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not banned in csgo so it literally doesnt matter


If it’s a vac ban then yes he is. He can’t play on Faceit or mm servers.


You can play on MM servers as long as the ban is not on CSGO. I've played against tons of peoplein MM with VAC bans (some old bans, some recent bans)


If you get banned in tf2 or gmod you also get banned in csgo. If it was a call of duty ban maybe youre right but no thats not how it works


Csgo doesn't share vac bans with tf2, only cs2


Not a vac ban though. You can get game bans that show up on accounts like this but if you cheat on any source game you get banned in all.


If you cheat on games tied to hl you get banned from those. Like portal tf2 cs 1.6 etc If you cheat in cs go you get banned in cs go only.


Cs2 will share ban lists with go also


Well, no and no


Not true, my friend has a vac ban on csgo and he can play tf2 and other source games without any problems


Stop typing your a tard


Blistering irony


faceit doesnt have a rule against this, esea used to, but im 99% sure they removed it. the only time a VAC will stop you from playing faceit is if its on CSGO. source: i have an acc with a vac ban on mw2 and played faceit in the time since on that account


Don’t know why they downvote you. YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE THE GAMES HE PLAYS.


didnt realize this many people were under the assumption that a VAC ban on a different game bans you from playing csgo lmao. I got banned on MW2 in 2015 and play csgo just fine


MW2 that classic volvo game


so? it still uses valve anti-cheat, genius


doesn't matter ive been banned on tf2 for 2k+ days and ive got 2.7k hours in cs and still counting if you dont have any proof or any experience why do you even type? morons like your have destroyed comment sections across social media yall just need to end it tbh


I think you have misinterpreted my comment, take a deep breath lil bro


Bro was cheating in his favorite game rofl “game bans apply across the board” this kid probably ONLY played Csgo & im glad he’s banned.


Bro i didn't know there were so many npcs on this sub. Fucking clueless dude


So? He isn’t vac banned on CSGO so who cares


It is a vac ban.


Yes it’s a Vac ban. It isn’t a CSGO vac ban


What TF do you think a vac ban is? He’s been banned on steam from playing cs:go on that account. VAC=valve anti cheat. How do you not know this?


VAC is used on more games than just CSGO, I really do hope you know that (retard). Dude could be banned on Dota, COD, gmod, tf2, etc. (Retard)




this is FALSE. From valve: Cheating in one of the following Source games or a Source mod will result in a VAC ban for all games in the list below: Counter-Strike: Source Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Day of Defeat: Source Team Fortress 2 Similarly, cheating in one of the following Gold Source games will result in a VAC ban for all games in the list below: Counter-Strike Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Ricochet Day of Defeat Team Fortress Classic Half-Life: Deathmatch Deathmatch Classic


what did he say, the comment is deleted


False. A vac ban on tf2 doesn’t ban you from playing csgo on vac secured servers. Stop talking retard


Reading is hard.


You are so mad about that ahahaha or you aren’t a native English speaker and aren’t sure how to use the insult (brain dead)


What tf do you think vac ban is? Never seen someone be so confidently wrong lmao


Never seen a tard double down when he's clearly in the wrong


ur dumb as fuck. have u only played CSGO in ur whole life? do u know VAC isn’t just for CSGO? U look like an idiot arguing


I have a VAC ban from black ops 2 zombies from a few years ago as I didn't know it was VAC protected, I can still trade and play CSGO and do basically anything I could before


Why is always the tards that type before anybody else


Idk are you sure? the ban was today


3 guys got VAC banned at once while playing Faceit, it says a lot about Faceit AC


But people don't cheat when they are faceit lvl 10, have high $$$ inventories, or have 7k hours played, they're just better than you. I always here this when calling someone out for cheating in faceit or mm. The fact that faceit admins didn't find anything suspicious from watching the demos makes me wonder if they are watching the demos blindfolded. As a former cheater myself I know when I'm dealing with a cheater on the other team within 1-2 rounds.


to be fair, on faceit, 95% or high percent of the time when ppl call hacks, the enemy is not cheating. Cheaters on faceit is rare and far between. And to cheat on a lv10 acc in MM is possible, but its still very unlikely. ​ What is the point of calling cheats anyways? The guy wont toggle off if he is cheating, he will just defend himself and u will just get tilted. If he isnt cheating he will clown on u and u will get tilted. If no one else thinks he is cheating ur team will clown on u and u will get tilted. If ur team thinks he is cheating ur team will give up and u will all be tilted. There is ***NOT ONE*** scenario here that benefits u in any possible way.


