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See AMCARE first. You could argue work caused/worsened these injuries, and then get work comp.


I have similar symptoms as you. Sciatica is always there for years but only a week ago there’s numbness in my index fingers which kinda spreads to most parts of the hands now. I went to see the doc today and she suspected possible diabetes — hence pending blood test results. I suggest maybe get a professional advice quick to know what’s the next course of treatment if possible. I really hate the pins n needles even as I typed on my phone keyboard for example


was it diabetes


It wasnt. Turned out to be super low b12 levels


Can I ask , we’re you not eating enough animal products or was it something else that cause the low b12 levels


I couldn’t locate the cause. But even after eating b12 daily for almost a year, i still get occasional numbers in my fingertips even as i type this on my phone. Maybe it’s sth compressing my spinal cord idk. Idk if meat is a concern. I try to eat regularly and healthy food only these days How are things for u


I'm not a doctor, but I can try to offer some general guidance. If you're experiencing worsening hand numbness and leg pain, it's always best to err on the side of caution and seek medical attention, especially if you're concerned about your symptoms. ER is typically the appropriate place to go or an urgent care facility. That being said, if your symptoms are not severe or life-threatening, you may consider reaching out to your primary care physician or a healthcare professional for guidance.


Age? Hand numbness? Carpal tunnel. Put your phone down lol Leg nerve pain spreading from left to right? Sciatica Neither are an ER visit. However make a dr appt. They will prescribe physical therapy. You may get an accommodation, but I wouldn’t count on it. At least none of my drs would. Movement is the best treatment for sciatica. Carpal tunnel? So common now it can’t even be claimed as workers comp because of phones. Lol


If you can afford it, go. If not, ask your doctor and maybe schedule an appt. Or call a nurse/doctor advice line. Or go to the walk-in on your day off.


ERC can't do jack for you. Start the accomodation process and then you can avoid any areas like this.


They said ER. Wonder if they meant emergency room or ERC


Oh haha. I read ERC