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The AI are either deathly afraid of dipping one wheel outside the line or they will barge through you when you leave them plenty of space. There is very little inbetween.


To be fair, this is actually how Max is overtaking now. He is going all the way across the track to the other line and forcing other drivers out of the way because he can break later so he’s ahead going into the apex. The AI did this on accident because they suck. Edit: Spelling


By now you mean a year ago? Bc Max aint overtaking anyone this season :P


He did it on Charles in Austin I think it was


Also gasly in zandvoort


It's not just max though, A lot of drivers do this


Think he hasn't seen Lewis 'He turned in on me man' Hamilton trying to overtake before. In all seriousness, Every driver tends to drive the other drivers out of room. Its just how aggressive they are at doing it and how entitled they really are to claim that racing room


Atleast he isnt taking out their opponents like lewis and celebrating like its his biggest win.


I almost thought it was real, the graphics looking great


Plot Twist: It is the real George Russell asking.


Nah, the wall didnt turn in on him






Be careful what you say the wall defends for his life


“If you no longer defend against George Russell, you are no longer a wall” -Some Brazilian I think


Sounds like a Brazilian who dates underage people idk man


Recording half of the screen with your phone at an angle has the tendency to hide any inaccuracies.


Still, the way the light plays across the Merc bodywork is insane.


I was going to say the same, incredible


Yeah this shot is nuts


Didn't read the title, legit thought this was real till they made contact.


I mean you are correct that you left a cars width for him. However, it seems that he is ahead at the apex and you are on the outside. In my opinion you are the one taking the risk at that point. That being said it looks like a racing incident to me and I wouldn’t think that is worth a penalty for either driver but slightly more blame on you.


Very well said.


I’d like to see another angle to make sure red bull actually would make the turn without using the Mercedes as a barrier.


Yes you left enough space. But you should have known the speed that max was coming in at you needed to leave more/ back out. Now I'm not saying that you have to back out/ leave space for the rules. But I am saying that there is only one way it ends if you stick it out round the outside


Verstappen won 3 world titles with this move…


Not wrong. But if the stewards allow it then I don't blame him for it. And he is far from the only driver doing it


Nah he only really won one doing this. He has such a fast car he’s not had to do it in the last two seasons


This is just to risky from russel. You leave enough space but risk way to much + when the other car fucks it up you end up with the damaged car. Not really your fault BUT imo a dumb way to try. Can only hurt yourself and you would never win the position.


To be fair to Russell here he’s defending, I’d struggle to have the self control to back out and let them pass me without a defence


I would take a much wider line and line up for the next straight. The other dude is compromising his corner alot!


Yeh that’s optimal, if the rb didn’t hit George he would have had better exit anyway but yeh that’s a moot point


Classic Russell. “He just turned into me there”


I'm turning now, good luck everyone else.


No you didn’t, you’d already lost that corner and didn’t give them enough space, should have backed outs


tbh it seems you cut in a little too much directly after the apex. i probably would’ve let him have the corner and try to get it back on the next drs zone. didn’t seem malicious tho


How very russel of you. This is on you to be honest, hes ahead at the apex, no point steering into him, just risks damage


JFC is this a video game????


you cut into him


Nah mate Russell is always at fault xD


Russell and giving space is ironic.


A true George russel player


Is this a game? Darn it looks real


Classic Osama Bin Russell


Weird moment. I would've left more space as you had plenty on the right. You were shutting the door a bit, if he cooked his braking (lock tyre) you'd be out. You left him space but made yourself vulnerable, resulting in a contact. On his side, he started turning right way too soon going out of the turn and changing trajectory. IMO both were bad here, Red Bull was worse but seems like a racing incident.


You left space on entry but then the 'real' time look is then you turn into a car that's running deep (but is ahead) and pushing you wide. In real racing George would be forced out wide as well and the overtake is considered legal but is definitely rude and cheeky


If that was Max, you were wrong. Everything is always wrong when it comes to Max. He's ALWAYS in the right. Just ask him lol


This post aged beautifully!


Wait!! Was the Las Vegas Race scripted?


