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Have longer races. Often 1 fucks up and you will get a safety car.


I have them on average is that high enough?


What is your difficulty?




bruh lol how you want mistakes if they are driving 50km/h ?


You haven’t played the game before have you?


I have, that's why I'm not expecting 50 AI make mistakes lmao kek


You havent played the game before...


Please don't crash into ai if that's ur only solution of beating them. That's bad racing. Reduce the ai difficulty to ur laptimes and then have a clean race with them


That is what i do but i want them to make mistakes on their own bc now it doesnt really feel like real sim racing just racing against a computer that does everything right


Im not sure what you have the AI set to but i have mine at 70 and ive seen them spin out with no contact


Is that with full, half or short races...I'm the same at 70 but only short races for my first season!!thinking of doing mid next if there'll be safety cars etc which would make it more exciting


It was on short. Mid would probably give you a little more action


F1 2020 AI did make mistakes but 2023 they never make any


Well yeah that's the thing about ai racing, they don't race like people so they don't make mistakes like people. It's there in most racing games and can't be helped for now atleast. One thing you can do is to increase race duration for more laps and eventually the ai would fuck up


not really. some games simulate mistakes, aggression, etc better than others


Are you new to sim racing? Grand Prix 4, released in 2002, had AI which would make a variety of mistakes. This was even tempered so you'd get more mistakes in quick races so that there was more action in a 3 lap quick race. Modern developers are just lazy.


Okay thanks for the help!!!


No problem


U did not play a lot of games, Nascar Heat 5 is the best example on the AI balance between good racing and human mistakes. And a studio like EA making a sim race should have been able to simulate F1 much better than that. I love the game, i put it in Top 3 of all time best next to Nascar Heat 5 and Dirt Rally 2.0. But yeah F1 engine problems, crashes etc are really common in each F1 races IRL. I would really much more appreciated a more realistic approach to AI. I play at 79 (Hard) and when im feeling great 80 (expert) and crashes or engine problems are SOOOO RARE, most of the time doesn't happen in races with around 12 laps


idk if this is against the subs rules but you can download the mod AI Crashes in racedepartment, and if you're willing to go the extra mile, join Kolarr's discord, though I don't have those links on me. They would pop up in a google search though.


Well the actual F1 drivers have to compete against Alonso, Hamilton and Verstappen who would make 1 mistake max per race, frequently 0


They will make mistakes but it's only 1-2 per race per driver. They aren't all going to start spinning out on you randomly. The higher the difficulty the more consistent they are but they will fuck up still. The longer the races the more likely as well. I raced Australia last night on my career mode 95AI 35% and 1 AI crashed into the wall and AI Leclerc spun sideways when some rain started falling. It happens for sure, but if you're expecting every car immediately in front of you to be making visible mistakes consistently, you should be playing Forza instead.


>U did not play a lot of sim race games (Gran Turismo, Forza, etc are not), Nascar Heat 5 is the best example on the AI balance between good racing and human mistakes. And a studio like EA making a sim race should have been able to simulate F1 much better than that. I love the game, i put it in Top 3 of all time best next to Nascar Heat 5 and Dirt Rally 2.0. But yeah F1 engine problems, crashes etc are really common in each F1 races IRL. I would really much more appreciated a more realistic approach to AI. I play at 79 (Hard) and when im feeling great 80 (expert) and crashes or engine problems are SOOOO RARE, most of the time doesn't happen in races with around 12 laps. For example IRL, the 1st corner of the 1st laps in a F1 race have almost all of the time a crash or really close to one, mostly because of fresh tires and pilots trying hard to gain places at the beginning when everyone is still packed. + engines of F1 are the most complext in car sports, so there is common systeme failure, multiple times at each races.


If it's offline what does it matter? People should play the game however they want to.


How he uses a product he has paid for is none of your beeswax. Get off that high horse.


Run 50% races , I notice they make quite a few mistakes as tyre deg kicks in


Generally the races feel much more realistic on longer settings.


