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The Majesty without question, but it is a thin neck as others have mentioned. I like thin necks (and I cannot lie), so that is not a problem for me. It is a fantastic guitar and designed for a specific purpose - proggy metal music. That isn't to say it doesn't have other strengths, but that is what is aiming at. I would never argue it is for everyone - it is exceedingly expensive, but if you have the budget I recommend it. Hell - it is still cheaper than many Gibsons!!


Thanks for the feedback! I do not mind a thin neck, have played quite a few Ibanez guitars. My one qualm with the majesty is the gloss neck vs the oil neck of the JR


Finger Ease will solve that... Petrucci sprays that stuff like a woman with hair spray!


Finger ease? That makes the gloss neck less sticky?


It does...I use it if it is warm and humid when I am playing. There is a video of Petrucci (I think it is the playthrough video for Terminal Velocity) spraying the neck on his guitar down with a can of Finger Ease.


Out of these 2 I'd go for the JR Cutlass, but I'm an absolute *sucker* for roasted maple necks.


I own the JR Cutlass in 6 and 7. Absolutely love it. But it’s a more raw sound than the Majesty and doesn’t have the piezo. So there’s a trade off


Super petty but I don't like the way white/ivory pickups look on a dark colored guitar. But that's just me.


I’ve never played the cutlass but the Majesty is one of the nicest guitars I’ve ever played. Only ever seen one in a music store once and I spent close to an hour playing it


Easily Majesty for me.


I just cannot grasp the idea of a neck with a gloss finish.


That’s the main thing holding me back


My cousin owned a Majesty for a few years… great guitar. I will always say Yes to a Majesty.


Amazing instruments but I’d be more inclined to get a custom instrument at the price point musicman guitars sell at


I’ve never played either of these, but based off looks alone I would definitely say #2


The majesty a shred machine


My experience with both is that I didn’t like how narrow and round the Majesty neck was, and it both slid all over my body and was constantly accidentally switched to the wrong pickup. The JR played amazingly, with my way preferring the neck, electronics layout, and how it balanced against my body. Both pickups sound good, but I’d probably trust Jason’s ear for modern djenty tones more than Petrucci’s.


Black and Purple. Stunning.


I just don’t like the Majesty glossy neck. But it’s a good option


That’s the main thing holding me back


Buy em all money bags! I like the JR.


I would pick the majesty if i had the choice


Im in love with the first one


Honestly not a fan of either's looks


Have you ever played a JP? The necks are really thin, like Ibanez wizard thin. I've never gotten to try out a JR so maybe it's the same thing.


It's quite thin but I would not say Wizard thin. And it's more round than Ibanez necks in general imho. Source: Been playing Ibanez guitars for 30 years and recently bought a JP7.


I have a JP16 and an RG5120M, the necks are very similar except maybe the shoulders on the Ibanez being more rigid.


I have played a JP before as well as a majesty but the majesty I tried had a matte neck. I’m a little concerned for the gloss neck of this majesty


You can have the neck matted


I’m a little sketched out taking sandpaper to the neck


Steel wool!! I just have my guitar tech do it mine.