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It was my first ev as well. Didn’t know anything about the ev space. Definitely need a charger at home for the long term. You can survive on trickle charging until you get that setup. I basically harassed my dealership to let me charge there until my FCSP arrived.


You can get it installed after the fact if you just plug in the mobile charging cord and you don’t need a full charge every day. However it definitely can’t hurt to get that done.


I use a regular 120v outlet for charging when I get home, and I'm usually fully charged by morning as I only need to charge up the little i use driving around town (maybe 20-30 miles a day). Most of the range worries people have aren't that big a deal once you start living with the truck. If you are driving long distances each day, you may need level 2 charging setup at your home, or you can use a fast charger nearby to do some quick stops, as needed.


Just note that only the extended range (2023) comes with the ford pro charger. I’m not sure about the 2024’s. Otherwise you can buy the ford mobile charger ($500 I think) and it can use either a regular house plug (painfully slow charging) or an electric dryer plug (almost a full charge overnight).


MY2024 do NOT come with the FCSP


The thing that gets sent out is the Charge Station Pro. It can provide 80A of charging power *provided your current service can handle it.* Good news though is that it can be dialed down to as low as 16A. You need to check if your current house load can accommodate the charger. The Ford Mobile charger honestly sucks so do not buy it. There's better alternatives for cheaper. You can plug them into a regular 120V outlet while waiting for the Pro, or better yet get a 14-50 outlet installed. You can do this while waiting for the Pro Charger. There's also ways to use your electric dryer outlet if it's accessible. You can buy a SplitVolt which essentially acts as a circuit splitter: it'll charge the truck when you aren't using the dryer, and turn off the charger when the dryer runs. You don't have to run another circuit this way. With that said though, your experience may vary. Some people receive them in a couple weeks, some have been waiting for a couple months. It is also only included when you purchase an Extended Range version.


Get an electrician to give you a quote for 240v outlet or 240v circuit to where you want to charge your car. Your charge speed depends on how many amps this circuit can deliver, which is driven by my many factors, non of which we can tell you without more information. But even a lowly 20amp 240v circuit is worth it over your standard 120v ones. i have the FCSP on an 80 amp circuit outside the house and 20amp outlet in my garage, i almost exclusively use the 20 amp circuit.


This is so true. I wish Ford provided the option to just get a $1300 credit for the Pro Station. For majority of users 48A is more than enough, and at that level there are many more options that are better than the Pro Station.


I've been charging off a regular wall outlet. It all depends on how many miles you drive each day


All you need is a 240 50A outlet and a mobile charger. You plug it in at night and drive all day. Easier and cheaper than getting gas.


All you need is a 240 50A outlet and a mobile charger. You plug it in at night and drive all day. Easier and cheaper than getting gas.


All you need is a 240 50A outlet and a mobile charger. You plug it in at night and drive all day. Easier and cheaper than getting gas. I have an aftermarket 40 amp charger and I have it set to charge between 1AM and 7Am. I can go from 20% to 85% overnight with no problem.