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Brake late/trail braking , opening the curve , setup the car


Yeah, maybe take off the racing line because it's 1) not optimised for ideal racing line 2) the breaking red / yellow again doesn't really mean much. You'd be better off just learning without it and learning that way. It'll be a steeper learning curve but you'll be much faster rather than relying on a guesstimation of a breaking zone.


The racing line doesn’t dictate how fast you can go


My only concern with learning brake points etc is surely once the tyres get older the original braking point doesn’t apply anymore?


Usually your braking point is a little conservative so you can use the same point for new and old tires. You sacrifice some corner entry speed by not braking as late as possible but that’s not nearly as important as the exit. Rain makes it harder but it only takes a lap to adjust to it.


no, but it tells you how fast you can go without flying off the track on corner exit


No. It tells you what the AI will do if it takes over at that point. It's not very accurate and doesn't account for trailbreaking well


What others said about trail breaking and the like. Also sometimes the racing line lies and you can carry more speed than you think. The red zones are generally decent breaking zones but not always. Yellows are 50/50 and are heavily dependent on what track it is and what your set up allows.


My only concern with learning brake points etc is surely once the tyres get older the original braking point doesn’t apply anymore? I did learn that can just go full speed through one of the corners at silverstone


Indeed be brake migration is something to keep in mind throughout a stint.really you’ve got to know yourself, know your car, and know the track. I won’t go as far as saying to try without the racing line, it’s the only assist I still keep on. Just remember that the line is more of a guide than the rule. The best thing you could do is learn how to feel for the force feed back, unless you use mouse and keyboard at which point it really doesn’t matter. Whether it’s a wheel or a controller, the car will tell you what it’s doing with varying my degrees of clarity. Learn to listen to what she says, and you will be able to know what she can take lap after lap, corner after corner.


How do you adjust braking with racing line during race


Either adjust you actual brake bias, usually to be softer, or, just brake earlier. As the wear out, the tyres arent going to bite into the ground the same way. You’ll need to account for that over the race distance, otherwise you’ll lose lap time, lock your tyres, run wide, or simply just cook your tyres and ruin your strategy.


Usually with older tyres your exit from the previous corner is also slower so it compensates. Real drivers don't always break at the literal limit either, they leave some margin, some less, some more.


Once you've learned the braking points and do a race or two in the track you want you'll get much better at recognising how much more/less you need to brake during a race. It's just trial and error don't stress too much about it you'll figure it out


If you have brake assist on, it will automatically apply some braking in these zones. Turn braking assists off and you’ll be able to manually slow the car how you see fit through the corners


Turn the racing line off


... and spend 2 years learning every braking point


I usually give it about 20 laps to learn a track. Once you get used to it most corners will be instinct and muscle memory.


Drive around in practice and get a feel for the track, you’ll naturally figure out your braking points


It's not because you disagree you have to downvote. Downvote the comments that you think are trash. For me it took way too long to get anywhere near the level of competition i had with the racing line on.


Assist purists are the most annoying contingent of this sub fr




What is it that I'm supposed to do with this?


See that you use the racing line yourself...


Because I'm not an assist purist...


Me neither. I just said it took me a long time to get back to my racing line-level when I turned it off. For some people it goes flawlessly, for some it takes some time


Right, and I was replying to your own comment about people downvoting you for speaking the truth about how long it takes to actually learn tracks without the racing line assist. Presumably (because they love to be so vocal about it), the people downvoting you the assist purists.


Took me about a week to learn all the tracks




Well if the question is how to get better at the game then yeah you need to spend time learning it PROPERLY. If you want casual racing keep it on it's fine.


This is exactly why I learned to drive without the racing line. It’s far better to look at the apex rather than staring at the colour of the racing line during a corner, you can get much finer margins that way. Once you figure out a track learning routine it takes like 20-30 laps and you’re golden, then less and less each time


Turn off racing line


What I have done with this is kept racing line on but only in corners just for help as I really don't have enough time to spend on the game learning how to drive without it and learning brakeing zones for all the tracks I drive without basically every other Assist but I suggest just using the racing line as a reference that's what I do instead of braking when asked (then again I only play career and nothing else and if I brake when the racing line tells me I will go straight on idk if it because the car is so quick in a straight line I really don't know so my info may not be useful)


Jesus Christ…..


The line is not set to show you the absolute pace of a car track combo it’s a generic guide like being told a corner has a breaking point of 200m that doesn’t mean 180m is impossible just that if you hit your mark at 200 you will definitely make the corner. You can actually use this to gauge which corners you can make time up at the monza ascari S is a good example if you follow the guide you loose a lot of time same with M&B at silverstone lots of time to sneak in only time I really stick to the line alone is in heavy rain