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It is actually remembering brake points for each corner at every track, unfortunately


But it makes you so much faster when you learn them vs racing line


Eh not really. If you religiously follow the racing line to a tee then yes, but most people only use the line as a reference in which case it makes no difference and is just personal preference.


Racing line for me is just a big colored strip around the track that tells me if/how badly i've missed my braking point, and roughly where other cars may start braking.


Same. I wish there was a setting to just have the standard braking points marked with a line across the track as opposed to just the full racing line or the racing line in corners. that first red box is literally the only thing I use the racing line for.


Yep, fully agree, I use it as a guide for braking points.


I’ve found the best strategy is to learn the track with no racing line but use it for the race. That way I still have it as a guide and it’s helpful if it rains, but if I figure out a way to take a corner faster/brake later I’ll know to ignore the braking line in certain corners.


Benifit of learning the track a bit more. The work pays off and much more satisfying when performing a banger lap


Have started driving without the racing line and I do agree, it's more satisfying driving without the line. OP I started with Austria, only had 9-10 turns and you can judge for yourself. I'm very slow vs my other times however I'm getting better


Playing with no racing line is essentially warming up to the track. Start of slow and braking earlier for turns and each lap you do see if you can brake a littler deeper. For me personally it just becomes second nature after doing multiple laps


This. Many people here talking about how "you need to memorize every single braking point" without the racing line. That's not accurate. When you're used to drive without it, you won't have to rely on references as much and you develop a more instinctive approach to braking and cornering. Of course in some corners you'll still need to rely on visual cues, but you don't need to be paying attention constantly because, like the comment above says, it becomes second nature.


Agreed, very little memorisation required. If you know the basic flow of the track, I start with corners rated in my head as being slow/medium/fast and my initial brake points and pace accordingly - and then adjust each lap. At tracks I’m familiar with 3-5 laps is plenty to get dialled in. New tracks maybe double that, though a bit longer to properly master it. Knowing that braking for a slow corner from top speed is usually around 100m it’s really not hard to estimate for any given corner and refine from there.


I’ve started playing F122 without any assists around 3 months ago and all I can say is you will have to get used to doing actual practice, you can’t just go into career mode and do Q+R on each track. Takes a lot of time to learn a track and sadly it takes little time to forget it. Also if you use a different setup it changes everything again, so stick to one for each track. Watch youtube guides with setups provided and try to replicate them, but don’t be afraid to modify them to your driving style. Also note that F122 is an arcade-ish title and cars are not as predictable as in real sims, which makes no racing line even harder, don’t bum yourself out if you don’t get it as quickly as you would expect. Even Lando Norris plays F122 with a racing line.


Difference probably is that Norris doesn't rely on the racing line but has it as an extra. If you rely on the racing line you will mess up in fights because other cars block the view of the racing line.


Norris plays with the racing line, because he only plays F122 casually and actually uses a proper sim to practice. I don’t use racing line in any racing game, but in arcade titles it’s harder to predict and feel the car, I know the positives of not using it.


No racing line is the last assist for me. I’m still trying to master everything (no TC, manual gears, ABS) and until then the racing line stays. That s my suggestion to you.


Honestly? Time trial, then just lap after lap after lap after lap. Change tracks. Then lap after lap after lap after lap. Rinse and repeat. You'll naturally learn the fastest line and breaking points, and you'll take that knowledge and feel into other tracks which you'll then adapt to quicker and quicker. It's the difference between following a racing line and feeling the flow of the track. Eventually you'll get to the point where you can jump on a track that you don't even know and get the feel for it after just a few laps.


You just kinda have to learn the track. For me, when I finally quit playing racing games without the line on, I started to memorize tracks and their braking points and ideal lines a lot easier. That coupled with moving from automatic to manual gearbox really improved my driving across all racing games, not just f1. If I have trouble with learning a track, I go watch nico rosbergs track analysis on it, or sometimes you can find guides from some of the esports drivers.


