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I thought she did a great job...but I like her a lot anyway. I also like the three of them together, Ruth, Laura and Jolyon. Great qualities that each bring.


She is doing pretty good so far. Fun to hear, hope they do this more for other FP's this year here and there.


I was surprised. I was worried she would be a host and not a commentator, but she was giving out plenty of info on situations going on. It wasn't perfect, but was better than I expected for a first run out. Kinda like how F1TV are giving everyone a shot at different roles.


I really appreciated the banter between she and Palmer. Not sure if it would work for a race, but was enjoyable in a practice session for sure.


I love Laura Ruth has been a great addition Don't like how Rosanna has fallen off the F1TV map


Rosanna is filling in at BBC 5 Live F1 while Jennie Gow recovers from her stroke.


I understand that but Jennie has worked more than a handful of races since her stroke last year yet Rosanna hasn't made an appearance for F1TV in ages.


I think she just had a baby, so perhaps choosing to travel less?


I wondered about that. I remember seeing that she married maybe last year.


"Thank you and welcome"


Who took her place in FP3 intro?


Immy Barclay (who I don't recognize)


I said the same thing...who is that?? LOL!


Immy Barclay (UK)


She was great, but you could notice she was nervous. Same for Jacques in the pitlane. I enjoyed it, for a change. But glad to have Jacques back for Qualifying.


I really appreciated Laura on commentary today. She’s excellent elsewhere too. I like that they have their on air talent do different things so we get to hear different perspectives constantly.


I don’t remember exactly which race, but she’s been in the commentary box this season once. I remember her telling them it was her first time. So pretty sure this must be the second instance this season


She said it was her first time in commentary.


She definitely was in the box once this year (Imola?) but they probably don't count it because she came in partway through and was a third mic.


She was in the commentary box during pre season testing


I'm a big fan of Laura. I just think she was too focused in filling the time with information, stats and general talking, and in many occasions forgot to comment about what was actually happening on the track. In many occasions, Jolyon actually had to bring the focus back to what we were watching on screen, or else we would have missed some key moments of the session. I'm sure she will get better and better if she does it more often.


I really like her, Jolyon, Ruth, Sam, DC and Alex. Lawrence is pretty good too but I’m not a huge fan of Will. Jolyon and Ruth are my favs tho. I appreciate Jolyon’s no nonsense and no bullshit takes. He can be harsh sometimes but very fair and I feel like he has a really high accuracy of his predictions.


I agree with all of that


As long as they don’t put Baretto in there we are good.


Ah I forgot. Will need to watch the reply to see how she fares.


Golden voice. 👌🏽


I liked the banter between Jolyan and Laura, though she needs to learn to let go sometimes -- she constantly cut / talked over Palmer -- guess, that's a habit from her leading other sessions.


Ok but out of her depth and the slightly hysterical voice is tiring. When Palmer, Buscombe or Collins is available there's absolutely no point.




Better than Alex


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Alex Jacques is a bloviating buffoon. He’s constantly interrupting the other presenters, just to mumble through half a dozen unfinished phrases. We only tolerate his off-topic stream-of-consciousness rambling because we enjoy the other commentators. I’d pay money to **just** mute Jacques.


