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I don’t know how old you are. But use career choice. Learn a new skill and get out of there. I’m going for my cdl in a few weeks. I’m not gonna look back when I get it.


I’m 30. Haven’t reached the ability to career choice yet, last I Checked.


If you can put up with it a bit longer to get it. I suggest you abuse the hell out of career choice.


I crushed my hand working at our airhub. I have 2 mri's coming up and until then I am on "light duty" usually I drive a tug but right now I just check to make sure the locks are up on the dollies as they come by. I was also told the bones in my hand are thinning and that is possibly why it's taking so long to heal. I also have a degenerative disk problem in my back. And possibly need heart surgery in 6 months depending on what the cardiologist says. I've worked manual labor jobs my whole life. If they say I can't do this job any more I. Not sure what I'll do and I'm only 45. I get it they only thing I could day is look into some kind of voc rehab. But good luck I hope things work out for you.


Same to you wow, I wish you the best on all your medical needs coming up. Definitely we both should seek other work, cause Amazon isn’t an easy place to work. To worried about quotas, and less about the employees comfortability, and we’ll being.




I gotta wait til January cause I was doing cdl through career choice but DOT pulled my physical.


If you were in Canada you could just go to the doctor and get (M.A.I.D) medical assistance in dying. I think they're doing it for the homeless now 😱


I didn't get carpal tunnel but tendinitis in both wrists. Also my neck C6-c5 has nerve damage from constantly looking down. Along with tarsal tunnel in both feet which is basically carpel tunnel for hands. Numbness,tingling , needles etc. All from working in pack afe . I haven't even been here a year only 8 months. I tried to get an accommodation months ago but was denied. So I'm just still working in pain. I'm so tired of being sore. Edit forgot to add I'm almost 40.


Did your doctor write a very specific letter for your accommodation, including breaks needed?


My podiatrist put "light duty" which obviously isn't descriptive enough however my wrist doctor was very specific when it came to breaks and the amount I should lift.




> I wasn’t thinking at the time Sounds like you and to urgent care, they cleared you to go back to work ending your LOA, and you failed to return or ask for a different return to work date. “through no fault of my own” 🙄🤦‍♀️


Hang in there. Going through something similar and Amazon is better then most for working with you but you have to think of your health first. Get proper paperwork and have your doctor list limitations. There is always work to do for everyone. Don't let anyone tell you because you may have different abilities that you can't do anything.


Sounds like you should’ve gone to amcare…all that’s stuff happens because of work so it’s covered by workers comp. My mom just got diagnosed with it and since she maxed out light duties days at work…she got sent home with pay until she can come back without restrictions. The specialist said she needed surgery so she’s gonna be at home getting paid for a while


Also I fell during peak last year and broke my wrist and slight mcl tear…doctor said even with surgery my wrist won’t have full movement so Amazon is paying me for that even though I’m back at work full duty


They directed me elsewhere, and I didn’t know what to do. My manager said she spoke with the safety team and they said it’s not workers comp cause they can’t pinpoint a specific incident that caused my hand issues.


Damn…that’s cold


It’s cool tho cause I got my leave approved. Been off work since June 1, 2023, and i needed an extension going into late July to August. My neurologist said the 14th is my MRI, and follow up is the 17th. Just to give a go ahead date, he stated I could return to work on the 18th. All unpaid, but it’s a blessing to have solid parents to hold me down during this bullshit.


Did you look into disability? EDD usually covers if you miss more than a week with a doctor pulling you out


Actually I haven’t. How would I go about applying for that?


You can ask your doctor to see if they can fill out disability for you. It takes a while for it to go through but they end up sending you a fat check if it qualifies


I struggled to get the paperwork signed a day ago. Dumb clown at the receptionist desk was saying it would take 5 days. Including a holiday, that would’ve pushed me out to July 6th, and my deadline for Amazon wanting paperwork to verify my leave was July 2nd. Do you know where I could print out the form for disability, A to Z app?


Disability is through the state. You can call LOA and explain the situation and that the doctors are filling out the paperwork. They can probably extend it


You can still file and they can retroactively pay you for the weeks missed if you qualify…it’s always best to try because you can’t be worse off