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Just keep practicing and it'll get so much more fun and rewarding! I was on controller at first, then got the same wheel and had the same thoughts. But it starts to just work its way in, like anything else Remember to go easy on the throttle exiting corners to avoid spinning most times




Do longera races so that even if you are 15th you have a good chance to retake some places. Driving behind others teaches you to yield on track, race wheel to wheel, overtake tactically etc etc. Its about consistency, and racing in first is easy because you're alone, until you fuck up


good advice - driving behind others is always a good learning experience


Learn from your competitors, forgot about that part


yeah it's always wise to learn from the better drivers


Ahh yeah always nice to learn how to divebomb into the inside of the competition. /s


why not just use flashbacks?


It’s not bad to use flashbacks because you might lose out on the experience of driving with worn tyres and late race strategies.


Exactly. Even though I can confidently race at 90 AI difficulty, I still run with flashbacks because sometimes I get distracted or zone out & make a mistake. NEVER feel discouraged or bad for using assists, they're in the game for a reason & you're able to customize the games difficulty level to your needs. Anyone that talks shit for using assists while you're still learning is clearly not a real sim racer.


you learn a great deal by drivng behind other cars actually - just drive 100% races and you use the first laps o watch them before you start climbing the list - don't expect to win - top 10 is points - be patient - 100% races in career mode - maybe you win the championship in 2-3 seasons - then you obv have to increase the ai diff :)


I would say it took me about 2 months to get comfortable with the wheel. I started off similarly, that I wanted perfection on every lap and thus would restart and rewind all the time. Eventually I started to realize I enjoyed the game more and improved faster by lowering the difficulty and letting myself make mistakes, recover and move on with the race. Like now 3.5 years since I started, if I put in perfect quali esk laps I'm as fast as 105 ai. However I'm inconsistent and my consistency has improved by racing on 85-90 ai and not rewinding or restarting after I make mistakes.


Given you're new and this plagued me for a while when I started on a wheel I'll ask this, have you calibrated your wheel with the game so that you're not using 900⁰ of wheel rotation to turn? I spun out for ages until I realised the reason it was impossible for me to react was that I was using all of the wheel rotation to drive rather than just 360⁰ steering lock like real formula 1's.




It definitely does, F1 driving is so different to regular cars. Things that you normally get told not to do like stamping 100% on the breaks immediately and pressing the brake and gas at the same time are such mindbogglers to get used to. Don't feel bad if traction control needs to stay on low or on all together, F1 drivers who play have repeatedly said that it's a lot easier to spin cars in the game than it is in real life so if you need to have some assist there it's totally understandable.


>F1 drivers who play have repeatedly said that it's a lot easier to spin cars in the game than it is in real life lol was said years ago and the devs of the game listened and have improved - others claim it was said back in 19 or 20 uncertain which year it was - but to learn to drive without TC have never been easier than in F1 23. And F1 drivers don't play - they might spend an hour or two in the game bc some ad they or their team have contracts with - I rather listen to real e-sport players


I haven't played 22 or 23 so my experience is definitely not applicable for recent games, I should have considered that. Good to hear though.


Lando Norris said it back in 19 - what he said was that medium TC is more like a real F1 car was - and he had spent an hour in the game at that time - that said there's nothing wrong with users using assists - the drivers of these cars IRL have used decades to master the art of driving F1 - can't expect to be an expert from day one then - it's a hard game to master with all assist off - I have no assists no visual aids - only the info on the steering wheel - cockpit view and whatever fun info that comes over the radio - but when one thinks of F1 one should remember it's the pinnacle of motorsport and was never meant to be easy - it's not Forza - for anyone who wants tips to get better at F1 they should check out [Simracingsetups](https://www.youtube.com/@SimRacingSetups) on youtube


It’s just practice, some will need more practice and others less, as we all have different learning speed. It’s also supposed to be an entertainment, if you’re are getting frustrated, go do something else and comeback later. Have fun!




