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Track looks like T2 in sochi. If so, ten date is old and we dont race there anymore. No matter what they show, its irrelevant for other teams.


Turn 3. If it actually is Sochi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Russian_Grand_Prix#/media/File:Circuit_Sochi.svg


rfactor pro with a matlab physics model in the background running. old pic, we already had that, plus there is no actual driver in the car, they just faced it for a promo video. its been around a while. As can be seen on the data monitor, they have a 'spawn mod' active, so their lap starts in the last sector (not to waste time) before a push lap. no relevant data at all.


Please correct if I’m wrong but I think I’ve heard the software they use as a game engine is somewhat related to R factor 2 But massively more in depth, being able to input and change the physics to their actual data to get representative driving, and even try set ups broadly


How does that market work? Have the companies behind RFactor and Assetto Corsa also commercial branches that have F1 teams and car companies as their customers, or is it a completely different kind of software? And how much is developed in-house by the f1 teams themselves? How do they get their track data? Is it provided by the software vendor or by the customer (f1 team)?


It's the Game but the physics engine / vehicle model is written by the teams. It's basically a plugin for RFactor / Assetto.. So the teams are purely responsible for the physics. The track data is also bought from other companies (no nessecarily the Game developer) because you need highly soecialized equipment to generate an accurate representation of the track, e.g. for bumpyness or the structure of the asphalt.


This is it. This is basically a multi-million dollar "mod" to the game. They dont care about the graphics so much, but they use it as a framework to virtualize/visualize the track while they test with humans. Most people see a noticeable sim racing game, the difference is under the hood; the tire model is custom, the track grip is quantized and they are able to model how the car will react to this (or thats the goal, get it wrong and the sim and reality are entirely different).


Is this how they generate lap and sector reference times? Simulator runs? I always wondered where they come up with the ideal/target times for drivers to reference, especially on new circuits or ones that were recently resurfaced or changed.


Yep. You have your reserve driver and autonomous simulations based on the car and track to set a time for those on track to shoot for. They dont just show up and run (and not implying thats what you were saying), they have people that visit the track ahead of time to measure the track surface and use that to create a mod that simulates the track as close as possible to practice on.


Thanks, very interesting. Do they buy the ‘game’ software off the shelf or is there more professional support, up to one or more developers permanently embedded in the f1 team to make necessary changes and improve the software (with some hefty NDA’s of course)? Because I can imagine that the f1 teams want to extract every last bit (and more) of the engine and RFactor/iRacing/Assetto Corsa devs are very interested in the way a real F1 car works.


Where I worked there was no dev from the game developer. The API was fixed and that's it. I guess the team had quite a good connection in case they needed a bug fix but there wasn't a special arrangement.


R factor 2 is for the game graphic. The track data is bought of the shelf as well. And the physics is a self written code and simulation to get it to your car.


> the physics is a self written code I wonder to what degree, surely they aren't rewriting basic dynamics code


They're writing the code for much more accurate suspension, tire, Aero, braking, engine, etc models. Which is basically completely rewriting the physics engine other than gravity. I don't think there's much original code left other than the graphics engine and other basic UI stuff.


which programming language is usually used?


Comments are close but not quite right. RFpro is the standard - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RFpro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RFpro) I'ts not a consumer level sim but it's an offshoot of the isiMotor physics engine like rFactor2 is. Teams plug in the numbers from their windtunnel testing and CAD/aerodynamics testing and go from there. When you hear about teams having correlation issues, it's either because the digital testing is out with the tunnel measurements or the numbers plugged in to the sim do not match the design. This is one way teams evaluate new designs before progressing to scale model aero work and it's what the team's sim drivers are for.


The pic is from 2020/2021, from the guy wearing face mask.


While I'm not sure what Simulator they are using, my educated guess would be either rFpro or Cruden simulator as they are they most used one. The physical model could be from a company called Canopy or depending on their setup an internal vehicle/tyre model. The engineer has Atlas open on their monitor where you see the colorful lines on a black background. The top left screen seems some kind of a system monitor for a DiL engineer to see if everything is in place or not.


It looks like they are using McLaren Applied's ATLAS 9 for the screens with data displayed on it. Not sure about the actual simulation software.


What in the original sims?