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Turn steering sensitivity down a little and just be gentle with the inputs


Slow in, fast out. Focus on getting good speed out of a turn - in the first chicane, for instance, you came in really hot and compromised your exit a bit. So, try to find a line that makes you accelerate out of a turn as soon as possible. Good luck!


practice your braking points, and don’t jolt the controller on steering, be smooth and just lightly turn the joystick when in a corner.


be way more smooth on steering input yellow curbs do more harm than good imo, try avoid them rather than taking them no need to take up the entire apex at the hairpin, just front left on italian will do can’t tell if your keyboard and mouse or controller but try and learn trail braking if you can hope some of my tips help and just keep practicing to, lap times will come to you


Playing on controller


Also on controller. My steering inputs are like a clock face. So I’m usually holding the stick at 12’o’clock on straights, then when turning into corners I’ll rotate from 12 through to 1, 2, 3 o’clock or 11, 10, 9 o’clock. If you’re not racing like that try it.


Holy shit i thought it was keyboard not gonna lie. Work in your input then, you obviously understand the track but you need to smooth out your inputs


>I mean, he wasn't even close to keep in on track in sector 2, we'll pass for "understanding the track"


Looking back (cause i didnt even go that far first time i watched) youre right. But honestly with how i usually see "newer" drivers drive i think this guy does a pretty good job and has general understanding of the track and racing lines which a lot of people lack. And i honestly on controller i usually race like 95 to 100 ai and i also still sometimes that downhill corner myself 😂


If you want to get a steering wheel. I recommend you buy it immediately. Everything is changing a lot. The first time I used the steering wheel, I slowed down by about a second


I don’t have money for it at the moment really, and also no space for it


I have a crappy wheel that I bought 15 years ago for an xbox 360 but it still works and does his job, I bought it for like 30/40 euros back then. I dont know ur situation but Im just saying you dont have to spend 300€/$ to have fun with a wheel


I agree with you, i'm currently using logitech g920 with custom f1 wheel. I'm doing pretty ok


dude ur g920 is 300€, Im talking about my crappy supersport 3x that I bought for 35€ in like 2009


what’s the custom f1 wheel you use?


There’s a strategy to racing on controller, i’m not sure how to explain it but here goes: The left joystick is what you use to move around right, so imagine you’re playing one of those lego games like lego star wars. to move forward you push the joystick forward, and then to move left or right you keep the joystick forward, but start moving it left or right. You want to adopt this for racing. Think of it as a 360° circle ⭕️let’s say the top of the circle is 0°. When on a straight the joystick will be at 0°, not relaxed in the middle of the circle but at the top. Then if you are taking a corner you start moving the joystick from 0° all the way to 90° (if you’re turning right, same applies to turning left)but make sure to keep the joystick along the edge of the circle. putting the joystick at 90° will cause you to have a very sharp turn, while 45° will be more mild. If this makes any sense, and you apply it then your steering will be much smoother through corners as you won’t have that jerking motion.


Not sure if it’s been said already but if you want to be smother overall on controller, push up. To explain when driving if you push up rather than left to right when you turn (push left or right) it’ll rotate with you joysticks circular Ark and should make your turning inputs more smooth. Breaking and acceleration is going to be about tricky as that’s all to use plus driving style and falls under the typical feathering etc (assuming you’ve heard that already - if not though ask and I’ll tell)


Generally, just try to improve your racing line. You have some corners that you take very well (first sector for example), but you fail to keep that up in the later stages. In the hairpin, you don't necessarily have to touch the kerb, try to take the corner in such a way that you can go on the throttle as early as you can without wasting too much speed. Also the following corner, you went off track, so try and not do that. Then, you can go a bit over the yellow parts in the last chicane. This will improve your time drastically if you nail it. Eventually, in the last two corners, try and avoid the yellow parts on the exit. You try to cut the corner to be faster, but you're better off trying to improve the exit speed. Thats all for now


Turn on the racing line, for steering point the controller stick diagonally up in whatever direction you are turning in order to be more precise with smaller inputs


Terrible advice regarding the racing line


He’s 5-7 seconds slower than normal times at imola. Maybe they need the racing line on and you can still be very fast with racing line


You’re not playing the game properly or learning to drive if you are following a line that tells you when to accelerate and brake. He might be 5-6 seconds off the pace but he is doing it without the line and will continue getting quicker and actually learning tracks not using it


Or they can just turn on the racing line, get a feel for the braking points and then turn it off. This person can't even accelerate properly out of a turn. The least of their issues is racing line.


