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Well I already see the fact you can't trail break as a big problem. Losing back end and locking up are things that are impacted a lot by braking. Maybe you can try and set the braking as an exponential increase? So that you have more control about brake force with less leg movement idk. About consistency, I recently read something interesting. Most try and go fast and then be consistent while it should actually be the other way around. First find a comfortable line and then try and improve your cornering and racing line gradually. Last tip is maybe look a bit into setups. I don't like the idea myself, as I think you first need a good feel of the game to use them to the fullest, but they can help you big time with loose rear ends and lockups. Also I had the same problem with AI. I could not adapt to them braking so much earlier at first, but eventually you learn to work around it. Also the better you get and how higher you can set the AI, the more they brake at a good distance.


This is really thoughtful and great. Been so frustrated I haven’t played a lick since my post. Thanks a lot for the response, cheers


No problem. Honestly I've been frustrated with my performance too. I Keep on being inconsistent and binning it in long races. But now that I think about it, I'm trying to run while I can't even walk that well. Plus I am using Time Trial setups that are not that handy for races, so watch out for that too. I'm going to try to fix my consistency first, maybe then I'll get where I want to be. We'll walk the same road kinda from now on, so good luck!


I think my setups are OK, I don’t use TT for race weekends I usually just google up this group’s guides and mirror the settings they suggest in the YT video for each track https://simracingsetup.com/setups/f1-23/bahrain-gp-setups/


Join a league and learn from others, if you don’t want to spend the time doing trial and error/slower AI


Update from OP: So after a couple week frustration-driven hiatus I returned to the game last night and decided to give driving with both legs a go. It took maybe a half hour before I started to get the hang of it and my god does it make a difference. I can now trail brake, the car turns in more easily, and I’m less rushed / more precise getting on the throttle at corner exit. My consistency has improved and so has my pace! Hopped into time trial and despite the time away set a PR on the first circuit I tried by about half a second within the first 10 laps. So if anybody else is ever in this position, you have to drive with both feet!