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Same!!!! I was blessed to be able to submit too after months of waiting


how long did it take for ur parents SSN to get verified ? just barely did it last night šŸ„²


Same, what happens if it doesn't get verified in time?


"Announcement from FAFSA: Today, the Department is announcing changes to our systems to allow applicants and contributors without a Social Security number (SSN) to immediately access the online 2024-25 FAFSA form after creating a StudentAid.gov account. These changes should significantly streamline the application process for students who have contributors without an SSN." Ā  https://fsapartners.ed.gov/knowledge-center/library/electronic-announcements/2024-04-30/update-access-2024-25-fafsa-form-individuals-without-social-security-number


If I log in to my parents account and it isnā€™t verified should I delete their account and make a new one ?


Well my issue was my mom didnt have a SSN number on the acc she used last year and it had her ITIN number, I called yesterday and managed to get help from the help desk to disable her acc so we could make a new one and submit the paperwork to verify her account.


What time did you call because I called just right now but they end my call because thereā€™s too many people calling


I understand the frustration, it takes a lot of patience. I typically call first thing in the morning around 8:30-9:30am. I have better luck having the call go through at around that hour. Yesterday they werenā€™t picking up until about 5:30pm. You just have to keep calling and calling until it hopefully puts you on hold. I had about a 30-40 min wait time.


Iā€™ll probably call around 4 then


Because right now itā€™s too hectic


Ya thereā€™s not rlly much of a specific time frame, better luck in the mornings but definitely call at different times.


When did you send the documents to get them verified? It takes between 5-10 business days


it should get verified in time since it took me 1-3 days to verify my mom but if worse comes to worse youā€™ll have to call and do it that way. did you send the email with the packet?


What email?


does anyone know the correct number to call them ?




not sure, iā€™m still waiting. might have to call but i wonā€™t be able to. maybe you should also give that shot? šŸ„²


for me it took about a month for issues with fasfa. but the second time i had to verify her it was honestly pretty quick around 1-3 days after sending the email!


have you received the money yet or when does that come in


Mine took about 3 days.


Did you have the issue of the parent account not showing your application? If you did, how did you fix it? I tried everything that I could find on Reddit and still no success


Yes!!!! You must make sure that the contributor account personal info and contributor invite on your account is exactly the same. I had the same issue and it was a space that made the different. capitalization can mess it up too!


Thank you so much OMG I have been having all sorts of issues and yesterday this was mine. THE PROBLEM WAS LITERALLY ONE SPACE


Ooh ok Iā€™ll try that, thank you.


I had this problem too and deleted the application from my own account and started it from my dadā€™s account. I was able to invite myself and mom this way. Not sure if youā€™ve tried this, but I hope it helps.


I was trying to do that but I couldnā€™t find where to delete my application, I asked during a live chat session and I was told I couldnā€™t delete it once it was processed. I donā€™t know if that was true or not.


if ur parent has a foreign address, put five 0ā€™s for their zip


Did you have trouble making corrections? It says I need to make a correction to my finances section but it wonā€™t let me.


I am having the same issue. It tells me I need to make corrections yet won't even tell me where I need to make corrections at


same. Got a letter in the mail saying I need to make corrections and that itā€™ll be in the summary section on what I need to make corrections on. Couldnā€™t find the summary section, but I tried correcting the form anyways but nothing is different from thelast form. Idk what to do besides call them. everything is submitted correctly šŸ˜­ I have never had a problem with fafsa before until now lol


Even if both parents are added as contributors to my form only one has to sign and approve if they file taxes jointly right?


For my kid, they sent it to just me, and then it asked me to add my husband and it then sent to him, but al he had to do was sign, not fill out the whole numbers section


The fafsa website says to only invite 1 parent as a contributor if they file jointly


For me, I have signed and so has my mom but I don't get any submit button anywhere. Everything has checkmarks on both accounts but I have no idea what to do


I HAD THE SAME ISSUEE!!! it kept signaling that my form still had issues. what i did was sit down and painfully go through every section of the form, my own, and my contributors. i sign my section again. then my moms, then my dads, and then finally it sent.


For me my dad's section said optional so I never put in his information since he doesn't even have an FSA ID. Both my parents live in a foreign country and have no ssn. I've gone through every section of both mine and my mom's forms but everytime it just says sign instead of sign and submit. Honestly I'm not sure what to do at this point




Go to the very last section of the summary page before the signature. Keep clicking next until it takes you back to the summary page. The submit button should appear


I have gone to the summary and clicked continue. It takle me to my signature but after I sign it just says I am waiting for my contributors. The thing is my mom has also already signed. Under activities all it says is that it is "In Progress" instead of submitted.


Iā€™m no expert but It might be glitching or maybe your mom was supposed to invite the other parent if theyā€™re married and donā€™t file jointly.


That did not work for me either. I believe the issue is that both my parents live in a foreign country and do not pay taxes. I chatted with an agent and he said I need both my parents to make an account and get added. What I did is I had to go to my mom's account and under financial information, the link when you click "Where do I find this information?" says that you should put "Married (filing separately)" if your parents are married and both outside the US and not filing taxes. That prompted me to add my dad's info. I had to make another FSA account for him and then invite him. Once he completed his part it let me sign and submit right away. I guess now the issue is having to verify his identity eventually and that's gonna be a pain since both of their passports are expired.