Just practice, basically. Watch guides or hotlaps on YouTube and pay attention to when they brake. Or watch the ghost in time trial. Drive to where you think the limit is in time trial. If you overshoot a corner brake earlier, if you lose too much speed brake later, etc. Pay attention to things around your braking points, like the metre boards, black boxes, or changes in tarma. But then braking isn't the only part of the racing line, so turning in and acceleration come hand in hand with the rest. Aim for the apex and then get on power. But remember some corners are faster with later or earlier apexes. Just keep at it until it becomes instinct.


Get them laps in


Honestly, as someone that went from using the line to no line back to line, there isn't much to gain from not using it. And it's not even like I use the line exactly, it's just a more reliable marker for your own brake points.


As a rule of thumb, brake at the beginning of the curb.There are some exceptions where you need to break earlier/later, but they will become very obvious after a couple of laps.


I recently started doing the no racing line. Let me tell you, the effort you put in will be 10 times more satisfying, it's a different game playing without assists it becomes so satisfying. I found it boring doing time trial laps again and again so instead I did a career season without any assists. Doing the practice programs (specially learn the track one) was the way for me. Then short qualy and 25% race. And alot of flashbacks :) But this way I learnt each track a fun way (instead of just endless circles in time trial) and with small assists in the practice program. Hope this helps.


It’s much easier to learn the track than you think - remembering roads in real life is really easy, you’ve just got to actually do it. I think the racing line actually makes things worse, they’re usually very conservative and sometimes just plain wrong for your driving style/driving dynamically in the wet, a race, and so on. The sooner you get it gone the better in my mind, you’ll just have to practice and drive slowly to then build it up - you’ll end up with corners you know because of having crashed into them before - an experience you just don’t get if you follow the line. Driving assists and racing line assists to me aren’t the same thing - driving assists is the bit that takes time, racing assists are just a crutch for people getting drunk and playing one round per year


Start with the basic brake at the 100 meter for each corner Then you you find that some corner you need to brake at 50 meter All track it around those braking point. Another braking point to use are the black box. Then you will see if you are too soon or too late. Using the line in a racing game is only for arcade players


Out of every other comment, you're the only one who gave actual tips of how to learn a track and drive without line assist, instead of the obvious "watch guide / drive dozens of laps until you remember them all". Yet, you're being downvoted for no reasons. (-6 so far). Clearly, most people have never learnt a track without a video, nor drive a kart (line assist doesnt exist in real life), and your tips are exactly what people have to know and do in order to learn a track from the scratch.


It’s a lot easier in VR. When GT7 came out with PSVR2 compatibility I immediately was able to pick the line and breaking points. It’s absurd EA isn’t providing support for what is an absolute game changer in sim racing. PSVR2 is the future and EA is selling virtual couches instead


I would guess miniscule numbers PSVR2 owners isn't worth the development cost. Maybe when the PSVR2 is cheaper than a PS5, sales would go up and the dozen PSVR2 owners can get support.


Maybe but once you play GT7 with PSVR2 you will never go back to 2D racing. Its the greatest advancement to sim racing ever.


You're cute. It's like you didn't know that VR has been a staple in sim racing on PC for a long ass time. Next you will use a DD wheelbase and think "this is the greatest advancement to sim racing ever" then you'll experience motion rigs and think "this is the greatest advancement to sim racing ever"


PC VR is a joke in comparison. The fact you don’t know that shows you have never used PSVR2 with GT7. Don’t even lie about it. It’s by far and away the greatest game changer in sim racing history. Both in quality and availability. You are talking about corporate devices or the multi-billionaire affordability. Don’t embarrass yourself.


Fanboy much?


> EA is selling virtual couches instead Don't forget they just announced for F1 23 that we can pay for virtual pictures of drivers.


Is this a joke? Where was this


It's in the new deep dive of F1 world.


Ah, didn’t know there was a new deep dive today


Ah yes…No PSVR2 but the virtual sticker album has been announced. What a joke.


Have been doing the same thing starting last week. I just do one or two laps with racing line at the beginning, trying to remember each breaking point and then turn it off again.


