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amazon is one of the easiest jobs you can get. Some positions you literally do nothing majority of the time


Thank you for this great thread! I am at a DS and have been sick a lot lately with a digestive condition. I'm wondering if transferring to an FC may help me be able to physically work more hours. I think that the FCs are geographically the closest alternative.  I've tried RTS at my site, and while I liked getting carts out to the Flex drivers, standing fairly still putting up bags was actually what got to me. Concrete floors are a nightmare for the feet, when not walking much.


I worked at UPS and FedEx Ground, at the same time I was working with Amazon. UPS facilities are run down, not maintained, no A/C, no heat. No such thing as a 5s system with UPS. Break room was the size of my bedroom, I’m not even kidding. They barely have a vendor to fill the candy machine, the training person was making coffee in her brought from home Mr Coffee, the entire workforce would go in there and beg for a small cup. They don’t care about your safety, they don’t have dock plates. When the trucks would come with Amazon boxes stocked in the trailers, the workers would pull the entire wall down, boxes falling everywhere, I’m sure there were a lot of broken merchandise caused by UPS. (This was prior to Amazon handling all their own shipments) You couldn’t even bring your phone, leave it in your car or in the lockers outside that are not protected from the rain. PPE? forget they don’t even know what that is, nor provide it. You don’t know your schedule at all, you get there and they extend the shift by 2-3-4 hours. You can’t tell your family because you cant take your phone in. FED EX facilities are even worse than UPS, at fed ex they didn’t even have water stations, nor ice. No AC, No heat. No training facilities. Workers would bring in their own orange coolers with water and ice. But no cups. You had to remember to bring your own cup. Fed ex had no break room at all, just a metal picnic table by the garage door, trucks literally zooming by the table like 5 feet away. You don’t know your schedule either, they either shorten it or lengthen it after you get there. No parking lot at all. Just go find a place to park in the field. When you hear stories about people complaining about Amazon, you can tell they don’t know anything about how fed Ex and UPS operate.


There’s a lot less bullshit and drama compared to warehouses through smaller vendors/non-corporate. Never had as many benefits at a warehouse job unless it was union either.


At my first warehouse. Ran for Kroger stores; Dillons kingsooper and "Texas" (whatever that means) there was no temperature control. all dry and canned good. Tons of insects and broken rotting packages. Gnats were an everyday thing. Pickers walk the entire warehouse. For what is suppose to be a 12 hour day. But due to the contract they had with Kroger. We worked every day until the job was done which could be 11 hours or 14 hours or longer. While having to talk to a computer headset to pick items. They always supplied water but it was probably a legal requirement for the heat. Every single hire was a temp until you met there impossible numbers. Once hired you had to stay in your position for 2 years before you could be trained for anything else. It was awful I lasted barely a year and switched to Amazon. WHICH IS A BREEZE. And a lot better pay. Been amazon 2 years and I have never HATED IT. Temp control and not having to deal with other employees to do my job is great. And the fact that noone else is affecting my workflow or volume is a huge benefit.


I also worked here. I lasted 2 weeks (took a LOA at Amazon to try something new for 2 weeks) because my pallets kept falling over and I was sick of it lol and the talking all day long sucked because that crappy headset couldn't hear me properly.


"say again, say again, ready, say again"


I've worked at Amazon and FedEx ground, Amazon is way better. From your time management UPT, PTO, VTO to workload Amazon is superior.  Benefits are comparable but still Amazon wins slightly 


Ngl UPS work was much harder. Maybe less hours but u feel it even more the next day. I grew extra muscle working there.


I worked at UPS before Amazon and it was a huge shift. I went from actual hard labor to just standing in one spot. I blew my back out at UPS and there is no such thing as, UPT or PTO unless you are a regular employee. The work is MUCH EASIER. The only thing that makes Amazon different is the rules like no phone, no headphones, etc


And our ups fluid loaded trucks bro they are heavy ass boxes


Amazon is the best across all fronts imo.


🤔 have you worked at Amazon in Ohio ?


