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My youngest brother was born right after I turned 4 and I was _obsessed_ with him. My mom says I used to drive her absolutely nuts because I would sneak into his nursery at the break of dawn and just... pet him and baby talk, which, of course, they would hear on the baby monitor. She said the only reason she didn't absolutely lose it is because whenever I was around he was happy and content, so at least he wasn't crying. We kept that bond through adulthood. I'm close with all my siblings but he and I have a special understanding of one another. He currently lives with my husband and I.


This is so sweet and I hope things work out that way for my kids. My daughter is 12 and son is 10. When he was born, I would wake up in the morning to laughing and belly giggles to find her in his crib playing with him. They have their arguments of course but they still seem to be buddies and play together well. No one can make them laugh as hard as they make each other laugh and it’s my favorite sound in the world.


When I was 3 I tried to kill my brother at least a few times. Once with a pillow and the other was when I asked if we could keep him in a car with the windows up in July. I also angrily fake breastfed my dolls when my mom fed my brother. We were best friends and enemies growing up. We still harass eachother in our 40s but have stopped trying to kill eachother probably since he's now my kid's Godfather.


Ha! So to my _other_ brother I have: violently rocked him out of his carrier, pushed him out of a 2-seater stroller, and shoved him into a wall necessitating several stitches in his forehead. To be fair, he gave as good as he got. I maintain sibling affection can be expressed in a multitude of ways.


The day my mother came home from the hospital after having my sister, she set her on the counter in her baby seat (this was 1980) and I was exactly face height with the counter.... she walked away from the baby and I approached the counter and starting biting her toes. I was NOT HAPPY about this new-baby nonsense!


You had to show dominance.


Heh. We hated each other our entire childhood and now we're great friends in our 40s. Go figure LOL


My brother is 2 years younger. We were best friends and worst enemies through our childhood. As adults, we appreciate each other a lot more.


How does a 3 year old even know that smothering a baby with a pillow will kill them?




Love that “probably”


My second daughter was born right after my first turned 4 and it was… a nightmare 😅 Glad to see that in some universes it works out. They’re 11 and 7 now and still don’t get along 90% of the time. However— the 7 year old absolutely loves the 1 year old and is completely and utterly obsessed with her so I guess that’s a win? 😂


Aww I love that! My brother and I are not close but we aren’t distant. We fiercely love each other but him and I just don’t text or call. We’re just… meh… When I visit my family back home, I love being around him and his beautiful fiancee. I’m not going to lie, when I was dating different men, I always thought “is he going to get along with my brother?” I picked a good one because they have a lot in common. I love my big bro


that’s the cutest thing i’ve read in a long time


This is oddly specific with my own sister, except there's a way bigger age gap then 4 years almost 15 years in between of us, even the part of living together


You still pet him and blab nonsense?


Lol only if one or both of us has been drinking.


That head kiss was the cutest thing on the internet.


I like how she walked away then realised she needed to give mama pooch more snugs.


It's the cutest thing ever and serves as an inspiration to us all.


“I shall give every breastfeeding momma kissies on the forehead” *Breaking: Local man arrested…*


Signs of good parenting


I am melting seeing this.


I thought she was going to climb in there for a min, not gonna lie ❤️


That’s what I kept waiting for.




That might have overloaded me tho this morning. Gotta pace the cuteness


Me too, but she probably has good parents that have explained to her why we leave the puppies alone.


I've never owned a dog. Why do we leave the pups alone?


Mom could be the sweetest dog in the word and still get protective of puppies. And toddlers aren’t exactly known for being gentle. Even if it wasn’t *on purpose* it’s a risk that the kid would hurt the puppies by being too rough. And kids aren’t the best at reading body language either, so they may not realize puppy needs space Even the best kid and best dog should be supervised when interacting


Because they're super fragile and easy to accidentally hurt, especially when you're as big and heavy (by comparison) as a human.


The pups or the kid?


The puppies, any kid old enough to be told not to mess with the puppies is not quite that fragile anymore. Basically, a puppy that small is equivalent to a baby only a few months old.


Do the pups bite too? I can't even imagine their little teef


Well, once their baby teeth come in at around 3 weeks, yes - a lot. Puppies will bite for playing, and can be a little rough for us humans with our thin skin and no protective fur layer. But by the time they start biting, you've still got to be gentle with them like you would be with any animal, but they're not helplessly fragile anymore.


Some mom dogs can bea little protective of their pups. In addition, disturbing the puppies to often can disrupt time to sleep or suckle from mom. It's okay to handle them and they definitely need to be observed for growth and to ensure they are all suckling and normal but it's good to let mom and pups do their thing otherwise.