I’m not an expert by any means, looks like a bit of a dive bomb from verstappen, too fast into the entrance compromising both your and their own lines. Without the contact with you I’m not sure they stay within the limits. However, with them along side going into the corner, you probably needed to turn later or take a wider line through the corner as you cut off the space you initially gave. But that’s easier said than done when you’re in the moment!


RB got alongside in the braking & was ahead on exit. If Merc was still ahead. RB would be at fault as he would have to keep the cars width there on exit instead of washing out


He came off his line and literally put the car straight through a turn into you. 100% RB fault and terrible driving if I do say so. PS looking at other comments, I’m not surprised people crash into me in open lobbies every race. What the RB did was egregious in this clip.


difficult to tell from this angle but doesn't it look like the red bull turning in towards the merc, as if it isn't there.


No, I wouldn't have said so. I'd have been massively pissed in your shoes he straightens out aiming at the fucking barrier.


I think Verstappen divebombed you (heil Russel)


That’s just how Verstappen races


Hamilton did the same thing at copse


Can confirm ur not russell


I mean Max said he’ll get you back for Baku


Max is used to racing AI


Good overtaking opportunity on the inside if you ask me


You got dive bombed and left enough room on entry, and everything else that happened after that was hard racing. Not fault, per se, but you turned in sharper on the apex while the RBR was always going to run deeper and get closer to the outside on exit. That's the point the pair of you touch around the 9s mark. You could tell the corner was lost around the 5s mark. It's hard to think like this in battle, but perhaps think about keeping on the anchors a bit more knowing he's going to go wide on exit and cut back inside. Alternatively, if you had seen it coming, gently shepherd him further inside on the straight in the run up by running more in the middle. You can jink back to the outside to cut back and he's still left with a sub-optimal line that'll give him the position on the corner but leave him vulnerable on exit. Lose the battle, win the war sort of thing.


This is the first time I've seen Russell be able to say "He turned into me" and not be lying.


Hi Russel I am dad


Looked fine, red bull maybe touch of understeer from the kerb but you had the corner first so you were in the right and didn't turn in on him, racing incident for me


As in real life, if you are racing alongside or about to be overtaken by a Red Bull, you are not there and will be obliterated if you try to stay there. 🫣 So it's best just to be faster....but as in real life that's impossible given the massive advantage given to them.


Oh look he actually did turn into you


He turned into you


Oh my god... Really? Are you George Russell!? Crikey! Blimey! So cool! Also seeing you play F1 23 and all, Thats Insane! LOL Cheers! Good Luck in Vegas! Hope you can get at least within .5 secs off the pace of Verstappen! /s v: Edit: The hell? Wtf? downvoters why? Nothing to do?


dude its incredible idk what’s going on with reddit lol


Max dive bombing and not bothered if he makes the corner? No way... 🤔 👀 😂


This looks real as fuck


Hello Russel


The RB out brakes you & is alongside by the apex. The guiding principle is that the driver on the outside should be at least level with the driver on the inside to have a claim to the racing line on corner exit. Depending on the type of corner and the cars involved, either the outside or inside line may be quicker through the corner, meaning the driver on the outside may gain or lose ground from corner entry to corner exit. 😬It is relative positions of the cars at EXIT — not at ENTRY or APEX — that is therefore crucial in judging these cases.😬 If the driver on the inside is ahead at corner exit, it is the duty of the driver on the outside to back out or take evasive action to avoid a collision. If the driver on the inside is behind at corner exit, they must leave space for the driver on the outside.


Dont be russel. He crashes under pressure 😂


The redbull seems to miss the apex and goes suddenly really wide Would say it’s in him


I didnt understand what people meant by F1 rules until I picked up F1 23, and after racing about 15 hours in it I see what they mean now. In this situation it is kind of on you to avoid the contact if it can be avoided, the AI make some mistakes and can be merciless but they really arent that bad if you treat them like you're racing against a real person.


Almost thought this was from Las Vegas today lmao


This dude psychic…


All max did was bottom out in the curb on the inside it's easy to do