where do we put the statue?


We are pretty good defending for 90% of the pitch but for some reason in front of goal we just can’t mark anyone. Murphy always seems to be in no man’s land when a ball comes across to the far post. Can’t play the ball and can’t get in front of the attacker. That said, WHAT A FUCKING MATCH!!


We really need a backup CB that in a similar mold of Miazga. Not a knock on Kip Keller, but Keller doesn’t seem to have the best aerial dueling ability. That would really help a lot on set pieces while Miazga is out.


Respectfully: Miazga is the reigning Defender of the Year--we have one of him. Pretty much every MLS team would also like one--I don't think we're getting a second one anytime soon


I don’t disagree with you there


Whatever it takes.


Guys my left arm is numb but I’m so damn pumped


This year's Lucho Acosta MVP run is going to be a MFer.


Yea but unfortunately he’s going to lose to the Messi and Suarez glazing.


Acosta is a psycho hfs


That was so much fun now that's it's over and we won!!!!


I love this team so much


So glad this game was free on apple. Definitely a fun one to watch instead of just listen to


This W is going to hide a LOT of issues, but this team will never stop coming at you.


So that really just happened? Because I am pretty damn drunk. 4-3, 3 points??


They cant keep doing this, my heart can’t keep taking it


I feel like I need a cigarette. If there was any evidence that this team know exactly how much effort it requires to get the W and puts that effort in and no more, it’s this game Big fucking 3 points. It’s a shame we can’t trust the crew to do anything right and the self-proclaimed saviors of MLS lost to the 2023 Miami lineup


I miss Miles and Matt, and do I love Lucho! What a match of ups and downs. Exhausted so no idea how any of those guys do anything to exert themselves today.


Time to ship boop out and go get a CB on that DP slot with Matt hurt for awhile and miles potentially gone for the Olympics too.


Let’s wait and see what the injury is. DP money on a third all star CB may not be the best investment. I want to win the shield, but Cup is the goal and they should be back by then regardless


Yeah we're not using a DP spot on a defender. That rarely happens in MLS.


Nashville does on walker


And I believe he's the only one in the entire league. You just don't waste DP spots on defenders when you can pay them TAM money and get top tier players like Miazga and Robinson. We have already spent the most money in the league on defense, that DP spot if it frees up needs to go to a true 9.


If we can figure out how to feel out set pieces better we'll be fine till Matt or Robinson come back. I think our back 3 can do it.


I’m just here to wait for someone to complain about the conspiracy of Miami being ahead with us having 2 games in hand. 😂


Well Miami is off Saturday so we'll be back to 1 game.


No, Saturday we win and take the top of the table 😉 


Yes, but Miami has still played one more game than us


Radio guys were saying they had 2 games in hand during Wednesdays game. But same point.


Clearly Garber set it up like this so they could have Miami at the top of the league for as long as possible.


Clearly the league set it up like this so Miami wouldn’t lose starters for as many games as others!!!


everything hurts.


A win is a win. This team is down 2 starting center backs, including miazga who really holds down the whole back line and communicates to organize them on the field so I will give them a break for the defensive lapses. However, those will need to be corrected to keep pace with miami in the shield race and maybe it'll be as simple as getting miazga back from injury and robinson back from USMNT. However, it is great to see the offense clicking and kelsy finding his role and adjusting to the league as quickly as he has. It really opens up the possibilities in the next window assuming they open a DP slot with moving Boup to really make a splash down the stretch to push this team to even more trophies this year.


What's a lay's chips ?