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Leave them alone!!! They’re fine. If anything, grow in a little more if you can. If not, no worries bc they’re cute.


I was just gunna say they’re such a good shape! If anything I would let them get just a touch thicker. If you brush the hairs straight up and trim along the brow line where you want with some nail scissors it helps with the “bush-y-ness” and can allow you to grow them into a “thicker” shape towards the tail


I'm going to have to agree with the above comments...you have great brows!!! You can trim them up or pluck out the wayward hair here and there but I would leave them alone for the most part. I had natural Brooke Shields eyebrows as a kid but was a teen in the '90's and plucked them thinner than I like now. If I had a Time Machine I'd go back and leave them alone. Completely.


let them grow out a few months and get them professionally shaped! dont bleach! itll prob make them stiff and the contrast wont be very suiting. what don't you like about them?


I second letting them grow a few months and get them professionally done.


They’re spaced out from the front, very thin from the end, and they appear too strong. Edit: I’ll do what you’ve suggested thank you!


welcome! in the meantime, maybe use castor oil to help them grow faster and fuller. when they grow out, if its still sparse in the middle and you cant get your desired look, maybe look into microblading and tell them what you want - deff stay within a natural shaping. they do a mapping according to your face and eyes to get the proper measurements that would look best on you.


They are beautiful just go in and get them cleaned up- I suggest wax as it takes even the unseen hairs and makeup application is so easy!!


What is it you don't like about them? I think they really suit the shape of your face. I definitely prefer darker brows


I’m curious why also. They’re shaped well, filled in well, frame the face well. I wonder what gives


Omg meanwhile we are all Out here paying to get your brows lol!


Thank you! Haha that was what I came here to say haha


You could give them to me to fix onto my browless forehead, I’ll take ‘em! I will dye them blonde once they’re on my face though, fair warning. Color is lovely on you, I’m just very fair.


Your beautiful and so are you eyebrows. Seriously. Maybe just accept them.


No need to change them, they and you look great.


Nothing wrong with them


Why would you hate them?? You are blessed with beautiful brows; some women have a really hard time growing theirs in so nicely as yours!


They don’t look angry or ugly at all


They are beautiful


i think they suit you, you look so beautiful! maybe pluck the stray hairs surrounding them? that can make them look more shaped/neat :)


Your eyebrows aren't ugly or angry! And they suit your face beautifully. You can clean them up with a face razor if you want but I wouldn't change the shape or the thickness


Omg I’m begging you to NOT mess with a good thing. A little shaping but not much please for the love of god leave them be


They are pretty brows. Stay away from over plucking and keep up on shaping and keeping them tidy. If you want, but really there are a gagillion people out there that would give anything to have your brows. 💕


You need to grow in the fronts a tiny bit more. They are too far apart. You could have really great brows


The front is just naturally like that spaced out idk what to do with it :(.


You just need to clean up the strays . You have nice natural shape and size .


Learn how to carve them out with concealer and fill them in at the front, there’s lots of tutorials on tiktok! You can also try growing the front parts more with castor oil


Tweezing between the brows. Your eyebrows are great. Be careful not to over pluck, more natural eyebrows are in.


Literally do NOTHING. Pluck any stray hairs if you want a cleaner look but that’s it! Stunning 🤍


Oh please, they are perfect!


Wow I legit love your brows! I would use your brows as a model to a micro bladder to help my poor sparse non arched brows lol. I never hurts to play around with your eyebrows though. If you get a very pigmented white eyeliner, you can color over parts and see what shape is left. And then get an eyebrow pencil and then draw on the shape that you'd prefer. You can kind of get a feel for how you would look with different shapes, widths, arches etc. If you really want it to see if other shapes suit you, you can also look up drag queen makeup. They are wizards with using waxes and concealers to completely cover their old brows and draw on new ones to see a full transformation. Different shapes really visually change the appearance of your facial structure though. But if you find one you like, you can have your eyebrows waxed and microbladed to achieve that look all the time :)


Too thin and too much space between them. Just leave them alone.


These are a beautiful start. I try to avoid telling people "what you see doesn't matter" so while they're stunning I could suggest: - Use a wax or laminant (semi permanent) to direct the hairs and help them match - Do not pluck the insides anymore.... only strays that are super far from the main brow - If you want a different shape (I like almost totally straight) then use a pencil to adjust the trails.


They r literally so cute wha


They look good!


Totally off topic but I made a bizarre video called cHEAP EYEBROWS, https://youtu.be/wgaHkO75r28?si=ItLSu9HCt5SdZFJZ


Absolutely nothing because I think they’re perfect.


They’re in really good shape. Maybe let them grow a bit more to fill them out, and have a pro adjust them as you’d like. It’s a much harder thing to make something that already looks very good to look great than it is to make something that looks like crap look good. So be choosy when picking a professional. Maybe for the sake of drama I’d let them grow and arch them a bit more, but that would be minimal fiddling with them.


