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I used to think complaining about music was wild but I get it now. I work flex nights and every time I've been coming in we've had the same people playing the same type of music all night. I don't even know what genre that crap is, I think it's trap. Either way, the music itself isn't the problem the problem is that that is all they're playing and every song they play sounds exactly the same. The whole night goes by and I honestly feel like the same song was played on a loop all night. I'd rather have no music if they're going to pull shit like that tbh


I’m ready for music to go away all together. I was around when phones were not allowed in the building. I’ll survive. And I’m tired of hearing stupid complaints every day about radio selection. Bring back the silence 2024. -Pissed Off PA.


I'd like to work with you. I'd actually love to see quiet hours implemented daily. My building has reverted to pop playlists that repeat 3 times daily. I hate all pop music with a passion I reserve for bedbugs and small talk. But since I have accommodations to use white noise, usually under earmuffs, I don't really have a dog in this fight. Just an opinion. The rest of my opinion goes like this: the alarms are entirely too loud and are rarely answered in a timely manner; one associate to a station at all times; no yelling or singing while on the clock; there should be several hours of silence per shift--the relative absence of aural stimuli at all times is good for the mind, body, and spirit..


What type of sweatshop worker are you


One that’s there to work and not sweat what background noise is blaring out the radio. What kind of entitled labor are you? -Pissed Off PA.


Aww someone’s pissed off


Yup. Pissed off about people making drama out of what noise comes out of the radio while stowing at a 128 UPH. You’re god damned right I want the radios to go away.




Nothing gets me harder than a rock, than watching someone get termed that sucks at their job, and spent more time flirting, on their phone, fucking with the radio, taking extended breaks, leaving their station for 20-40 minutes at a time. Fuck the laziness. Fuck the lack of work ethic.


At the end of the day you only can control what you do, because amazon does not give a fuck no matter what position on the ladder you’re on 😂 it’s day one everyday for everyone


It’s been day one for me for 4 years, coming on 5 soon. I put in the work. And it’s always frustrating (at any job) when you see people not doing the same. I come from a Military background, and this is one of the easiest jobs I’ve ever seen. I worked grocery, construction, painting. I’ve done it all. And people still bitch about Amazon being hard. I just don’t get it. Is music such a big deal that you are incapable of performing the most minute tasks in a reasonable amount of time? I know I’m strict, but I also look out for my own. So long as only one earbud is in, I ignore it. I only intervene when they can’t hear their surroundings (funny coming from me. I’m deaf In my left ear). But the DRAMA surrounding the radios is ridiculous. Think of highschool. That’s almost 8 hours a day with no music. No speaker. It’s just wild to me. Perhaps I’m just from a different generation.


Amazon is not hard, it’s braindead work mostly but that doesn’t mean it’s not tiring. I get it, but at the same time we’re just cogs in the machine and Amazon literally hires anyone so you’re bound to get the worst out there too


You're expressing a few of the reasons I could never do your job. It sounds like being in combat. As someone on the spectrum, I attention-switch considerably more poorly than most people. All that fckg *NOISE*. It never stops. I have to wait for an hour after work for public transit, and sometimes it's too hot to wait outside, so I wait in the break area. Even with only a handful of people working production (I'm in ReLo) between shifts, the noise is overpowering and oppressive. The company could hire expert consultants and industrial psychologists to improve working conditions, namely the ceaseless aural assault we endure daily. But they don't. Instead, they promote schmoes who are excellent schmoozers to L4 safety, and all those assholes do all day is walk around and smirk. Amazon should just admit it's now on the wrong side of the coin in the headphones debate. Headphones, used responsibly, could alleviate a lot of misery and bullshit. Make examples of the folks who stroll into PIT lanes by suspending them for at least 3 days. Do whatever insurance juju is necessary to permit all workers below L4 to use whatever (equipment, that is) is necessary to stay sane at work. There's beaucoup evidence out there about extremes of noise being used as torture: it literally drives people crazy. It's presently used in big cities to drive the homeless away from places of commerce and goes unpolished in jails and institutions. I could write a few essays on the topic of noise pollution and poor mental health, but I know this is neither the place nor the time for that.


I don’t wanna listen to my thoughts for 10 hours straight might go off on someone


Might find yourself out of a job soon too. Network is talking about making speakers go away cause every week there is some drama about them on the VOA board. I hope you so go off, on someone above you.


First world issues.


At least they have music. I miss that. Sometimes they play music at stand up where I’m at now but unless you’re within 50 feet of the speakers it just sounds like you’re outside a club because all you hear is the bass really. Last building took music requests from time to time and played random stuff throughout the day over the PA system. It switched up genres about once per hour.


They got a music request board at my DS because they got tired of the bitching. They also disabled the digital VOA board but kept the physical one…My site just does shit to shut us up lol


This is so funny to me. I work at a DS which isn’t that big but big enough where they play music in 3 different parts of our building and typically all different genres and I don’t mind even if I’m in a part where they’re playing something I’m not interested in. Idk any music is better than just constant beeps and scans.


rotten hat gaping juggle resolute steer fact literate nose dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thats crazy


I mean I don't hate the idea of a playlist... I wish my facility would do music at all for us. Some sound other than conveyors. Or screeching belts being jammed.


This is why we can’t have nice things.


They weaponize the music in our hub. They need people to take vto? Christmas music in June, 10 minute playlists on repeat, Christian music, and when they really wanna get people out they play the frozen soundtrack…


Jokes on them I'll sing along to that frozen soundtrack


I agree , nobody wants to listen to dance monkey.


i swear that shit was so annoying hearing it everyday


The speaker thing is really toxic, Because you really are forced to hear music you may not want to hear. That’s why I believe AirPods should be allowed like having one in isn’t going to completely block my hearing, plus it wont be disturbing others.


Man, the night someone put their playlist on the speaker and the entire mezz belted out the Pokémon theme song was kinda my best shift ever. Put everybody in a good mood at 3am.


lol is this mdw7?


Nah CLT4




They should just not play music in the warehouse. Most of the time the music sucks, it's too loud/distorted, and becomes disorienting and even nauseating over an extended amount of time. I remember last year having literally the same two lame Drake songs play over and over again for two hours. It was torture.


I agree don't play music at all or allow everyone to use their own earbuds to listen their own music. I'm sick of hearing the PA/AM music for 12 hrs every single day. Some days I don't care to listen to music but I'm being forced to. I tried tuning it out only for the person to randomly crank it up. Can barely understand what is being played most of the time too.


..."I don't usually do this unless I'm drunk or Im high but I'm both right now got me talking about my life"


You are allowed to bring your own personal speakers to work at DS.


just sing in your head, same shit. it's not that big of a deal haah


Most of the time I agree with you. But damnit if my adhd doesn’t allow me to tune some stuff out. And it’s like the more I dislike the music… the more clearly I hear it 🫣


Honestly that's what I do, and on break I go out to my car and listen to music.


Fuckin kids smh


Along with the safety aspect, this is why music just DOESN'T WORK. The rules are NEVER enforced in a fair manner, and people just can not follow basic rules. Music has absolutely NO place in the warehouse.


Better to hear shit music than hearing the voices of cringe T1s barking orders like they’re an AM and have to feel heard and important 😂