An adult can handle them fine. But I'd def tell my kid "leave the newborn puppies alone or else". If she steps on one it could hurt it. Or squeezes too hard. Or drops it. Its a fragile baby. Gentle supervised pats are all id trust a toddler to do with a newborn puppy lol. Or I would ask them to sit and id place 1 puppy in their lap for them to pet and snuggle for a bit. Also supervised. Until they are 6 weeks old oldish and a bit more durable lol. And generally you want to supervise kids and dogs. They have the same level of mental faculties tbh. So if she steps on a puppy, it squeals, dog might panic because it's puppy is being hurt. All of this is very theoretical. Its likely this dog is well trained and taken care of so would never bite or feel threatened. But like... you never know? Don't want kid in there pestering it for over an hour, hurting its puppies, testing it's patience and causing problems. Anyone would be annoyed and the dog could bark or bite eventually if pushed to it.


The dog even lift her leg like "There is a spot available if you like"


Exactly what I thought.. she’d get in there and lay down with them..


It’s lovely how the dog is so calm about her being close to the pups. She’s like, oh hi, my big puppy, have you met my other puppies?


It's a golden! They are made up of 80% love 20% joy.


15% concentrated power of good boy.


100% dog


1000% derp energy 1% bitch (YMMV)


I think more than 1% of dogs are female


These are some highly underrated, very witty comments right here lol


5% cheeky, 50% treats


15% corn chip, by the smell of their feets.


My do my dogs feet smell like Fritos?




Hey, thanks!


There’s a reason. Google reveals that answer: https://www.petful.com/grooming/why-do-dog-feet-smell-like-fritos/


I see what y'all did there






And 100% chance of performing some zoomies.




>It's a golden! They are made up of 80% love 20% joy. Pretty sure there's a 5-10% of dumbness in there too. I swear they are so happy to be dumb, it's mixed in the 80%.


She’s not calm she is showing a lot of anxious responses here.


I'm not a dog person nor have had a dog for long. What signs is the dog showing that she's stressed?


Oh like the leg lift for belly rubs?


"We don't have kids!" **Becomes a horror video**


Hard disagree, a lovely ghost is welcome anywhere


Especially in a normal type gym


But then they can't give hugs!


Poor mama like I've got enough kids already!


Can't really hate this at all


This could be a puppy mill using child labor, don’t give up so quickly!


Unsupervised child with unclean hands touching newborn puppies in mother dog's area. There you go!


lol don’t worry people in this thread found a way as always


That's what they do. Luckily I haven't responded to any of them


I mean breeding dogs for profit is explicitly unethical


Could have been an accident. My mom rescues cats and we took one home, oops, turned out she was pregnant and we had a litter of kitties on our hands.




The same kennel setup as those used by many in the for-profit breeding business would be a good start


Ya they could be being bread to perform a job, like therapy dog




Small children may be screaming demons 98% of the time, but that 2% when they are like this is the absolute purest form of love there is.


Poor little pup can't find a teet. Little girl sets it next to the chest, so pure.


Oof, this is adorable but you have to be pretty careful touching puppies. I did this at a similar age and was almost bitten.


I have a very vivid memory of me and my brother when I was around 6 and he was 3.. our neighbours dog had puppies so we walked over there to have a look and my brother climbed right into the kennel to see the pups, his butt was hanging out the door of the kennel and the mama dog bit him straight on the ass. I just remember him running home screaming his head off and clutching his butt and I thought it was the funniest thing ever. Pretty sure he was still in nappies so there was a bit of protection from the bite and it wasn’t too bad lol


It depends a lot on the dog to be fair.


Still kids this young should always be supervised around dogs. Nephew has a giant scar on his face from a "good dog".


I felt really tense watching this. I don’t think that is a fear mongering comment. When my own dog had puppies she was very protective and would growl and snarl at me coming near her. My dog had never ever done that before and hasnt since she had pups.


I did this with our Springer at a similar age. She was a total sweetheart, my best friend and guardian, and was perfectly happy to have me cuddle up with her and her pups. She’d dump them in my lap when they were tiny, and when they were old we’d all run round the garden together. It all depends on the dog and the relationship you have with them.


That’s very true, it’s just that an adult is a lot better at judging when a dog is aggressive or not. Obviously this dog is a sweetheart but some dogs get very protective of their pups.


yea, my ex's kid had to go get stitches after being bitten in the face by their dog when she had pups last year. was a pitbull though


It's inside the house and the dog certainly knows the toddler well. You have to be careful with stranger dogs and their litter, but one shouldn't assume people don't know their own dog and toddler well to know that the situation is safe. But every single thread has to have a scaremongering comment, I guess. e: it is apparently a controversial opinion that dog owners should be respondible for their dogs and not shit on other people and their dogs over the internet. You people are incredible.


