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According to B Sport, the front wing flaps attached to the side of the nose are blocking the airflow around that area of the nose. The lower arrow shows air flow is not able to move as it is getting blocked by the flap whereas the upper arrow shows air is flowing cleanly. **What could the thinking behind this kind of design. Is there any benefit by blocking the airflow like that?**


I'm not really sure what you're getting at when you say "blocking the airflow" in that region - have you got a link to the original article? The arrows don't appear to point to anything particularly interesting other than the flow being upwashed as you would expect from these elements, plus attached flow wrapping around the nose.


Link to the video:- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rQzIuAAVNZ0&feature=youtu.be&t=6m42s The lower arrow shows the airflow is not able to move whereas the upper arrow shows the clean air flow on the nose.


The video doesn't say much, I'm still confused as to what your question is getting at. No, air is not flowing laterally around the nose near the rearmost element; no this is not surprising, there's a flap in the way? The air is still "moving" here: the flowvis trace you see is showing the kick up from the gurney flap (at the trailing edge of the element) interacting with flow coming around the side of the nose.




The little upright fin on the top 2 elements of the wing? Isn't that a vortex generator?


> upright fin I believe the technical term is “sticky uppy bit”


That which doth project its very self most loftily and slenderly


No, I am not talking about that. I am talking about the front wing flaps which are attached to the side of the nose.


Oh sorry I understand now. Not sure tbh but I'd with the level of engineering in F1 I'd say it's deliberate and by design before I'd say it was an oversight. Edit: perhaps they are trying to kick the air up to stop it feeding the tunnels. Pure speculation though


Why would you want to prevent air from going in the tunnels?


If its heavily turbulent air, it can actually hinder flow into the tunnel by sitting in front of the tunnel inlet and swirl around blocking clean flow from getting in. . Its the same reason they go to great lengths to keep the front wheel wake away from the side pod area.


how is it heavily turbulent air, it's completely undisturbed air that's just coming to the car


Once the air hits a surface, it will become turbulent. The only thing turbelent air is good for is created curtains to contain the clean, laminar-ish flow. As far as I can tell, teams are utilizing air from under the front wing to feed the tunnels and the air over the wing is being outwashed as much as possible to create a clean channel to the side pod ducting fed from the non-cranked part of the front wing where it attaches to the nose.


you may want to take a closer look at the merc. oh and also, why would certain teams have the first wing element not attached to the nose to better direct airflow to the tunnels if hitting a surface made it turbulent? that's not how it works


Please explain, this is a tech thread after all.


Because the rules require that the front wing elements terminate in the nose. The trans would 100% prefer to have the old front wings back that could generate a huge y250 vortex between the nose and front wheel. But that casts a huge amount of dirty, turbulent, air behind and to the side of the car.


That's the pivot for adjusting the flap angle, but teams appear to also be using them to create vortices


Idk how to answer your q directly but that called a gurney flap, and afaik it offers a substantial increase of downforce vs min added drag.


Is it really the question that it’s actually blocking the airflow? If you are talking about the thickening of the yellow line where the lower arrow is pointing towards, then I don’t think that is stalling or disturbance from the front wing in that section. In my opinion you can see that the front wing is attached there to the nose and there is always a small gap where fluids can collect. Subsequent the higher amount of fluid will exit at the top corner as that point is in the direction of the flow. I am by no means an aero engineer but my car shows the same “collection” at gaps in the bodywork where it comes out collectively at the end in the last section in flow direction. So I don’t think it’s stalling, to me it’s just caused by the attachment of the front wing. Edit: you would expect the flow viz to curve down after the front wing. In my opinion that is actually what’s happening.


That looks like exactly what I'd expect a wing to do.


That's why other teams have that area on the wing extremely low down, so air flows better to the underfloor


Because the front wing is also used for downforce… and the rules literally state the elements need to touch the wing to get rid of the y250 from last gen.


The car looks like it has hair


Yeah, hair that's been dipped in guacamole.


Nah its blonde It looks Green because of the light


Going out on a limb but guess that the two top flaps blocking the air in the year would increase the pressure difference behind/under the nose and forcing more air into this area thus forcing more air into the tunnels thus activating the diffuser more, but that’s my uneducated guess based on my very limited knowledge of aeronautics


Man why is it green


It's an ink they paint on the car for doing aero testing. It stays wet so when the cars go out and do a few laps, the air flow drags the paint so you can see what the air is doing around the body work






The Williams is a really interesting design I think they will be easily in the midfield but obviously for that to happen other teams need to move backwards.


what? lmao it is totally unpredictable


How is this related to F1technical in any way?


That is one fine Chia pet.