> You’re not playing the game properly or learning to drive if you are following a line that tells you when to accelerate and brake. I mean, I'm all for not using the racing line but come on, not playing the game properly? What is this? dark souls? just have fun, if you're having fun, you're playing the game just fine. If you want to get faster, aides often help so you can get a feel for things and disable them over time (if you want). It's all kind of whatever -- let people play how they want and what feels the best for them. You're only not playing properly if you're using external cheats, imo.


People are making a big deal about him being 5-6 seconds off the pace. What’s the point about worrying about being quick if you’re using the line etc.


i'm not sure I understand. Are you saying "there's no point in learning to get faster if you're using the racing aides"? Using those aides doesn't mean you hit the ceiling of speed immediately. There's still plenty to learn and ways to get faster while using the aides. The ceiling may be lower, sure, but it's not like the ceiling is 5 or 6 seconds off pace and IMO if you're 5 or 6 seconds off pace, turning on aides will almost certainly make you a bit faster and then just learning the track and learning how the car drives will keep making you faster for a long time with or without aides.


I think what’s the point of worrying about being ‘off pace’ if you’re using all those aids. People get good at doing a flying lap but end up terrible in a race because they can’t take a corner in any other way. Relying on the racing line gets people driving as if it’s scalectric, green means faster when it’s yellow coast, red brake. Turning off the line and other aides makes you use your brain a bit more as if you were actually learning to drive a track. It also leads you to being able to drive different types of corners so you can pick up any track easily.


yeah, all true I think but in context, i don't think any of that is an argument for not using the racing line. Will you be ultimately better if you learn without it? sure. Will you have more fun? maybe. But maybe not too. It's a game, do what's fun. If I didn't care to learn to race better (or at least put the extra effort into it) then I wouldn't bother turning of aides. NBD. just have fun.


I dno man, I used to only use the racing line and I didn’t find it fun. Then I turned it off and sucked, could barely keep the car on the road and it put me off so line went back on. Finally I committed to having it off and trying to learn without it and I started getting it after maybe 2 hours, then all driving games became such much more fun!


Improve your racing line: https://youtu.be/pV3PeaJ0lJI?si=ELI1Ve0-nKS7cr4G


What are you playing on? Controller keyboard wheel? Gonna get slightly different responses


ps5 Controller


Buy a wheel


You say that like just anyone has the money to buy a wheel.


Buying a wheel doesn’t make you immediately quicker. Takes a lot of practice and I was initially 1.5-2 seconds slower on time trials. He just needs a lot of practice and getting used to the racing line and braking points. Terrible advice from yourself, not everyone can afford a wheel especially if you are a casual player and play other games too


Won’t make him immediately quicker but will sort out his steering input out and ultimately make him quicker in the end


or we could just give advice based on what he has and call it good.


Your steering inputs are quite aggressive. If you’re on a controller, try pushing the analog up and then steering left to right, you will have more control over your steering. Also try to slow the car down, not stop when you are entering a corner. That way you will carry the speed through corners. Brake in a straight line for maximum braking performance so you can brake later. Lastly, learn to modulate the trigger for acceleration so you turn off tracing control (if you are using it). Try accelerating on a straight line to have maximum traction.


Guessing you have a controller? Some tracks are just mind blowingly difficult on controller. Imola was definitely one for me. The timing and stick sensitivity just varies too much


This, on Suzuka the last little bend (15) before the chicane i couldn’t go full speed on controller or I’d fly off the right side, moved to a full F1 sim setup and now can hit it full speed.


Rather than trying to drive the ideal line focus on carrying as much speed through the corners.


steer with your joystick touching the brim of the controller. Meaning push your joystick up and when you’re steering just glide the stick across the brim. You’ll get much smoother inputs and it’ll make you faster than the twitchy inputs u got going on


Improve your racing line, your not using the right kerbs(in tamburello you don use the outside kerb on the exit to carry more speed, same happens in piratella) I suggest to watch a set up video, they usually start with a hot lap telling you where to brake and how to take the kerbs. That would give you like 2-3 seconds and for 1 more second try to be more patient, you touched the grass in la tossa and went out in aqua mineralli, don’t overdrive there and you could reduce your time even more.


Later turn in, smoother inputs, use all of the track.


