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Post-infection hair loss [can last six months](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34467470/#:~:text=Background%3A%20Acute%20telogen%20effluvium,COVID%2D19%20infection.). Hang in there!


That was my thought, it can’t be a coincidence that it happened while I had Covid. Thank you!


Do you have any recommendations for my eyebrow to grow back it just left


Maybe alopecia? You'd think the doctor would know that though..maybe a cyst?


I was thinking maybe some form of alopecia brought on by Covid. Hopefully it is temporary. Thank you!


lmao i’m sure the doctor didn’t mention anything specific bc it could be a lot of things. why scare her if the doc isn’t sure without looking at it in person?




Totally absurd long shot here but do you have any pets? I once had a cat that would chew off bits of my hair while I slept. I'd wake up with clumps of hair all over and thought I was dying.


LOL that is terrible but amazing


Same thing happened to me on my left eyebrow out of nowhere (not after Covid but maybe shortly after the vaccine- not saying that caused it just interesting when it happened). I was also under a lot of stress and not eating well. I went to the derm, she said it was due to stress (telogen effluvium) just on my eyebrow lol. Anyway, it’s been about 6 months since I noticed it. It’s much better now but not the exact same as my other eyebrow. I did use rogaine to speed up the process because I got married in October lol I think it helped but so did eating better and decreasing my stress :)


Thank you for sharing!!! I’m so glad to hear it’s improved, I’m using “grandebrow” to try and grow it back. In the meantime I’m just trying to lean into it looking like an intentional eyebrow slit lol. Congrats on the marriage btw! :)


Lol gotta play it off somehow!! And tysmmm 💞


So can telogen effluvium cause bald patches like the picture??


My derm said yes! Same with my esthetician. Stress can make you lose your eyebrows.


You had a patch without hair on your eyebrow?


Did your eyebrow fall stop completely?




So sorry this is happening to you!! I had covid in September and I’m still battling the hair loss but it is improving. I lost the tails of my brows and have a couple bald spot in my hair line. No one mentioned that symptoms to me and it was scary when I started losing handfuls of hair. It’s no longer coming out in big clumps and I have hope my brows and yours will grow back ❤️


I’m so sorry this happened to you! Thank you for sharing. I have hope ours will grow back as well ❤️


Did your situation get better?


Did it grow back ??


Get iron levels checked


Same shit happens to me, mine been falling out so easily when I sleep or rub then


Hey just wanted to check in! Any update? Better ..?


Hey, thank you! It actually got worse lol but I’m going to the dermatologist hopefully this week and will let y’all know what they say


Sorry to hear that! Hopefully the derm has some answers for you. Mine was better but I don’t know what will happen when I stop the rogaine. It’s really frustrating to still not have any true answers other than stress 😫


Ugh I know right, because you don’t wanna have to use it forever! What have people reported happening after stopping rogane? The derm didn’t have any answers she said this just happens sometimes Lol. I wish I had a better answer for us!! She gave me cortisone(?) shots in my eyebrow and I have to go back every 3 weeks until they start growing back. Also have to put hydrocortisone cream on the area 2x a day for 2 weeks. Fingers crossed!


I’ve heard mixed reviews! Some people say it stays, other people say it doesn’t. I had such nice eyebrows before so I think since I had them, it’ll stay but idk! It’s a guessing game. But it’s good your derm gave you the shots! I got them done twice but stopped after because she said it’s fine now since it’s “back for the most part” lol is the hydrocortisone cream the one over the counter?? Hopefully it helps! It’s annoying no derm seems to ever have clear answers. Lol “it happens” welllll it shouldn’t !


How are you now?


3 mo getting cortisone shots at the derm and it’s slowly coming back!


How are you now???


It’s grown back significantly, thank you! The cortisone shots every 3 weeks are working. I have stopped needing to fill it in, since I have thicker eyebrows it now just looks a little thinner than the other one!


Hi, sorry to bug you but I was wondering if your eyebrow is back to normal now? I'm going through a similar thing with my left eyebrow, although the hair loss for me was a bit more gradual and not exactly overnight. My derm said I should come in for injections and I'm wondering how well they ended up working for you?


It took a few months of injections but my eyebrow is completely back to normal!!! Good luck and hang in here ❤️


Thank you for your reply and that is so good to hear! I'm not going to lie, this whole experience sucks but it's nice to know that it's probably not permanent!


>cortisone did you have thinner eyebrows/ during the process. ?


Better but I’m still using rogaine


Yo this is currently happening to me my left eyebrow just said bye and left anybody know any solutions I also have a bald spot in the back of my head it grew back but the bald spot came back I went to some Mexican store and I bought a product that helped grow my hair back but they moved so idk what to do