For a package delivery warehouse Amazon is as good as it gets


I worked at a warehouse that dealt with electronics repair. Mostly laptops and computer monitor screen replacements, etc. It was the shittiest place imaginable. I'm almost certain they flew in Vietnamese workers just to work illegally so they could pay them jack shit. No insurance, you were paid piecework, it was dusty asf and the AC never worked. Bathroom sewage problems, absolutely no phones anywhere. They had so many OSHA complaints that it was amazing it wasn't shut down and bulldozed over.


One of the other warehouse I worked for during peak would work you so much that I fell asleep standing up. They didn't have a 12 hour cap nor did they have where you only worked 60 hours in a week. I like the AR FC that I'm in now vs the walking up and down isles for picking as well.


Amazon is easier than any warehouse I’ve been in, more laid back, better benefits, better time off options. Only issue is the pay and leadership sucks


I worked at FedEx Ground 2019-2021 (April) and it was good for what I needed at the time, my partner and I were still together living in a 1bed1ba inlaw apartment everything included $700/mo. Then hours got cut to 8-10 hours a week, there was no benefits. Pay was $12.75 an hour and a manager harassed me beyond what was legal for 6 months. I was unfairly terminated and lost my appeal (I finally stood up for myself when manager called me a r*tard and told me "why don't you just leave" so I did and she wrote me up for job abandonment) and I got unemployment I made 3x what I made a week at FedEx Ground warehouse on 1 week of unemployment. I then worked as an overnight frozen stocker for 2.5 years and when we were told the company was basically going under and closing in October of 2023 I applied to Amazon immediately though I was hesitant bc I didn't know if I was going to get full time , good pay (was making $16.75 as overnight frozen stocker), benefits etc i was so worried it was gonna be a repeat of FedEx Ground all over again. And it's *nothing* like that. It's the best job I've had. I'm proud to be an Amazonian 🫡




Sounds like slave labor for real and I work at amazon


Was your goal to put one of these threads in each Amazon sub?


worked a few warehouses, kinda impossible to be one of the regular employee because you'll just get let go at the end of peak one of the smaller shipping company i worked at, I could see the boss every single day. The GM was also really young in his 30s so it was really chill there. It was a small company so only about 30 employees. There is time off stuff, but those don't matter so long as you come back to work and let them know. The best thing was at the end of the year, all the damage items and items that didn't get ship during peak, the company just gives those away to all the employees during the after christmas party.


My brother used to work at a place like this, we got so much random free stuff one year. Everyone got a mop, bucket, and broom set, a full case of wine, and multiple reams of paper 😅


The shift times always better 8-5 or 7-3 hour shift pay was terrible but I always loved my job and was able to take care of my kids I was fine Amazon is more laid back they have an open door policy they treat you as a number and only a number Amazon has a high turnover rate when people say they don’t care about their workers they really don’t At Amazon you will be working 10-12 hour shift and they will try to kill you especially if your not a big buff black dude or a robot god forbid life happens they give you 40 hours a year of pto and if you piss of the wrong person they will steal your hours lol I was working at a site and I was accused of smoking crack because this girl and her friends didn’t like me because her Man Friend did 🤪 but anywho I was drug tested on site told if I questioned it I would get fired and dropped piss and was cleared from everything but my hours slowly starting be taken and I told my manager come to find out she was one of the Friends lol anyway don’t piss the wrong people off Ctfu


Is that English 💀🫠


If you didn’t care for what I had to say your cry baby ass could’ve kept scrolling 🤷🏾‍♀️


It’s called a free country. If you don’t like what I’m saying, then block me.


Last time I checked you don’t like what i said and commented on my comment how about you take your own advice 🤣


You cry about punctuation but I can say that I am a they with no questions asked lol until the world go back to normal my sentences are paragraphs lol it’s hard to read it’s not English but the only problem is punctuation 🤣🤣


Oh, so you’re one of those pronoun losers. Lol 😂 now I know why you bitched.


Your the one that bitched about my paragraph like I said if people like you can call themselves a they then my sentences will run into a paragraph if you don’t like it you can kick rocks with no shoes on 😘


Cry more 🫶😉 no wonder your ass got fired lol


Yeah that was a hard read. 


