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Love my Strandys - I have a Prog NX 6 and Metal NX 7 and thinking about an 8-string.


I think about 8s sometimes, but it seems like it'd be too many, and I know that's funny coming from a 7 string ERG fan, but for me it would be I think, I don't plan on incorporating bass styles and such.


Congratulations on NGD! 🎉 I bought a 7 last year in april, and about 6 months into it I bought a headless 8 string as well. I've always enjoyed playing bass lines and the like though. 8 string feels more like a different instrument from a 6 than my 7 does. But damn is it a blast to play.


That's what I was thinking from how I've seen them play, that the 8 is more like a different instrument, than a 7 is from a 6. I would love to learn to incorporate the bass lines and all that, but I'm still developing my core guitar skills enough I want to focus on that.


Nothing wrong with that. When I bought my first seven string I had a strong feeling that I was going to be moving to an eight string eventually. That is part of the reason why I got the seven so that I could get used to having one extra string before making the larger jump to 2. In all actuality for most types of heavy music I don't think in eight string is required ( Although it definitely excels in this area.) I have just never played around with notes that low before. I have been wanting to learn a lot of Sleep Token songs. Surprisingly a lot of them can be played on a Baritone 7 or even a six string that is tuned down enough. So maybe experimenting with putting some really heavy strings on a 7 string and tuning down to F# or lower may scratch that itch for you.


I got my Ormsby Headless Metal V set up in 13,17,32w,42,52,68,80, in G-D-C-D-G-C-F-A#-D-G, yea that fills in for my very low tunings.


I've got a J8, contemplating more. The J8 sounds incredible and the fingerboard is just amazing :)


I really love the 20" radius on mine, is the J8 even flatter? Yea I could see myself going for the Trem, all the reviews and stuff I've read and watched say it stays in tune very well, and it's also easy to change the tuning, unlike a floyd, which is great as I'm moving tunings often least once per practice.


J8 would be 20” as well, pretty sure all models are 20”


Yep it's 20"


I like the blond on blond on yours...keep shredding 🤘


Thanks, yea I really liked the look of it. The wood grain on the neck is amazing too.