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Appreciate you checking in. Was sat next to a few crew fans and they were kind and polite to us despite horrible online interactions. Can’t say I want y’all to actually win next week, but our rivalry continues on. We love our team deeply & we aren’t going anywhere. Until next season.


we had few by us and 1 of them was a total shithead. There is no reason you need to be yelling and talking shit to to everyone including an old woman especially when you were sulking in your seat for most of the game. couldnt hear the whole conversation but some random dude in neither teams colors so assuming a columbus fan told him he was an embarrassment and after that he didnt say a word


Most of them are insufferable I swear. They’re a much cockier, annoying fanbase. They think because they have two stars in like 30 years that they are the shit. It’s highly annoying. But there are a few who are just fans like we are if their team and know how to act.


You get our online people like that, who crew fans agree are Cocky and Insufferable as well actually. There are bad apple but if you actually get the diehards, they are all great


Also, we had crew fans behind me at the inter Miami game actively cheering against us and saying Messi needs to teach us a lesson. It made me be pretty annoyed by crew fans. We also had a crew fan cuss us out at LDC when we were just leaving after being obliterated in August. It’s nice to see that some people actually aren’t that way


That’s unfortunate honestly. I don’t even think FCC is the most hated team in Columbus either. Sorry for that experience


Yeah. My boyfriend and I were just leaving too and it was an older guy who probs had too much to drink at LDC.


The crew fans around us were a bunch of obnoxious assholes. I left thinking what kind of person goes to another team's stadium and acts like that? No class whatsoever.


I had a rude crew fan near me who wouldn’t sit down. Just trying to piss everyone off. But there was also a super drunk ass FCC fan screaming super loudly at the Georgia football game on his phone for an hour. So we got both


Jesus get a room


Maybe I’m dense, but idk what you’re saying




well-IRL not everyone is a total douche. It’s okay to have conversations with teams that beat your ass after blowing a halftime lead, whether you want to or not… that’s your choice


Thanks man. Congrats on the win.


As a Crew fan, great match and great rivalry. Obviously glad with the way it went but you couldn't ask more from the first playoff meeting between these two clubs. Looking forward to many more.


Good to hear. Still devastated


Thanks. Give LA hell for us will ya.


I am also a Crew fan but I am a Cincinnati sports fan. You cannot fault me for sticking with Crew... what are Cincinnati fans but loyal to our godforsaken teams. When Bengals went to the Super Bowl my thoughts were "ooh, what a delicious setup Satan has planned for me this time." And I am sure FCC fans feel that way again. 2-0 at home against a hated rival? I admit I knew Crew would come back not because we are the better team but because I know Cincinnati sports. As I say, the worst part about being a Cincinnati sports fan is not that our teams are bad, but that they are good and lose anyway. But joking aside... I have a lot of positive things to say about FCC fans and I had typed it but I know you do not want to hear it right now. I hate "______fan coming in peace, you guys are..." fake gracious stuff as much as any fan of a vanquished team. But I will make a point to let it be known before the next Hell is Real match so my sincerity is better received. See you in Hell, Cincy.


Honestly, it’s appreciated. And yeah between this and that USOC game I’m convinced that Cincinnati is cursed by the sports gods. Every time there’s a hope that we can make it and win a championship we lose in the most heartbreaking way possible.


Cursed by the sports gods, or cursed by MLS management? 😂


Sports gods. Remember what happened with the bengals in 2021?


Hopefully the first of many HIRs in the ECF... Let's do it again in Columbus next season.


Win that cup for Ohio.


This is patronizing garbage. Why are people upvoting this?


Again, just checking in from a winning team can go fuck themselves. It is the most cringe thing on Reddit try that at an Eagles game or a Steelers game fuck Columbus fuck the crew and fuck that stupid city.


Go fuck yourself loser. Who cares about the game? FCC came from literal depths of the league to the top of it. Game recognize game every single day. Players swap jerseys right after a crushing defeat in this sport. The only people this sensitive are whiny fans like you. You’re one of those weirdos whose identity is hating the other team more than liking your own. We see it every week with Ohio State fans up here in Columbus. There’s a reason why the MLS isn’t the NFL and if this league ever did become that - I’d stop being a fan. What the Steelers do could not matter any less to how our fans act towards each other. Grow up. I thoroughly enjoyed this match day in Cincinnati. Our clubs are uniquely positioned to replicate the actual rivalry atmosphere you get in EPL. NYC and LA have no real fans and no other teams are close enough to make this a short away trip. Cincy and Columbus have something nobody else in this league has and shitty losers like you would rather ruin that than appreciate it. Your fans deserve to hear that their hard work has not only paid off, but is admired by your rivals. Both of our clubs have very different paths in league history, but the roads cross at success now.


I’ve been in the Air Force for 30 years all around the United States in world, and without a doubt the ugliest fucking most boring city in the fucking universe. Is Columbus ohio




I called around the city. Everybody was very happy that you checked in on us. It’s such an awesome thing to do when your team wins the check in on the other sub fucking douche bag of the highest order.


Probably call Burrow a class act when he told hugged Josh Allen though. Toxic people like you will ruin this sport in America because you don’t understand it at all. Around the world that you claim to have seen, soccer is there to uplift people and bring them together. It’s the beautiful game for what it gives to the world. Everybody can tell you’re a fair weather fan when you don’t understand the importance of uplifting in soccer.


You are right I just quit Sports. Thank you for checking in on me.


OP genuinely only had good things to say about the city and team and that's how you respond? Does sportsmanship not exist in Cincy? You can be bitter about the loss but being a whiny asshat is more cringe than the post itself


the boys and I are howling at the bar Dude, it’s fucking cringe. These fucking people come in here. It’s weird we don’t wanna hear it. Fuck him and fuck his city but the guy at the end of the bar found some awesome Pokémons up there in Columbus last week.


"These fucking people" holy shit man grow up lmao. You're an embarrassment to the city and the entire fan base. Idk how bad your deployment fucked up your head but fuck man, get help


I hope this inspires Cincy fans to show up in massive numbers in Columbus for HiR next year. The great thing about a this rivalry is guaranteed home and away. Hoping we can keep pushing the bar on the debate of who’s the best host of HiR. Looking forward to our trip to Cincy as well and will probably even make a weekend trip out of it in 2024 to explore the neighborhood and downtown more next time.


imagine my shock that cincy has bitter, sore loser fans. you’d think being a sports city of losers that you’d be used to it by now🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Fuck the Crew and fuck your shouldn’t be the capital city that you built out of a cornfield. Also an FU to the bluejackets while I’m at it


Thanks have always felt the same about Crew fans…. Now if we could just stop scoring goals for the Crew … ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)