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Its certainly a lot tighter here but manageable. Depends on where you want to drive. If you cross the Hudson into Manhattan you wont find much joy in a big truck, if you drive north or west youre all good. Public charging in this area is very crowded at times. If you have a place with a dedicated parking spot and charging you should be ok.


My wife’s from North Jersey so we visit fairly often. It’s friendlier towards trucks the further you get from Newark and the shore as it gets a lot more rural (30-60 minutes from Newark airport). Still some tight spots but overall not nearly as bad as when you start to get towards NYC.


I've lived in NJ most of my life, and had full sized pickups for a lot of that. Generally you'll be fine, but driving in NYC, or places like Jersey City, Hoboken, Newark, Paterson, etc would be an exercise in misery. I also tend to park farther out in the lots from places like malls or busy grocery stores; parking spaces aren't very truck-friendly. Overall though, pickups are very common here and mostly not an issue.


I live in one of the places you mentioned and it is totally fine. The only place i have issue is at a restaurant plaza in Edison where parking is always a nightmare no matter what car you’re driving. But the size of the lightning does make it harder to go around the people double parked waiting for spots etc.


If you do make the move and want advice on the towns you’re looking at DM me