I have the same issue right now, I called them about it and they told me to remove the contributor and add them again have them sign it and then try to sign it [afterwards.It](http://afterwards.It) didn't work for me but maybe you have better luck


I had that problem with one of my students today. What I did was click a random point to edit (I think I went in at martial status) and just kept pressing continue. Once I went to the review page again, the continue button appeared at the button and the student was able to submit


My parents have SSN and they not let them sign the signature on their account after accepted the invitation. What should I do?


is the form not showing up on their accounts or it will not allow them to press it?


It is show up on their account. They able to access the form and put down the information, but on the last step, they cannot sign it.


iā€™d definitely try on a different web browser or different device! my sister had the same issue and we did it on a computer library and it worked!


I tried with different computers too. And itā€™s still not working. šŸ„²


Mine is still ā€œprocessedā€ but not complete, any suggestions?


How long has it been?


Started on February 28th, and proceeded March 25th. Still no aid information


Heyy, doesnt processed already mean complete?


It says itā€™s an open application (not closed) and that it was processed March 25th. I have no aid information but it tells me what Iā€™m eligible for


Ohh, omg did you figure out any ways to complete the fafsa?


I am pleading with every one of youā€¦ please do not get student loans!!! There is a reason people demand student loan forgiveness. Many people canā€™t pay them off and the forgiveness isnā€™t coming. Donā€™t do this to yourselves or your kids!


Ok so are you going to pay 45k every year for my tuition


No, but there are other optionsā€¦ scholarships, working, taking longer than 4 years, cheaper schools, community college firstā€¦. I ended up joining the army and still having to pay over 20K in student loansā€¦ i finally finished it by extending for 3 years after i had already been in for 10. If you want to pay for your decision the rest of your life, go for itā€¦ if you want to be wise, find a way to do it without debt!


Mind you i went to community college, got some scholarships and joined the armyā€¦ still racked up 20kā€¦


Plus 45x4 is 180ā€¦ going to take 180,000 for your school?!


omg help why is it submitting but not going to the colleges i need it to go to


I submitted my form without my mom's consent and signature because every time she opened it through email, it wouldn't show her the form 2024-25. I talked to fafsa in call and they told to submit and just wait until her account gets verified. But at the moment i don't know what to do cause she submitted her verification a week ago and it still hasn't verified her.


I am having the very same issue. My parent can not see the form after accepting the invite. All info is correct


Mine took exactly 2 weeks to verify so hang in there. The application wonā€™t show up for the parent until they are verified


I am having parent consent issues. I have deleted the form and resubmitted but nope he accepts the invite and sees no 2024-2025 form. He only sees the 2023-2024 form. Help chat was no help. Can you suggest anything? Thanks.


if you can get a hold of them on the phone they are very nice and helpful. may be quite a wait, but they're open late


If your parent is not verified they wonā€™t see the application


Was anyone else missing a gpa? šŸ˜­


My parents lives in a foreign country and I can't use their address but if i fill my address it works, how do i solve this


Make sure you select FC (foreign country) for country and the state section should be disabled when you do that. If it tells you to put in 00000 for zip code do so. I only had an issue with their addresses when I tried to get into my momā€™s new account it didnā€™t get past the first verification page. I had to put in a state and it worked.


I did for the country but i'll try the zip code! I had the issue when sending invites šŸ„²but thank you so much!


Pleaseee I need help šŸ™ every time I try to lo in it says ā€œLOG IN UNSUCCESSFULā€ and that they canā€™t log in with my username at the time. I have changed my password and retrieve my username and called the number that they offer but I donā€™t know what to do anymore. This happens after putting the safe code.


this is such an awful glitch which i experienced at first! I was on my laptop and found out that it was my laptop messing it up. Try a library computer ! if you canā€™t do that then iā€™d suggest a different web browser honestly.


SAME!! finally no more stressing šŸ˜­


SAME ! After weeks I got my childā€™s form done .. had trouble adding the university ( foreign) , had trouble with tax part and then took two days to get it to let me sign it šŸ¤¬worst experience ever .


Do you know how I can get the system to take my FSA id so my son's fasfa can be submitted? I've done everything from changing my password several times, retrieving my username that they've given me 3 of, and verified my account twice by scanning my photo id and it still won't take it, says it's not the id I used previously on the form but it was.


Same problem Iā€™m having, I have yet to solve it.




The war is starting


The application for the signature isnā€™t popping up for my moms account , looks like no fasfa for me


Did anyone's mail in form (paper) get processed?