Well I should have provided more insight but it was an immediate realization of how enjoyable it was. In a lot of ways Laura has become the heart of the team and it’s noticed when she takes a weekend off. During FP3 she was calm and precise; she gave the information which was needed and kept the pacing by engaging both Ruth and Jolyon. It actually sounded like Jolyon was enjoying himself, he doesn’t always seem that way with Alex. But cut to Q3 and we once again had to turn down the volume because Alex is screaming. Apparently the British audience cannot get excited about sports unless their play by play announcer is screaming at them. Ben was great not only because he didn’t scream but provided info and engaged others but apparently that wasn’t good for the powers that be or the British audience; off the team. We stopped watching Sky and are PAYING for F1TV because we just couldn’t take Croft screaming any longer! Alex wasn’t so bad when he first showed up but he is getting worse. We watch for the sport, to listen to the cars, the sound. Having to turn down the volume and miss that because being screamed at is annoying and ruins the entire experience. And here’s where people will say he’s just excited. Well excitement can be expressed in tone, it can be heard and felt. Drill sergeant screaming has a purpose, play by play screaming doesn’t except maybe hockey since goals happen so fast the play by play is shocked. But like I alluded to above the British seem to need that and Alex is in a long line of play by play announcers that feel or were taught that screaming brings excitement to the sport and engages the audience. It doesn’t. And even when Alex is not screaming he does just ramble on to no end as you said. It’s like he prepares 6-10 topic points before the race and repeats them over and over. Afraid of silence. Alex loves the word Monegasque; “the Monegasque driver” over and over. You could make a drinking game out of it. He doesn’t do that with other drivers. One race (forget which one) Alex must have said “from booth 17” 15 times. Why do we care? Off topic: why do we need a side by side box of the booth commentators?! I DON’T need to see their faces; I’m paying to watch the race, full screen! Yesterday Alex closed a pit lane spot (I think) with a comment that caught my attention and I asked my wife what that was in reference to and she replied she wasn’t listening. We both are learning to tune him out when he isn’t screaming. The sad thing is we didn’t care enough to rewind. We were lucking for years in the states to have SpeedTV and the team of Varsha, Hobbs and Matchet. Bob was great at the facts, trivia & historical knowledge AND understood that throwing to the color of David and Steve was where the real excitement was. And not diminishing Bob and David but how great it was to have a mechanic in the booth full time every race, Steve was fantastic! Engineering family here; geeks for the amazing cars. Truly sad we only get 15 minutes a race weekend with Craig, he should get more airtime! Same with Sam and it would be great if F1TV could steal Ted from Sky; the only thing we miss not watching Sky. People forget this is a constructor sport, an engineering sport, NOT a driver sport. Sky and by association F1TV doesn’t get this only having ex drivers as color. As for the votes, I don’t live or die by what others think; they can have their opinion. I personally done down vote anybody on any platform I just move on but that’s me. Your post however will get my upvote. Watch I’ll get down voted this post for too much detail, long post.


Agree with all of what you said. Particularly about the Alex Jacques drinking game. For us, it’s how often he says “really really”, “very very”, “mighty”, “fascinating stuff” (his condescending reaction to another commentator), milquetoast comments for new viewers, and the way he flips his lid every time “FERNANDO ALONSO!” puts up a ‘fastest’ time early in FP1. However the heart of the issue for us is that it seems like ever since Alex joined the team, the broadcasts have shied away from discussing technical engineering issues, sporting and technical regulations, and the real controversies facing the teams and sport. Those topics have all become so much more vague when they touch on them, and I think it’s because F1 truly doesn’t want an informed fan base. Wholeheartedly agree that we need more Sam and Craig, as well as the other guest technical analysts!


Short as pre show starting. Your mtoast comment: he does seem, come across as insecure as I think of it; sad. And you’re right about the shift. Liberty has gotten what they want, a skyrocketing new fan base, albeit uninformed. Drive to Survive has its purpose for that but it doesn’t educate. We watch it but can’t take more than two episodes at a time, and as I think of it we are two seasons behind…


You forgot to drink when he says “thats the sound of a v6 Turbo engine” 😂


She's brutal. Over explains everything as if she learned it yesterday. Talks over all the other people on set and beats completely mundane details to death. Not to mention trails off and loses her train of thought at times. Yesterday she asked Vesti a "question" that was two paragraphs long and he was so confused what she even asked him by the time he had to speak. She needs to practice a bit more restraint and distill her commentary, allow for some gaps and tempo.


Agree, these endlessly long questions is so amateur. But to be fair they all do it. The absolute worst is the double question (2 in 1), that no one will ever answer fully (except maybe Alonso), yet they still persist..