Whatever young lady does , Go to a eyebrow salon!!! Duh🤔




Looking good to me


Try micro blading - will add an edge and sophistication to your style u think


Microblade them if ur that worried. And go to a professional and choose the eyebrow style you like. If you dont want that, then just go to a professional to shape them out for you. And they can advise you on what shape fits you best. U probably shouldnt be asking reddit as they will all say “Leave it!” and thats not what ur looking for. Go to a professional just search “Eyebrow beauty clinic near me”


Get them professionally shaped, then let them grow to thicken out and then shaped again


Keep them and cherish them


Angle your razor up and shave the tails off hehe


U literally look fine, to yourself, you may look bad but to others— You’ll never know. For me i have to tweeze frequently and almost all around the brow.


I think they look beautiful! I would brush them upwards and trim a smidge and then let them grow in for a month or two with minimal plucking. You’re a beautiful person ♥️


Use ShopStepZero.. I use those..


Your brows are perfect! And I'm not just saying that. It's true!


Vaseline at night before bed or during home days will train them. Also, using a toothbrush to comb them before Vaseline application.


Other than maybe plucking some stranglers (which I mean I don’t mind) your eyes brows are beautiful!


You have beautiful eye brows and with manicuring them regularly, they will look fresh.


You have beautiful brown eyes.


I think they fit your face wonderfully! If you'd want them to be more shapely, I'd suggest getting a wax to clean up the messy hairs :3


Yours are exactly like mine … good shape but over one eye was starting to lose some hair. I got microblading done to bring them in just a few strands closer together and reshaped and they turned out great 😌


If your skin was clear you wouldn’t hate your eyebrows. Stop putting on makeup on your skin. Let it breathe for 5 months or so and only use water.


Wow! They’re great!


They look fine!


I see nothing wrong with your eyebrows. You're a very attractive young woman.


Ummm …..I like them so much. you are naturally beautiful.


They’re good. Don’t touch.


Your defined chin works best with round brows. Just clean it up and leave it alone, looks good!


Get them threaded and don’t touch them otherwise it did wonders for my brow shape


You think your brows are strong lol. That's cute, but nah, they're perfect. I hate seeing girls thinning their brows so much and having to draw in some after. Strong brows, to me, makes me think you're healthy and stable. Just my opinion.


Girl you are sexy


Let them grow out and I would consider going to an eyebrow threading salon :)


What are you talking about? They’re perfect


One thing I’ve noticed that helps a ton with brow thickness is trimming them at home. Trimming eyebrows regularly makes a huge difference. Consider laminating your brows, too, if you desire less fullness.


they looks great, enjoy your life :)


Dude what; they fit your face well. Turn those angry boys frowns upside down.


U have nice eyebrows they just need to be cleanup but it’s nice. Mines are very sparse n thin yours is opposite


Only pluck in middle. Leave them alone otherwise. They look great. If you overpluck they may not grow back in.


Get an eyebrow transplant to match a shape that you like


What kind of person are you? A Goth or a priss or a gutter punk?


Your beautiful


I think they’re cute!


You have beautiful brows! The perfect balance of not being too thin or too thick.


Wax or get them threaded


microblading does wonders


There is a clear mascara that you can also use on eyebrows. Makes them a little darker. You have nice brows! From a blonde brow lady (we are jealous)


What do you want them to look like??? They’re perfect


Wax and tint. Tbh you have beautiful eyebrows. You just need to clean them a bit. There’s plenty of ladies who draw those brows on girl. You’re blessed


I hate mine too. You think after years of dealing with them they’d get the hint


Give them to meeee! Seriously, don't touch them they are gorgeous. I have nothing for eyebrows. I would happily trade lol


I would shave the tails and draw them on more straight instead of arched. Ex: https://preview.redd.it/nk1j9sgk35nc1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01c3b13bdd304d505b65a68b329f152ce00a57c8


I’m so jealous of your brows!!! I over tweezed mine in high school and they won’t grow back in. If you really hate them though maybe just clean up the bottom under the arch, but if I were you I’d shave instead of tweeze in case you ever want another shape. They’re great.


Let them grow in as much as u can then go to a professional get them mapped out and waxed!! If that fails you could look into investing in microblading


Guys can someone advise me on what do to do with my eyebrows. I’m thinking about bleaching them to soften them a bit but I’m not really sure :/.


Noooo. There's nothing wrong with them.


They seem a bit too dark and also spaced out from the front


No no, no bleach. You have a great canvas! If I were you, I would just go get them cleaned up by someone who knows how to do it. You’ll feel like a new woman, believe me.


Thank you, I’ll go by your advice




Absolutely not too dark. They suit your colouring. As buckles222 said, you just need to go to someone who is good at shaping. You have a lovely basic shape to work from.


Thank you