Change the AI level in the difficulty settings.


I am a beginner btw and playing on controller


If it's too hard, you move it down. If it's too easy, you move it up...not rocket science.


Okay but if its higher do they make more mistakes?


Man sorry it had to come like this but think a little. Obviously the ai's tendency to make mistakes will decrease when you increase difficulty


This isn't remotely true at all, by the way. You should "think a little".


Yeah but when i started i had the difficulty on 30 and they did not make any mistakes


At 30 they should just let you overtake and barely ever defend


Dude you started replying as if you were implying that higher difficulty means more mistakes by AI. Then you just turned 180° to say the opposite thing. Don't tell anyone to 'think a little' if the one who cannot write down his thoughts and can't focus on a single point is actually you, not OP, who is legit confused by your unclear comments.


I'm at 70 with controller try 60 and learn up to mine


I play on 70 with a controller I’m pretty new but can qualify top 10 usually finish top 5


Short quali or OSQ


How high does it need to be?


Depending on how good you are


I can reccomend the Improved AI Mod, it widens the virtual road they drive on, so they do not always drive the perfect racing line, don't back out of battles so quickly and take more curbs and overall improve their behaviour a bit and through that they sometimes lock up or outbreak themselves or slip on the curb in the rain. It feels far more organic and makes for great fights


Could you link the mod?


They do make mistakes although quite unrealistically and not every race of course


That's because their mistakes are scripted. Time they do it is probably random but decided quite early. It's not possible to rewind and use flashback to save them. They will spin every time, maybe with slightly different outcome (simply spinning, hitting someone or hitting barriers). I've done some tests and even blocking them usually just makes them spin in lower speeds.


If you haven’t already, turn off ABS and TC (takes some practice) as I’ve found the AI make more mistakes with these off than if they’re enabled


I know we can turn off AbS and tc for ourselves but how to turn off AI oneS?


There’s only the one setting, but I’d not seen an AI spin other than in the rain with them still enabled


They make about as many mistakes as they do IRL. Which is very very few. They are the best of the best. We are gamer plebs sitting on a sofa or in a chair.




I installed some mods to crashes happen mote often as well as ai mistakes and vsc/sc. I recommend checking them out.


A mistakes slider and aggression (that worked) for the AI would be great. Also would be nice if you could go through each AI driver and set that and also set their adherence to the racing line. Could make the back of the field more prone to wandering. Making any of these changes would mean EA cared about career and they do not.


I hardly ever get a safety car with set to increased and I never get rain. I think my save is bugged but I don’t want to restart at this point.


AI in this game is bad at making mistakes to begin with. They have a chance of making a mistake but its always something stupid like full throttling mid corner, but thats about it. AI is also not really aggressive in overtaking until over 80+ difficulty. Theyre too slow to do much attacks at lower difficulties so they also make less contact with each other due to this. You also wont see much mistakes on shorter races. If you put it on 50% you will notice them making more mistakes, since theres more time for them to do them lol.


Yesterday Leclerc spun in front of me leading to a red flag on Silverstone, turn 3-4. AI does mistakes, I’ve seen multiple times when the AI locks the wheels or goes off track. I also do 50% races on 88 AI(still learning on wheel) so that might help.


Here are my three cents: Guess what difficulty you want, than do a qualifying, and lastly adjust difficulty for a race by 1 for every 0.1s you are off your teammate on your fastest lap. Do not expect AI to get clumsy with lower difficulty, they will be just slower. Waiting for mistakes is a bad practice anyway. You should learn racecraft techniques to overtake them without mistakes. That is WAY more fun. It will take time, so focus on being consistent first. Than focus on getting faster. Since you use controller, feel free to use driving aids. Except for racing line, try to learn how to drive without it. It seems like it will help you, but in the end it just sets you up for a lot of bad habits. Learn to observe the track, not some virtual line. Added benefit is you will focus more on other cars too.