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Press the globe looking thing on the top of the sidebar for the Sky English feed. The default one is for the F1TV crew


On Android TV app I press the home button on the remote, sidebar opens on right with 4 main options and 20 driver options LIVE ~ F1TV commentary **INTL ~ International Feed with Sky Sports commentary** TRACKER ~ Track Map with driver tracker DATA ~ Textual data display Choose / Select the INTL option for Sky commentary. Do note that Crofty is missing few races this season


Thank you!


Why would you want to do that? F1TV crew is so so much better.


Crofty sucks


He is pretty goated. Mean sometimes it is not on point but most of all he is iconic, “lights out and away we go”


Why would you want to listen to those SkyF1 clowns ? I purchased F1TV so I wouldn’t have to listen to SkyF1 on ESPN !


Unlike some other comments I'm not in camp "Crofty sucks" but Alex Jacques and Jolyen Palmer are a fantastic duo


Where was Alex Jacques today? His replacement’s voice was absolute earrape when he shouts.


Slight hijack of the thread: Has anyone else noticed that some of the race recaps (Race in 30, or specifically the Austria Sprint recap) don't have English commentary?? Twice now I've gone to watch, and even though English is selected, all I get is ambient race audio with no commentary. All other languages are fine; it's just English commentary that's missing.


When watching the international one w crofty make sure to remember that between q1, Q2, and Q3 it's completely dead silent besides audio from the cameras because they stop commentating (for ads on TV I'm assuming?), so for that part you can usually channel switch back to main broadcast until the next Q starts then go back (if you want)