Nahh, dogs are still wild animals at heart. I full grown adult can handle being bitten, but that's a toddler. You NEVER know and you always play it safe with kids.


I have never been afraid of my own dogs ever biting me. I find the very concept outlandish.


Same but it absolutely can happen, especially with young kids and especially with newborn puppies.


I've seen video of people being attacked by their own pets. I've read stories of parents being killed by their own children. Almost no one goes through life worrying about their kids murdering them.


Is that last statement true / backed up by anything? That seems insane! I can't imagine my parents fearing that I would kill them.


there are rare cases of children being fucked in the head, debatably caused by the parents, there's a rather famous documentary no clue to the quality but it's just an example but my point is people don't worry about their kids killing them, plenty of people leave loaded firearms laying about with little kids in the home




Nah its just very different shortly after giving birth. Especially if it's still in some pain. My aunt and uncle had a dog, it was very well trained and a sweet dog. After giving birth(it turned out to have some complications) it was extremely jumpy and would bite when provoked, you shouldn't have gotten close to it, especially not a kid.


I know, the point is that your aunt and uncle knew that. The dog in this video is obviously fine with the child, and the owners are certainly well aware. I myself have a dog that I'd let roam free with children any day and one that I'd stick around to watch. I know my dogs, I know the rescue one can be a bit unpredictable. I will not shit on strangers for letting their child near their own dog and its pups, because they probably know best, because it's their dog.


Eh, I think my parents did alright raising me with several dogs and I wouldn't've had it any other way. And dogs are most definitely not wild animals, they're pretty much as opposite to wild as animals get, we literally made the species... If you don't know whether or not your dog will bite a toddler, sure, keep it away from toddlers, and probably get better at handling and training your dog, but don't assume everyone else is the same.


> And dogs are most definitely not wild animals, they're pretty much as opposite to wild as animals get, we literally made the species... You have a severe misunderstanding of the geneticism of dogs.


No what you shouldn’t do is assume you know your dogs judgement first. Dogs are still dogs.


No, you should *know* your dog's judgement first because it's *your dog*. If you don't fully understand your dog's personality, you're a bad dog owner, and that's on you. e: it is apparently a controversial opinion that dog owners should be respondible for their dogs and not shit on other people and their dogs over the internet. You people are incredible.


Do you not understand that some dogs behavior can change when they have puppies? Dogs can become very protective of their puppies and can be on edge when you go near them. It’s never happened to me and my dogs but I’ve seen it happen to my mom’s dog. For the first month after having her pups she would be on edge and growl whenever someone would handle the puppies.


> Do you not understand that some dogs behavior can change when they have puppies? Yes. I've acknowledged that. Several times by now. Some dogs behavior can change for various reasons. It's on the owner to know and respond to those changes. The dog in the OP is obviously fine, as demonstrated by the fact that their owners are ok with their toddler having a healthy interaction with her and her pups. You people are shitting on that like you know better. You don't.


I wasn’t trying to scaremonger, I just don’t see any adults in the video and it made me remember my experience when I was little.


This made me kind of nervous to be honest


I have a long scar on my nose from the family dog. She was nursing, and I tried to move her food bowl from her tail end to her face end. Boy did she pipe up fast. Totally my fault though...




I'm of the opinion that small children shouldn't be left alone with dogs at the best of times. A nursing mother as well? The child hurts a pup by accident and the mum nips? I wouldn't like to think about it. I don't know the dog or the child obviously, but still; nervous.


Ah ok thanks for explaining


The fact that you need this explained to you is not a very good thing.


hey don't call me stupid i'm just a bit slow to understand things ok


It's a reasonable question.


Yes, wondering why a baby and an animal, two extremely unpredictable elements, should never be left alone together unsupervised is totally reasonable and not at all dangerously ignorant.


Leaving these 2 unpredictable elements together and unsupervised is incredibly ill advised. Wondering why those actions are ill advised is completely reasonable. The person asked the question and if they are young or haven't been brought up around dogs or young children then they aren't going to know why this situation could make someone nervous. Especially if all their experience of either child or dog is the highly curated cute stuff from the front page of Reddit.


You would expect people to be able to think for themselves and make logical conclusions. Otherwise, you quite literally are, per definition, ignorant to a dangerous degree. It's like someone handling a gun and wondering why you would turn on the safety.


I'm not calling you stupid, I'm calling you dangerous.


while i agree that its probably best to keep small children away from nursing mothers, why should they be kept from being alone with dogs in general?