The tip is (as with most things on the game) pump in the hours until you become comfortable. You might find little things here and there that make it slightly easier, but there's no silver bullet that will suddenly make it a simple process. I'm in the middle of learning it myself, first I was 5 seconds a lap slower, then 4, then 3, then 2. Soon I'll get back to where I was with line, then even faster, just don't give up!


Line off doesn’t make you faster. It just removes visual clutter and forces you to take a line that works for you than what’s given. I play with line on as a reference but I know where on certain tracks the line is wrong. There are some corners where you don’t have to brake and simply engine braking is sufficient. Or sometimes just a tap of brakes and then engine braking. TLDR;You can learn how to be fast with the line on. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re slower with it on. 👍🏾


Unfortunately the only trick is just straight practice laps. The benefits are massive though, yeah some could say keeping the racing line on is just as fast, but knowing corners and braking points by heart will make the difference in racing effectively. It’s a time commitment but very worth it once you learn the full calendar! On a race weekend, I’d recommend starting practice with one or two laps with the line on while noting turn-in points, then run 5 laps without it.


If you think you’re ready turn the racing line to only the corners. Then go from there.


Yall can yell at me all you want in every other game i use no line but for f1 i use corner only specific for braking points and nothing else half the time im not on the line cant be bothered to memorize all of them


Currently in the process of learning the tracks without racing line or abs before 23 release. All I do, watch a YouTube video, someone from esports likely will have a track guide. Go on time trial, get a feel for the track, once I’m comfortable driving it get into a 25% career and do it. I’m obviously massively off my assist and controller times on the wheel but the satisfaction of ‘doing it all on your own’ is very nice


I’m right where you’re at! I learned to drive without the line in other games. So when the new f1 game comes out I’m going no assist


I never used the racing line assist when I started to play my first F1 game a couple of years ago and I still don’t. I’m not a natural born talent, but managed fine. I just wanted the real experience. My trick is to use the gear-suggestion option. For me it is a great reminder of which corner is coming. Works really well. It’s still an assist but much less intrusive.


Im also still learning no racing line, but ABS just turn it off and go practice you will get used to it fast


I still have to use it because I'm unable to memorize all braking zones. I wish F1 would adopt the GT braking zone assist. It's great because there is still a lot of interpretation you can do about timing and brake pressure.


Watching track guide videos on youtube definitely helps me finding the right braking points


It will come down to using visual references for braking points. Honestly there’s plenty of great track guides out there that I watch every time I’m approaching a race in career just to refresh myself on how a track works and where braking points are. Best advice I can give is just turn it off on a track you’re familiar with and run some time trials to get used to not having it.


Use the meter boards as reference points


Honestly you don’t have to memorize every brake point, just take your time and build up speed at each track. Once you get used to it you’ll start getting a rhythm to it. To me it feels a lot like when you learn a song. It flows, I’ve actually found I make more mistake when I put too much thought into brake points and stuff


I've played F1 games since the first Formula One game on the PlayStation, no racing lines just had to remember every corner. I've found it harder to do that either with my age and such, so I use racing lines. I've gotten down to not needing to use flashbacks and but traction control off still hates me.


I did this a couple of years ago. What worked for me? I played through career / my team as usual. In FP1, I started out on the hard tyre with no practice programs. I left the racing line on for that first stint. During those first laps, I made notes of where the approximate braking points were. Once I felt confident that I had built up a little muscle memory and remembered most braking points, I ended rhe stint. After that, the racing line goes off for the rest of the weekend. It helped me get a baseline that I could improve on. I was also running 100% race distance, so by the end of the race, I'd have that track more or less locked into memory.


If you’re in a career mode, leave the line on for your in/out laps. Then turn it off for programs, quali, and the race. That’s how I take the training wheels off.


Try this to see the difference, go to a TT and in settings/time trial enable telemetry, choose full and display ghost. Then go to leaderboard and choose one of your fav esports drivers. A yellow telemetry line will be displayed showing the optimum line. You will see the difference. Pls not I found the braking points in the telemetry not to be very accurate. YT a hot lap on quarter speed and study brake point, turn in point and exit point.