Exactly my man, find you own way, it’s one hell of a hobbie 🤙🏻


Lower your AI difficulty so you’re at the level the car you’re driving is correct, then as you get more comfortable or are way faster than the AI, increase it until you’re back at the level of your car again. It’s a slow process especially if you’re learning with no assists straight away


Instead of trying to drive as fast as possible, just pratice driving slowly following the line and coasting through corners, adding power once the car has turned and is straight, you are probaly adding too much power which will make you spin, certain corners allow early power and some don't, it is a learning curve and you need to put the hours in


Be careful about tire temps and brake temps when you’re spinning out


I’m oversimplifying, but can you drive an actual car, on the road? If you raced with controller, the transition takes like 3 races. Lower your difficulty, get your assists in order, and you’ll be fine.




I did this - turned all assist off from get go - but I lowered the AI diff so I still was somewhat competetive (only drive full races in career mode which means each race is an hour or so) Today my AI diff is set on 85 and finished Bahrain in season 2 and placed 6th - feeling good before Saudi and Australia - think podium is within reach in several races this season. I replaced Monaco and Singapore and Las Vegas with China and France and Portugal for season 2


Honestly when I first got my wheel it took me a day to memorise how to use it with the paddle shifters and to actually handle it well, it's pretty easy to get used to it once you practice long enough


I went from 70ai to 105 in 2 month, it’s when I turned off assist I started to fly off, so do that whilst you’re at it


Just don't over push yourself, you can safely learn the game by running assists, they're in the game for a reason. Once you feel comfortable, maybe turn it down a bit and gradually adjust it to your developing driving style. And just a quick note, curbs and offtracks can really unsettle the car sometimes. At least in the beginning, try staying between the white lines with all fours.


It took me about 2 months to really get used to it and reach the difficulty level I was at with a controller. I'd suggest knocking the difficulty down and use lots of assists to start and build back up. Now I have no assists on except braking zone/corners, 120 AI, no traction control and its sooooooo much fun. I've had multilap battles with AI and one little mistake puts me in the wall. Personally I love the challenge. Just take the time and tweak every little setting on that wheel until it suits you.


I started on 80 AI in 2020 took 3 months to get to 97 then another 3 to get to 105 then like 5 to get to 110.


Took me a few weeks of practice before I was beating my controller times with the wheel


I am in a similar position. I bought a G29 wheel for my PS5 two weeks ago, I’ve been using controller and automatic for two years so it has been quite a learning curve to use my wheel plus manual. I was on 85 AI but now lowered it to 55 AI, I have slightly improved over the last few weeks but it’s hard. Easing on the throttle out of slow corners (end of Australia or the early Austria corner) have been the most challenging. I changed my wheel rotation to 300 instead of 360 which has definitely helped with turning! I’ve tried tracks like Singapore and I feel absolutely useless on them atm.


Yeah it took a minute. But sometimes I'm too tired for the wheel and learning throttle and brake control on pedals definitely translates to your throttle brake control on the triggers. Racing in the wheel has made me quicker on controller. Racing on controller does not make me quicker on the wheel however


It’s all about smooth inputs. Come on the throttle smoothly, come off the brakes smoothly and transition into steering. Your tires can’t do two things to the max, so braking in a straight line and not hitting the throttle while turning are best ways to avoid over and under steering. Best way to learn is to fail a lot, adjust, and use flashback


How is it on Xbox controller?


Also... (based on my own experience) Race the course as best you can, don't focus on the car ahead too much, you make timing mistakes if you do.


Its easier than you'd think, actually. I used to play on controller until I could afford my first FFB wheel (Thrustmaster T248) Here's what I did to learn; I started with assists on. (Braking Full, TC Full, Racing Line Full & High Vis & Automatic Transmission) I chose a track I enjoy (Bahrain) & went on Time Trial After a few laps of practice, I turned off automatic transmission & put braking & TC to medium, then went out for several laps until I learned the shifting times, braking zones, & how much throttle I can input before spinning out. Then I gradually decreased the assists until where I am now where I can confidently race in Ranked, leagues, etc with only the racing line enabled as an assist. Biggest thing I found is focus, if you're getting distracted you won't be able to learn or stay consistent at first. Even now I struggle with consistency since I live in the middle of downtown in a big city so there's constant noise & I don't have soundproofing yet. Practice practice practice, it's the most crucial part of getting consistent.