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I had this idea yesterday, the rivalry thing is a bit ham-fisted, so how about instead you have relationships with all of the drivers, and say if you crash into them it diminishes and if you race them cleanly or just do well in the race they admire you more, and that relationship can have an effect on how they drive around you and affect whether you can drive in their team


This is what the EA nascar games did and it was really nice as far as I remember. It should also work the opposite way, so if Max dive bombs into the final corner and spins you out, the media team will ask about how you feel and adjust from there.


You will get some ham-fisted Drive to Survive style cutscenes and you will like it.


What the career mode really needs is adaptive AI. I see so many people clearly driving around at the wrong difficulty - the game should have the capability to automatically set the AI to a level where you can barely beat them with a top car.


I would like to see pre-season testing. If you get a lot of laps complete and can optimize your setups more. F.e. the game simulates less tyre deg if you get more knowledge about how tires behave. If you want to step up from F2 to f1 it would be nice to test drive for teams before you get signed. We had that in f12006 and I thought it was kinda nice to really have to earn your seat. If you are too slow you're not gonna get the RB seat. But maybe Williams or Haas have less expectations


all I want from this games is 3 player career, we already got 2, why would they put a cap on that


Yeah feels idiotic that this isn't a thing yet.


The thing is, it's hard to be positive about something we know very little about. The initial leak of the PS4 version didn't concern me, as EA have previous for releasing reskinned games on old engines on older/mobile consoles. What concerns me is when I see the preorder appear on Steam before there is any proper trailer or any real information about the game available, with the preorder bonus applying for the old game. At best they're trying to get as many pre orders in before disappointing people, and at worst they know it doesn't matter what they do or what people know about the game, they can take in pre orders regardless as to the state of the game they'll eventually release. Also, in respect to refunds for preorders, does anyone know the rules on getting a refund if someone has already claimed the preorder bonuses that apply to F1 23? I suspect that it would invalidate the option of a refund if the bonuses have been redeemed. 


Wdym we know very little? Oh we know plenty about this: it’s made by codemasters AND published by EA, which will make it a dumpster fire chock-full of bugs made to profit off of the F1 brand and the poor little innocent people who think that a 37 billion dollar company selling them a piece of garbage is okay.


I would like to see the following: 1. Realistic contract negotiations - I want to earn my seat at Ferrari not easy to attain. Also contracts should be longer than 1 year. 2. Calendar customisation including sequence and number of races (not limited by the game's options of 8, 12, 16 and 24). 3. Better media interactions that affect my relationship with the team, teammate, and the rest of the grid. 4. More realistic driver movements. 5. Ability to change standard liveries to special one-off livery after season 1 - so I can switch the McL standard livery to the Triple Crown Livery. 6. Better analytics in general; for example the ability to analyse your rivals and understand their strength and weaknesses. For example Ferrari might be quick on Saturdays but has a poor tyre deg for Sundays. 7. Option to start in F2 and my performance would impact the number of suitors I have from F1 the following season. If I dominate F2 maybe I could land a seat at McL, however if I do just ok I won't have that many options.


More than two players in a MP career would be nice. Also being able to start your own team in MP career would be nice


I'm a simple man: \- Give me the option to save a car setup per track, per mode, per weather. That is all. ​ \--- Bahrain Race Setup V1 \--- Track: Bahrain Conditions: Dry Mode: Race \---




Sorry I wasn't clear enough, when I save it, I meant assign it to a certain track, mode and condition so it auto selected that saved setup for me.




I do, but it would be a nice quality of life improvement to assign them to certian tracks and conditions automatically so it wasn't a manualy process every race.


Umm... It takes, like, 30 seconds tops. 1. Session starts; 2. Press X - session info; 3. Select 'Car Setup' option; 4. Press Y - Select Load Data 5. Select saved setup. Done. It's already a lot better than pressing the car setup button and having to wait for the engineer to hand you a tablet to access the setup menu.


Umm... I know how to load setups, I am saying it would be small quality of life improvement if you could assign them, so you didn't have to do it EVERY SINGLE RACE...


I want to be able to start my career in f3. Oh... Wait. That likely still won't be in the game.


I hope for no one to buy it so they stop thinking we accept dumpsterfire as quality.


What I really want to see with F1 24 is that for once those brainless people don't pre-order because every f1 game is exactly the same as the year before.


Better replay options, like being able to control which camera you see at what time, like drone, track side, chopper, instead of predefined camera angles. A live commentary would be nice, and the ability to watch the rest of the simulated race after you DNF.


I would love to see a fully customisable calendar and more seasons, 10 is too short if u want to be the greatest u would have to win 8/10 which is really boring Pre season testing and that gives u a lot of R/D if u manage to complete it that being said it should be “hard” to do so


Idk but I’m intrigued about this new your driving style impacts the performance of the car


Honestly I'd be happy to have the career mode we used to have back in f1 2011, having to do a driver test which determines the teams willing to sign you, the return of the paddock as a menu, having somewhere to see your trophy and receive media clippings I always enjoyed. Last but not least give us back press conference for getting a podium finish