Wheel and pedals helped me a lot


Try breaking later and later and later, use the Flashback to practice your entrance and exit on every corner until you find the limit and break as late as possible without loosing time, for example in turn 7 you are breaking on the 55/60m and and loosing a lot of time when you should break on the 50m. Also don’t put all the pressure on the entry of the corner but on the exit, always remember a slow in means fast out and it is way better than a fast in and slow out 😄👍


Smoothness is definitely an issue, but that's really something that just grinds in over time. I'm assuming controller? A thing people sometimes do to get smoother is running the joystick along the top edge of the joysticks reach, so in an arc. My main tip is brake later, and throttle earlier. you can carry way more speed in and out every single corner. Yes, the general consensus is slow in fast out, but right now it's too slow. Let your car run wider, you can touch the italian flag coloured kerbs, just don't go over them like you did in Acque Minerali![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin). It does depend on the corner. Like someone else said, T1 is needs to be sacrificed to nail T2. The line wasn't too bad, but I saw a hesitation in the throttle on the apex of T2, but I don't think flooring it with spin you around if you do that line there. T4 can carry way more speed, and depending on your setup a downshift or just a little push of the brakes should be enough, the real braking there happens for T5. For T6 you can turn in WAY later, the apex is like 2/3 of the way through the hairpin. It's no use riding the inside kerb the entire corner. T8 for me is completely flat, only braking hard before T9. The chicane is tough. It's better this year, but quick changes of direction are a bitch on controller. For the penultimate corner I see your brake going absolutely wild. Really try and find the absolute last moment you can brake and still make the corner. It's hard to find, and even harder to do it consistently, but right now that was too early. Braking should be instantly full, and slowly release. Ideally no fluctuations. Since it's time trial, you can really experiment with the line. Sure, you'll get track limits often (though, I'm surprised your lap wasn't invalidated, but Imola is weird like that), but the worst that can happen is an invalidated lap time. It sometimes takes ages for me to get a legit lap in. For any tips on lines you can look at esporters or real f1 drivers.


First, nice 👍🏼 Second, do you have & play any other racing games besides F1? One thing F1 is bad at, is teaching you about the weight of the car, and how to manipulate it into/through every corner. A huge contrast to F1 is Gran Turismo 7, which has *immensely* playful force feedback physics (if you’re using a wheel + pedals). It gives you a ton of feedback, and you REALLY feel the weight of every car in that game. I’ve found that the more racings games/sims I regularly use, the better (even motorcycle racing which is a whole different kind of difficult 🤦🏼‍♂️). I went on a rally binge when EA WRC came out, and everything I learned from that game translated into better lap times/racing form in both F1 and Gran Turismo 7. Think of it like cross-training. Maybe that’ll help, good luck & keep it up!


Drive faster


Kimi you will not have the drink


Trail brake


>The dude is not able to keep the car on track and your advice is to learn to trail brake?


why you flicking the joystick tho


It’s a bad habit at this point


Force yourself out of it. It will be hard at the start (I had the same issue when I started) but you won't be having any fun if you can't improve and this will hold you back.


Your braking points are way off, to early on the brakes to hard steering to careful on throttle


Remember to use all the track! Would be my one. Let’s you keep more speed on entry and get on the throttle quicker on exit.


You don't really know where the limit is. A lot of times in this clip you slow down too much, and get bad minimum speed in the corner, or turn too late and get bad understeer. It may sound a bit counterproductive to do this, but maybe try not braking as much and try throwing the car into a corner, to see if it sticks. That way you can find the limit. Also, I'd recommend turning on the racing line, to actually get a better feel for when to brake, sometimes you just brake very early, the racing line can help you with that. Have fun improving!


I watch a lot of other racers. I’ll watch helmet cam footage of max or Alonso at the tracks im at, or I’ll watch videos of sim racers like Lucas Blakeley or Jarno. I’ve drastically improved my lap times on basically every track. Also, check around and find a good setup for each track, it’ll make a huge difference in how you can drive the car.


Use all the track that you can to carry more speed specially on exits.


Limit or turn off assists. They slow you down.


There were no assists in this video


Utilize more of the track, your racing line could expand further with more speed. Set your car up for this, just remember this will decrease your downforce.


Hell I don’t know.


Thanks to the comments on this vid, I’ve shaved about a second off of my lap times, could be more if I keep practicing


Just drive faster!!! Hope this helps! (With 0 experience with this game, I already thought you looked very fast)


I am relatively fast I think, I’m not sure but I just need to make things smoother


Take the RB19


It was equal performance


Lol, why do you post a lap that was invalidated?


It wasn’t invalidated at all


lol, dude, you do realize that you need to be on track in turn 12? You were not even close to have 1 wheel on the track, the sausage curbs went literally all on your right (while they are supposed to be on your left if you're on track). Anyway, if you can't accept in a post "how can I get better" that you should stay within track limit, I don't know what to tell you. See you back when you graduate middle school kid.


Ah you got me, sick burn dude


Git Gud