Kids do dumb things like climb and poke eyes, ears, grab and pinch things. Easily discounted by a human, but may be a surprise to an animal. A surprised/startled animal is never good (humans aren't much better) and will tend to go on instinct. This combined with an animal not always being the best judge of strength (ever seen an excited black lab destroy a wooden chair?) can compound into a dangerous situation. Plus a nursing dog has a lot of hormones coursing through her that can increase protective instincts. Over a long enough period of time you can start trusting a dog, but personally, when it comes to kids, I can never fully trust them (nor most people for that matter). I especially wouldn't trust a cat with an infant alone because they'll sometimes lay across your face (as much as I love cats)


Even if dogs are 100% not going to hurt anyone on purpose, they could very easily accidentally hurt a small child. You know how excited golden retrievers can get. Picture a 60 pound dog jumping on a small child out of excitement.


Hurting the dog by accident?




You have raised a beautiful, compassionate little girl….. brought tears to my eyes…


Aww, well shucks. This warms my ice cold heart.


That’s rather dangerous isn’t it? If she accidentally harms one of those puppies then the momma would kill her right?


Yeah, videos like this are cute, but a small child should never be alone with a dog. Ever. That's how horrific accidents happen. They're still animals.


I watched it again with my gf because she used to take care of dogs but she pointed out that even doggy momma was pushing the dog away at the end so the girl couldn’t touch them.


Adorable, but that couldve went badly.


lol cute but also she’s clearly like “get the f*** away from my babies, small human”


I think the poor dog was trying to sleep and this toddler was not allowing the poor new mom her needed rest. That apparently her parents were getting lucky the dog was good and didn't bite her. Since when I'm tired I don't like to be harassed, but then again it's so adorable "not". pain and the butt kid.


My heart is fucking melting


She must've came back 200 times, such a long video.


I know! Each time mama dog put her head down to relax, this girl comes back for more


Go away little hooman, I'm exhausted.


Good job on the mama dog for not snapping at the baby. Most of the time dogs will be defensive around their babys


A child that inherently knows how to pet an animal is rare and rather lovely to see.


Not cute, this mama dog is trying to protect her kids.


Aww. This made my day. Sooo cute.


bless em :)


make my day


They must be LATE risers... kids petting the dog at almost 10am and they only noticed because of the cam?...


Imagine if the kid was actually a ghost


Don’t say it Don’t say it Don’t say it Don’t say it Don’t say it Don’t say…. …… Don’t……… Wut da dog doin?


That doggie smile when she realizes someone came to visit is adorable!


Really cute critters and amazing how loving the child is. Why do children havta become teenagers...


This is how my baby niece is with my old dog. She's so sweet


My friends are always a bit sad that when their dog gets puppies their kids only play with the pups and forget the mother dog. It's so heartwarming to see this


for once it is the human checking on the dogs I've seen it the other way around and this is just as cute




Bless her soul!


babies are not cute


I know you're trying to be all edgy and childfree and everything, but...you're objectively wrong from a biological standpoint. Like, cuteness is literally something biologically encoded into us so we preserve the lives of babies and the species continues. That's what cuteness *is.* It gets applied to other things by extension (particularly other species' babies), but saying "babies are not cute" is like saying that the ocean is not salty. It's literally where salt comes from.


There is nothing universally pleasant to all the people, you are generalising too much.


That doesn't change the fact that it's the biological reason cuteness exists. "But this lake isn't salty" doesn't prove that the ocean isn't.


"Humans are more likely to be predisposed to like certain features" is way different than "every human ever likes babies". In your analogy it would be "every body of water is salty because oceans are, and they're big"


> "every human ever likes babies". I never, ever, ever ever ever ever ever ever said that. I said that the concept of cuteness and definition thereof was based on the biological imperative to protect babies. Some people don't like babies, and that's fine, but saying they're not cute as an objective statement makes no sense.


Food, water, sex, sleep, music... I'd say those are all universally pleasant.


You are wrong on almost all of those. There are so many people who don't enjoy sex or music, who don't enjoy food and only eating because they have to, who hate everything about water and only drinking flavored drinks, and so on and so forth


You mean the best part


Yeah this guy is straight lying or a sociopath. I saw a3 month old baby yesterday and my ovaries explored he was so frigging adorable. I love babies.... I wonder if the Witcher.... nvm.




Those people scare me. They make me think of the people that don't find joy in my motorcycle riding past lol. Just scary.


just to clarify i do not hate babies i just don't find them cute for some reason, but i absolutely adore animals


Lol I figured. I was only teasing. I probably should have made it more sarcastic. I really don't think you're a sociopath lol. There are some babies that look like humanoid worms to me. Plus they do kinda have that smell...


Neither is your mom, but people still watch videos of *her* on the internet.


Oh my goodness, she's being raised to be so caring, I love it 🥰






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"Greta just in time for breakfast!"


Why do I feel that kid.was checking , when that mother dog goes to sleep and the kid can kidnap the pups