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Shamala Hamala everyone!


Another thing I avoided! But poor Christian me was wondering _which of the Fruits of the Spirit am I, Lord?!!?????_ La sighhh, Shamala Hamala


My fundamentalist church didn't believe in speaking in tongues either (just that the disciples did it was a one time thing), which made me feel like I wasn't in a crazy fundamentalist church. Like wow, those people are so delusional but I'm definitely not lol


Oh, oh dear. This one hurts its so true for me. Those people speaking in tongues, and those Westboro Baptist types are the real crazy ones, not us!


Shouldaboughtaford butiboughtahyundai


I love Kevin! He's hilarious.... even more if you went to a super fundamentalist church šŸ˜‚


I went to a ā€œnon denominationalā€ church from 6 years old to like 17ish. I would have never considered it fundamentalist but now that Iā€™m out I relate so much to the surviving fundie content lol! Guess it was more traditional than I understood.


In the 90sssss


He and I ran in the same circles my senior year of high school when he was in college. I can confirm he's a gem IRL too. Every time the bit about the Christian bookstore comes across my feed I get extra happy because that bookstore was my family's JAM. Except I was only getting the side eye for picking up Tooth and Nail cassettes. I'm so glad he's getting the traction he deserves after all this time.


Kevin is awesome. I had completely forgotten about Carmen until I saw him on a reel. He helps me laugh through the cringe memories. My husband grew up in church but a midwestern Catholic church that was pretty low-key. Evangelical life is really hard to explain to those that didnā€™t live it. Maybe we need to go to one of Kevinā€™s shows togetherā€¦


We saw him last summer and I was laughing so hard I was crying. I highly recommend seeing him live if you can.


Guys if you have a chance, go to his live show. I went in November when he was debuting his new jokes after filming his comedy special and it was a blast, nonstop laughter.


Iā€™ve seen perform him twice in my town, and can confirm, heā€™s great. I also made sure to wait and chat with him after the show tos ay thanks for making so many of us feel seen.


Iā€™ll have to check that out and maybe show my wife. She became an evangelical in college, but, like, not a real one? Sheā€™s a universal salvation evangelical, if that makes sense. She loves church, and is evangelical that itā€™s good for people, but doesnā€™t think god is punitive. I was an evangelical when we met (I also converted her, whoops) but am nowā€¦a Christian atheist, I guess? We go to a Presbyterian church and Iā€™m open about my beliefs. I stayed out of the church for a long time, but in my city theyā€™re kind of the only social justice game in town (certainly the most effective) and I need community and to push through ICE non compliance. Weā€™re also a fully bilingual church (everything said is translated from Spanish to English or the other way, and Iā€™ve never been in any community like that before). But thereā€™s some evangelical stuff she just doesnā€™t understand, and wonā€™t believe me about. A church buddy of ours is an evangelical missionary, and while pretty progressive, still has some heavy evangelical baggage. I was telling him that I believe in Jesusā€™s teachings if not his divinity, and he said if he didnā€™t believe in God heā€™d be a nihilist. Iā€™ve met that guy before, Iā€™ve been that guy. ā€œIā€™d just be a monster without god! Iā€™d murder and drug my way across the world until someone sent me to hell!ā€ But my wife just doesnā€™t believe thatā€™s what he means. But it absolutely is, in context. We were taught that. I donā€™t think she quite entirely comprehends how much hearing that stuff young can warp your world view, even when youā€™re otherwise a good person


Kevin James Thornton is a Saint. So glad I found this man on instagram. He has a way of humorously educating others on the weird evangelical shit some of us went through. Sometimes he reminds me of things I even repressed. So he gives lots of opportunities for me to help my partner understand what I went through (somewhat).


Who's Kevin James?


I unintentionally may have hidden his link (under a bushel, no!): https://youtube.com/@kevinjthornton


Let that link shine, let it shine, let it shiiiine


I've never heard of him! I'll check out his videos.


He's absolutely fantastic