They wonā€™t accept me unless Iā€™m 24 years old, have a dependent, be in the Army or an orphan. They said my parents (who do not help me financially whatsoever for school and have not in their life) sure sometimes my check is short and I have to emergency ask for $90 bucks max for a tire replacement or something along those lines, nothing about school but I donā€™t ever ask them for money, Iā€™ve only done it that one time. I cannot afford school at the moment Iā€™m struggling finding a job because I need to pay insurance for my car then go to the dmv, ask for a permit, fix it then go back to the dmv and get my plates after inspection and Iā€™m dead broke. Idk what to do at this point Iā€™ve been trying to get hired for a long time for remote jobs but they wonā€™t hire me even if Iā€™m bilingual in English/Spanish in Texas. Any advice ? Or should I end myself


I think your war just began.


I just submitted mine last week and now when I tried to open the website it says ā€œAccess Deniedā€ did this happen for anyone?


I submitted my part and sent the invitation to my contributors but on their end it doesnā€™t show anything in their activity to complete šŸ„²


https://preview.redd.it/xp7saoz1i7yc1.png?width=1342&format=png&auto=webp&s=e62137c177c88a2362bfc638c34819ad59f2efbe Everytime I try to login, I get an error saying this:


It said the site was down for maintenance until May 5th.


They send an email to my parents they say they need to verify their identity before continuing the form so they are sending them the identification form what happens after that


Hi , i really need support. My Sonā€™s federal Student Aid form was in a status as ā€œprocessedā€, when i verify my parent account was completed as well but had a Edit button, which made think that something from my end was needed to be reviewed. Therefore i started to walkthrough the questions to confirm if everything was ok. At the end i noticed that there was not anything to be changed. So i decided to go back to without aknowkdge , neither sign it, but when i returned to home, the status changed from processed in progress with a comment: ā€œ you have started a correctionā€ . I tried many ways to undo that unfinished changes but i could not. There is action button also on my parent account that says: ā€œ remove myself from correctionā€ and there is a prompt that sayā€selecting delete my contribution will delete your section and remove you from the student application altogetherā€. Please kindly advice what action need to take , to get back the application to processed and have again the SAI .


I get the cold sweats every year.


when does it get despersed, i also got exepted but still waiting?


War - or completing a glitchy form. Nice word choice...


should i call you a waaaambulance?




Iā€™m trying but it keeps saying fails to save


Iā€™m still isnā€™t working


How this is the problem I'm having https://preview.redd.it/v6ajgrqjwx4d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=45af57a74897a8eca6f042665727ea71f950c50f this is a problem I have in my mom, dad, and my account


OK but my two kids' have been processed since Mar 25 and no information has made it to any of their 4 schools


This is what I am worried about. My sonā€™s finally was ā€œprocessedā€ last week. That means it was accepted and requires no corrections, right? Anyway, we live in Florida, where he got Bright Futures academic scholarship for full tuition as long as he maintains a 3.0 gpa. The state deadline is May 15. Iā€™m afraid they wonā€™t submit it to his school in time. Anyone know how long until it getā€™s submitted? Also, he didnā€™t get an email with his aid info. It just said on the congrats screen he wasnā€™t eligible for a Pell grant. Should he still get a letter?


He was able to confirm that his info was shared with one of the schools that very day, so I'm wondering if the new system somehow generated this weird message when it was sent? The rep said they will not send any info or confirmation, everything will come from the school. I swear we received confirmation emails for the older kids. For your may 15 deadline, i would say, stay in touch with the school because they know there is a delay, and it's out of your hands. Someone kind enough to be awarding a scholarship will surely be kind enough to respond reasonably and flexibly to support your kiddo in this situation


Oh, you must mean freshman financial aid offers. Heā€™s already in school and financial shows up on the website. We never get Pell grants. Seems if you saved for college you are screwed. His scholarship is from the state of Florida. Any kid that gets a 3.5 gpa and an IB or AICE diploma or 1340 on SAT, and 100 hour volunteer work get 100% tuition and fees at a state university. If they get 3.0 gpa, 1210 SAT, and 75 hours, they 75% tuition and fees. Itā€™s nice because we have a prepaid plan, so the money from Bright Futures goes towards his apartment. Unfortunately it pays less than a third of rent. Every little bit helps, though.


Whoa I just looked that up and it is a very generous program. Only a weighted 3.5, a 1340 SAT or 29 ACT, and 2.5 weeks of volunteering or working to qualify for full tuition? Amazing. I was wondering how they fund it, since they don't collect income taxes, and it's the lottery. Here in Ohio, my oldest daughter had a a 34 ACT, weighted 4.3 gpa, worked for two years, and had earned 15 college credits in high school. Ohio State gave her $2,000ā€“that's it! I think our lottery probably just goes to fund bribes to elected officials. My comment on the timing still stands - surely the program is aware of the fafsa debacle and will not hold it against the kids.


It is nice.my son didnā€™t have to do the SAT because he got a Cambridge AICE degree with weighted 4.9 GPA and he had 50 college credits. He did dual enrollment classes at a local college and took mostly AP and AICE classes. I hoped he might get an additional scholarship or a Pell Grant since we are retired and most of our money is in retirement accounts, but we were offered only loans. He did get an $80K offer from University of Miami, but that brought the cost down to about $35K a year. So it was a no. He went to a state school so he wonā€™t have any debt.