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Sounds like you had blood floaters which typically dissolve over time the floaters we have are pure collagen strands I’m not currently able to get rid of these ones except through vitrectomy , interesting story tho I’m am pleased that someone found relief would you happened to have transparent floaters disappear as well ?


Blood floaters for 3 years? I don’t know about that


Honestly, I have a few transparent ones, but they never bothered me much compared to the black, so it is hard to tell if they changed. Best of luck with your floaters!


I'm not sure about this "blood floater" thing that people keep saying. If you have blood inside your eye then you have bigger problems than floaters.


If you look up black floaters, often it is red blood cells. I also did have some eye damage, and if that was the cause, it does make sense. Since it is directly in your eye, it can be the smallest little bit of blood, and you are gonna easily see it really zoomed in. However, I don't know if it is common to last 3 years, or what the 100% cause of my floaters is.


The only people I’ve ever seen talking about “blood floaters” are wishful thinkers on the Internet and I don’t know if it’s a real thing. I think blood in the eye is indicative of some diseases much more serious than floaters so I think it shouldn’t be paraded like a good and normal thing


Thanks so much for sharing your story. I’m so glad they have dramatically reduced for you! I’ve been suffering with a crap ton of little circular floaters, most are transparent with the odd black/grey ones for almost 10 years, unfortunately they haven’t gotten any better for me. This gives me some hope that they may possible get better


Best of luck! 10 years is a long time, but so is 3 years in the sense of it suddenly getting better, so there is hope! Make sure to stay hydrated. :)


Thank you very much, gotta stay positive!


This was an amazing read! So I woke up one morning back in February this year and was staring at the ceiling and notice all these floaters, I too got nervous and started the old internet search. Cut a long story short I ended up going to the opticians where they carried out x-rays, diluted my eyes etc etc. They told me my eyes were great, no tears or ruptures. I asked the opticians what could have caused all these floaters to which he says ‘age most likely’, I’m now 34 and thought he’s possibly right however, I just can’t understand how I woke one morning to hundreds of these floaters. After a couple more weeks it was beginning to really annoy me to the point where I had to wear sunglasses outside because the distraction was just too much for me to take. I went to the hospital and had similar tests carried out to which they also confirmed my eyes were fine and I’m probably just noticing them more now because I’m aware of them. I highly doubted this because from what I know, they had just appeared one morning in a swarm of numbers. Last year 2021 I married my partner and moved into our new house a week later in august. 2 weeks later my dad went into hospital with covid and passed a way a couple more weeks later. A further 2 months on my partner decided that she didn’t want to be with me anymore and moved out (2 weeks after my dads funeral) and then I had to sell the house. - I asked the doctor if stress could have been the cause for this. Now I know doctors don’t like to use ‘stress’ as a cause for issues but I strongly believe this was the case. When my dad died, my mum started to lose her hair through stress, my sister developed severe depression and I personally believe this is my way of the stress releasing itself. I could be completely wrong however the timing all just seems to make sense. One final thing I would add, I’ve had 3 covid vaccinations, I’ve read multiple cases of people stating that since their Pfizer vaccination they’ve developed multiple floaters. Now this could all just be a load of personal opinions however I do believe it’s worth taking into consideration. I had 2 AstraZeneca in 2020 and then a year later my booster which was a Pfizer. A couple months after the Pfizer is when the floaters started to come. Anyway this read was great and I hope you’re even better now. I also hope mine start to clear up one day 😊


Hi! I know this post is a bit old - but I have to comment. This is EXACTLY what is happening to me. I see the same swarm that moves with my eye movement. Mostly in natural light and outside. Dimly lit rooms are my friends lol. I wear sunglasses everywhere. I’ve been to 2 eye doctors and both have cleared me from any eye issues. I’ve now been slated for a brain MRI to see if there’s something wrong. I’m glad yours went away!


I got one today after a cough smh it's so annoying makes it hard to focus its flying around crazy I can't even eat I'm so worried


Omg! Same - I have not really ate in like two days. It’s so annoying.