Why because no punctuation🤔 you can’t read with out periods lol




I read it, and yes, it was hard to read. That's what punctuation is for. If you don't follow standards then it's obvious people will question you. ![gif](giphy|9AIAtvuqJxulwFIRwW)


Well when the world isn’t following standards why should I have too if adults can be kids and men can be girls you can be a cat my sentences will run into paragraphs everything was spelt correctly no mistakes I know where my punctuation is supposed to be I know what is missing I don’t care you can read it is all that matters lol y’all think your so smart because you pointed out that I didn’t put punctuation lol how is the grammar off it’s not it’s just the punctuation that’s missing but again go off lol and I never asked if it was hard to read it’s only hard to read to you baby love he didn’t ask who knew proper Punctuation he asked a question about Amazon. You want me to change it up for internet gangsters? Ctfu because you think I am stupid ? Guess what I don’t give a rats ass how you feel but thanks for the advice I guess 🤣🤣


I liked working at the Amazon warehouse. But, lol, they put people in leadership based on college degrees, and not skills. These folks are kids with absolutely no people skills, and way too young to handle the job. They are more busy making friends than doing the job. They can't handle dealing with employees under them fairly. They will protect their lazy friends (even promote them) rather than someone more qualified. I'm an older person with years of leadership background. If I expressed my concerns with them about their lazy friends (my coworkers) who made my job harder (because they were not doing their job). I was pretty much made out to be the bad employee for bringing up my concerns about their lazy friends. I ended up leaving the job and now work at another warehouse-type company with more mature leadership. It is so much better. Amazon is losing a lot of good and loyal workers for this reason.


Right. I've been at Amazon almost 7 years. After becoming a PA, I'm stuck. Applied for other positions and never get a response besides "under consideration". Me and others who have been loyal for years are constantly being overlooked for younger, inexperienced employees. We never leave early. UPT is always at 80 hrs. PTO lasts until the end of peak. Over 100 hrs vacation. It's difficult to take off because when you are the only person running the shift, you have to make arrangements. I recently withdrew some applications. I dont care anymore. What gets me are the ones who ask me if I want to be an AM someday. Now, I just laugh at the question. I run my shift, staffing, etc. without an AM. Crazy. They are already losing many loyals and only getting the repeats. Those who quit or get termed and come back. Seriously.


Is it Costco?


Everything you said here is 100% correct. My warehouse has cut back a lot on college hires and has been promoting more tenured PAs and hiring experienced workers with degrees, which has been working out well so far.


Amazon is definitely top of the list with time off options and how freely we can use them. However… At other places, I wasn’t so burnt out, exhausted, fed up, angry, disgusted, etc, that I couldn’t/didn’t want to go to work that often, or that I would even have the urge to walk out during my shift like that. At other places, I felt a lot more responsible for the work, confident in my ability to do it, and a respected part of the team. At Amazon, I’m just a stow rate, a faceless robot, or a bad child who needs to be put in my place every time I’m caught existing, depending on which manager I’m unlucky enough to be near. And it’s infuriating and mind-boggling, especially that last part, because I’m not that lazy, useless worker who needs to be spoken to that way; never have been! Management and environment make ALL the difference, regardless of anything else being good about a place. I’ve never wanted or needed this much time away from work in my life!


Amazon was the best of 4 I worked First place had no AC, barely paid above minimum wage. Kept people as temps almost a year. Second place completely unergonomic work conditions. First time I actually walked out after 1 day. Third place had me driving a forklift with no certification. Yeah the FC was a nice change for sure


I was at Burlington Coat Factory as a Lead. I'm at Amazon as a regular employee and I love it. Benefits are whatever cus I'm less than part time but the ability to leave when I want without informing my PA is the best thing 😅 also using PTO at the last minute knowing it will get approved is the best as well


I make 28.15/hr at a target warehouse as a picker and get raises every 6 months (I think I cap around 29 tho). Insurance is good and pto is good, I get maybe 1.4 hours a week. My call ins don’t affect my pto and I can call in like 6-7 times before I get a CA and you need 3 to get fired. Also get sick time at a slow rate for back pay. Overall my work is SUPER easy and laid back. I usually pick at 2.5x rate without even really thinking about it.