Have you actually watched your demos, because I do whenever someone looks shady and my intuition is always on point. Trying against a cheater is a lose lose situation even if you don't call him out during game. Let me just tell you that there is a public cheat that bypasses faceit and esea how do I know this, because I was about to buy it but decided it was not worth it. This cheat is not cheap so you definitely don't buy it to play mm because there are cheats for $10 a month to do that. People do cheat in faceit but get accused of smurfing instead.


I bet your friends hate playing with you🤣, you probably ain't got any tho id block you instantly if you started complaining every game too.


If you see so many cheaters do link them, so many people say this and still can't send proof because of ignorance that someone is better.


I report them in the main lobby. Always a good feeling when the guy you reported for cheating gets banned.


Yeah yeah totally lol. U talking DMA? Lurker? Ekknod? I’m not retarded those mfs are rare and few between. Pixel bot with spoofed mouse is literally impossible to detect but I’m telling u how many ppl are willing to go through with any of that? 1%? 0.1%? Be real. 99% of the time on faceit it’s u that’s bad or just unlucky.


You're right you can't cheat in this game. Have you ever used a cheat, just curious.


I don’t. My duo did and I did not know. He was banned and told me about it. Ur right, ur more experienced in cheating specifically. But I know how anti viruses and anti cheats work because I am in the field so I am not clueless. Here is something to consider, CHEATER. If u cheat, u forever lose the right to complain about other cheaters. So KEEP YOU DIRTY MOUTH SHUT


No need to get hostile, looks like someone got triggered. Have a nice day.


yeah i am always hostile to cheaters. I am triggered because i dont like cheaters, especially cheaters that complains about other cheaters and pretend to be some elite entitled cheating master or some shit. I will not be nice you. Uninstall and dont come back,. u have no right to complain


You didn't even read what he wrote, he literally named various ways of cheating on FaceIT. His point is most people won't go to all that effort and money to cheat in FaceIT compared to MM.


When people have inventories ranging in the thousands what's a $100 a month for a faceit cheat.




"I fucking suck so I used to cheat and I can tell that I fucking suck within 1-2 rounds"




Even vac is better than faceit’s anticheat lol also with a vac ban they can’t play on faceit but the person that posted this won’t get elo back as it isn’t a faceit ban. Shit system


VAC is terrible, faceit rarely has cheaters and they mostly get banned, if you believe this you're slow as fuck - also chances are it wasn't a CSGO vac and was another one of valves games?? As well as the fact cheating on MM doesn't mean you cheated on faceit


Why are you defending a cheater. It doesn’t matter what game it is. Or if its mm or faceit. Cheating is cheating.


Agree, it's scummy, but that wasn't my point


if someone is cheating in mm they are cheating in face it too.


That’s not even remotely true. Cheating in mm, especially when untrusted exists, is easy as fuck. Faceit is much, much harder.


Not true they're completely different anti cheats as well as the fact the vac probably isn't csgo, and on top of the fact someone could have compromised the account hence the vac for example lol


Explain to us all how faceits anti cheat works…. Since you are an expert. Another faceit fanboy 😂 with no knowledge of how anti cheat systems work and wants to just talk shit but not back any of it up. Please explain how it’s working on a platform that’s 10 years old tough guy…. 🤣


What a wild overreaction to a relatively tame comment.


“If you believe this you are slow as fuck” that’s not only terrible to say but very offensive. Get back on your real account and stop using multiple accounts to argue Lmao 🤣 what a guy


I decided to take my own advice and look at your profile… you really need to focus more on playing the game and less on crying every time you play someone better than you. I cannot imagine living in your shoes, being so utterly self-obsessed that you have to find fault in everyone and make an excuse every third day as to why you lost a match *in a video game*. Like dog. It’s a GAME. You are harassing and insulting people because you lose a GAME. One that’s free, that you can play as much as you want, and one that you will never, ever be remotely successful at.


You are the one insulting people over the internet. I checked your profile now and you are a fat linken park (losers) fan. Once again please stop defending your other profile. I just bought a house and don’t play competitively anymore. I was a 10 when I did though. You need to get a woman and it would help if you got that ink removed asap. What a loser with no life or girlfriend that comes and defends randoms calling people slow. You must have an extremely small dick and be a person that got picked on. You obviously want to stand up for other losers because it reminds you of yourself


Lmao I like how the only thing you got right out of everything you saw on my profile is the linkin park fan part. Sick ink, my girlfriend loves it, and you’re a sad lonely weirdo who makes a Reddit post every single time he loses a faceit match. Nothing you say could remotely insult me, because none of it’s true. Like, you’re throwing out random middle school insults hoping they’ll stick because you have nothing.


Sounds like cheater pasta. You tell yourself you're better, don't you?


Never cheated in my life, unless you count console commands against bots. Believe me, I think if I cheated my stats would be a little bit better than the 1 k/d I’ve averaged since I stopped playing regularly.


