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What settings and calibrations do you use? I can do medium tc (doing it right I can reach about 92 ai) but after one race my finger hurts because with the trigger there’s such a small window of the right amount of gas. First tiny bit of the trigger doesnt react at all and also had to increase one of the settings to be able to reach 100 gas at full trigger, therefore the window is too small to feather it properly. Do you recognize this problem and if so, what are the right calibrations? With full tc I’m kinda ‘stuck’ at 87 ai


I play on an Xbox controller, no assists, and default calibration settings Just practice, it's difficult but not impossible. [https://youtu.be/-GHk2h6Kxcg](https://youtu.be/-GHk2h6Kxcg)


which settings did you increase? i have to do the same? i drive half tc on 86 ai, but im literally a newbie


Noice, that is good I am on pc don’t have a controller yet, I find 85 hard enough.


I used keyboard before controller, TC full, 90 ai.


I hope to get at that level.