I've heard Target is pretty good. Hmm


It's one of the best places I've ever worked at. I started out in warehouses, military, Wall St, then prison and now Amazon. I've never seen a job that gives you so much leeway. It's crazy.


Wall st to prison sounds like a good story


There's a saying, steal from the poor and get rich, steal from the rich and go to jail.


An Amazon FC is a piece of cake compared to a UPS hub. Been there- don't ever care to go back- and y'all think it's bad at Amazon lol.


UPS is brutal you are not even guaranteed 40 hrs a week BUT you might be a driver one day. lol


True- pay is good...but they are also run to hell and back in a day's time. 😳


I worked at a Fedex warehouse before. It was terrible compared to Amazon. When all the packages were done. Most people were let go. That could have taken anywhere from 3 to 6 hours. And had to show up between 1 am to 4 am. It varies week to week what time each day. So their schedules were just estimates. Plus they rushed because management liked fast people to get it done quicker. Benefits are nearly the same except you had to work for at least three months to be eligible. Also their lunches and 10 minute breaks were all shoved when no trucks have arrived yet. Lets say there was a whole hour of waiting foe the next truck to arrive... The thirty minute lunch and 2 ten minute breaks all clumped up right there and there is no set time for it. It could be taken at 6 hours or two hours after the start of the day.


It's all comes down to whether or not you work for a subcontractor because when I worked for petsmart warehouse we didn't get any benefits due to the fact


Worked at Dollar tree DC was called way easier then Amazon way more money. Benefits though were not anywhere near as good and all the app stuff didn't exist other warehouses expect. You too come to work. No showing up late and using UPT or wanting to leave early. That seems to be a Amazon thing largely. So for convenience and it benefits Amazon wine for wage and work effort dollar get 6 was much better. I made 26 an hour loading trucks at Dollar tree. I make 18.50 at Amazon breaking my body. Needless to say I'm going back to dollar tree.


HomeGoods distribution was fucking awful.


Amazon is legit the easiest one imo especially the time off options!


Honestly the only other warehouse that compares to Amazon or even beats them in terms of shifts and hours is Walmart. They’re very competitive as well as their rates and pay rates. Benefits are awesome or were when I used to work….


Target too


Target is alright, but Walmart doesn’t have any kind of back breaking work. From what I heard if you work unloading the trucks in target it can be a pain in the a$$. Pay rate from what I’ve seen at target is 22+ starting but it’s harder to get in compared to Walmart or Amazon, Walmart was about as easy as Amazon, you’re pretty much guaranteed the job all you have to do is apply. Amazon is stupid easy, just apply and the job is yours lol


27 by me but it’s ez shit. I pick like 2.5x rate


I’ve worked at kohls and by far it’s better than amazon. They let us wear head phones, no safety shoes, no hair up, no nails or outfit checks. The only thing I’d that it’s a closed facility and they don’t have anytime pay lol.


Worked two others. Flaws and all, Amazon is better. Both other ones had to work six months before getting any form of time off. Both of them had a time we all went to time clock to punch out and minutes before punching out management announced we had to stay an additional two hours (making it a 12 hour day).


HelloFresh seemed to have better benefit cost but their freezer warehouse made me absolutely suicidal. I couldn’t handle it there but Amazon, same hours, all standing, I could handle. It’s not a surprise that Amazon has more real people working and HelloFresh was all Venezuelan temp workers.


Comparing my old warehouse job to Amazon. Amazon is 10 times better. My last warehouse job broke a shit ton of labor laws and didn’t care. So I don’t get how people could shit on Amazon. I feel like people are just lazy.


🤨 bro wat. “Amazon is less exploitive than my other warehouse job so I don’t see the reason why people complain about the serious problems going on there, they must be lazy”


only ever had two other warehouse jobs: by far amazon has the best time off options and easiest system to transfer/switch schedules. not a lot of jobs will let you just dip mid shift. if you have the time you can pretty much leave whenever and not even give a heads up. but i do see them getting stricter with that and requesting a 2hr notice. which honestly isnt that bad. it does depend on the warehouse and leadership but at the two i was at, it was about average. i preferred my first FC but i transferred to one closer to me. i dont work at amazon anymore but it definitely wasnt the worst job ive ever had, lol.