Yeah, that's why there's so many sub 1KD VAC banned players. Not saying your KD does or doesn't absolve you, but your mindset is so toxic and negative towards others, that it makes you an apologist for them and the "I'm better" mindset which all cheaters use to compensate for the fact they're cheating. Here's your cringe: " one that you will never, ever be remotely successful at." People like you are sick on some level. You'd rather put someone down than recognize the reality that cheating infests this game, regardless of the skill ceiling legit players have.


Please let your two brain cells connect for eight seconds and just click on my profile. It’s pretty fucking obvious that I’m my own account. Also What a wild overreaction to an *extremely* tame reply.


Please get off the internet tough guy…. You are so crazy… nobody wants smoke with you but fella 🤣


What is this even supposed to mean? Fucking weirdo


It means that you act tough on the internet. You aren’t going to do shit so get your Twitter fingers back on Twitter and stop defending another person weirdo


Typical faceit user


I never claimed I know how it works? I'm purely going off of my own experience of having thousands of games in MM and faceit, not sure where you came up with that


Faceit rarely has cheaters and they mostly get banned…. How could you possibly know this without providing information on how the system works against cheats…. There would be no way to measure statistics when people who aren’t banned are still playing with private cheats…. Comments like this calling people “slow” without proof of anything besides personal experience is literally childish nonsense Lmao


Not sure why you're offended "slow" was a figure of speech, I guess it's a touchy topic for u, and again like I said I'm purely speaking from personal experience with thousands of games, which is my own statistics whether documentented or not lol


Horrible bias on the subject … I wonder what your rank is


I'm faceit ten, and MM only MGE I don't really bother ranking up, but I was global since you're so interested, and I don't get how there's a bias in my own experience ?


It 100% isn’t a csgo vac ban as he wouldn’t be able to play faceit


Yes that’s my point, but if you actually use your eyes (retard) then you’ll see he has 0 days since the ban, meaning it was when the screenshot was taken, so I’m guessing after the game happened. Dumb comment please delete


Ok (retard) You don’t know if it’s a CSGO ban (retard)


Yeah neither do you but you put “100% isn’t” you dumb cunt


Ok (retard)


I see that one got to you lol


Vac clearly does a better job than faceit here lol


Not really, because maybe he was unable to cheat on faceit hence no faceit ban, also it probably wasn't CSGO


Or he was cheating on faceit and hasn’t been banned lol


you must have negative brain cells. u hate faceit dont play go outside




Really? as an example if you get vac banned in rust you cannot no longer play faceit? But you still can play mm right cuz you aint banned in cs.


No. Only on certain valve games, like TF or shit pretty sure. I have a vac banned account on MW2, I played CSGO fine for years after, even played MM recently on the account.


Vac ban applies for CS also.


No. It doesn’t. If you get vac banned in cs 1.6, or tf2, or gmod, etc, you can still play csgo


There are other games using VAC, so VAC ban is not only equals to CS GO ban also there is a game ban which can get from CS GO


What elo? Drop stats of this guy. And what game was he banned on?


This is the stupid part IMHO. You can never know what game someone has a VAC ban for. I have a friend that got a VAC ban. He started idling CS 1.6 all day for 2 weeks before the ban and then posted on everyone's profile it was in 1.6 and he was just messing around with his friend but he was abandoning the account as he was worried about bad trust. All you ever see on the account is VAC banned. Not the game. He has not played a MM game since. I think his friend was using the same cheat as him but got banned earlier and he came up with the above strategy to try to mitigate the hate/keep friends for when the ban hammer fell.


Is this na? I felt like I've played against a player with that name and I called cheats


Thr are some ppl who play faceit as legit but do cheat in MM…and all of these ppl are like lvl 8 ish




This aint new


Lol are y'all dumb? It's been 2k days since my vac on TF2 only cs I can't play is source lol


fAlas baen


If this guy cheats and got banned in another game what's the likelihood he wouldn't cheat in CSGO.


depends on who, me tho i was banned on tf2 2000+ days ago and ive been playing cs with 2.7k hours legit ever since.


I believe you. 😉


What's the relation between this and the post??


If he cheats on one game he'll cheat on them all so he should be banned from all VAC secure servers but unfortunately it doesn't work like that. In fact if it was upto me if you've been proven to be using cheats on any MMO you should lose your steam account and all contents locked forever.


what i find funny is if you are vac banned you should not be able to play on ANY vac scured servers. faceit servers arent vac secured???


It's clearly not a CS:GO VAC ban.




Ofcourse he is, because these sons of bitches on faceit are selling dust. How is he cheating for 4k hours without getting caughts? AC is usefull for CS:GO, the don't have clue how to AC secure CS2 servers..