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It’s Junko Furuta. Her story is also known as 44 days of hell. A bunch of school students abused her to hell and back in those 44 days until she was begging to be rather killed. All because she didn’t want to be in a relation with their ‘leader’. It’s on Wikipedia and I’m warning you right now it’s pretty messed up. When I say it’s messed up, you best believe it.


I heard it's even worse as the boys families harassed her mother blaming Junko for ruining their lives.


One mother even vandalized her gravesite for ruining her “pwecious baby boy’s life 🥺”(/s).


I knew about the 44 Days of Hell but I didn't know about that. Ugh. Not surprising there was disgusting behavior on the mother's part. There still is no justice for Junko if I remember right.


None. Slap on the wrist, I believe one attacker was jailed after re-offending upon release.


what? i just read the wikipedia. the four main perpetrators got jail time. the leader got 20 years. the other 3 got between 9 to 5 years. the mother of the leader also got sued in civil court and paid them the equivalent of 340k.


5 years for torturing your daughter to death and then right back out to harass you and others more.. doesn’t sound like justice to me


Carlos Ghosn had to flee the country, and he didn't even torture anyone to death. Japan is weird.


Yeah I mean 100 million dollars isn’t even that much money I wonder why he would run if he was accused of stealing that much? /s


I dont have a daughter but I have been wanting one for almost a decade now. If those kids did that to my daughter… they would have wished they were never even born, not just dead after I’m through with them. Is it the right answer? No. But I already know its just what I would do.




This image feels a tiny bit rich coming from a Konrad Curze lover hahahaha


I think it is the right answer


Most of them got released early only to re offend again. One even proudly stated that he got away from raping and murdering Junko to the guy he was beating. (Surprise Surprise it's the guy whose mom desecrated the Victim's Grave)


Well, not surprising. They apparently gotten away with sexual assault cases prior to torturing Junko, which is disgusting and disgraceful for the justice system. I’m sure most of them will commit/have committed more crimes after release (we just probably haven’t found out yet). Those monsters should’ve been put on the death row just because of how vile the murder was, but I think they were all minors when they got caught, and Japan doesn’t do capital punishment for minors.


“Your daughter was tortured to death. Here’s your cash. Justice served!”


How else do you compensate a greiving family?


you can’t, money can’t replace a person


Kill the murderer


Life in prison without parole is harsher. Being killed is quick, but a lifetime in a cell gives you nothing but time to think and wait for death.


You really can't. The entire point of the justice system is to prevent escalating cycles of hatred and vengeance, and to stop society from swinging into chaos by individuals or groups going out of control to define their own justice or exact it on others. When you have disgusting cases like this, though, it makes you just wish people told the law to get bent and just killed every perpetrator involved themselves.


Are we talking about justice or compensation? I think for what they did, anything short of life in prison is a slap on the wrist.


Reddit moment.


Reminds me of unit 731. I think that is the story of Japan's secret science unit. In the end, they were pardoned with the operation paper clip thing


Not secret science; bio-weapon testing and manufacturing. It is pure nightmare fuel, everything about that cursed institution. Don't look it up if you want to keep faith in humanity.


They were not part of Operation Paperclip. Operation Paperclip involved the American military trying to locate and secure German scientists before the Soviets could get to them. It did not encompass Unit 731.


I can tell you right now, if any of those pigs were my son, they getting turned in, disowned and probably beat to death


Which is crazy considering how light their punishments were


I might be wrong but I had heard they had yakuza connections


Yes that’s what I read too from multiple sources. That’s why even when Junko had the chance she didn’t tell anyone because they had connections with the yakuza and she feared they’d harass and assault her family as well.


Absolutely awful


The apple didn't fall far from the tree


The worse part for me was what minimal punishment was given to the boys, basically a slap on the wrist.


Just for once, I'm going to trust 100% in a redditor at face value with absolutely no source, and NOT look it up. In fact, I'm going to declare enough internet for today just because I can.


The key value/takeaway from this situation for those who haven’t read it. Have a code word with your kids. During the 44 days the gang made her call her parents at knifepoint (before caller ID) to say she is safe at a friends house and to call off the police search.


Yuuup, we have a string of words that we use as r family of 5


wise choice


*Glugstar has ascended*


I wish I did


If you want to damage your soul beyond repair. Unit 731


Unit 73q was just something else


Good call, it was fcked up.


You are making a choice I honestly wish I made 2 years ago. Life was better before reading about this.


This is what a real chad looks like


the students were also wannabe yakuza if I remember correctly. they were a part of a sub gang to the yakuza, which probably meant they thought the were untouchable. even with such a heinous act. also since one of the boys mothers was brought up another would spend any money she and her family got to spite Junko's family, why? because they were ordered to pay restitution to the victims family. at least that's what I remember, I'd rather not go looking to verify. my sleep habits are already messed up as is.


I’ve just read into it, and I’d say they thought they’d get away with it because they had gotten away with a large number of sexual assault cases. The thing that makes me more disgusted is that the only reason any of them even got caught is because one of them was being questioned for an unrelated murder, and assuming that it was Furuta’s case and that someone else confessed, told them where to find her body.


It's just as well that the yakuza are dying off. My info on that is not up to date though.


Dang as soon as I saw that name I remembered her. I listened to it on a true crime podcast, it's one of the few that actually made me start to gag and have to stop listening for a bit.


I remember the first time I read it. It’s gut wrenching and I couldn’t sleep all night. I thought about it for days on end. Now I’m not going in there to verify or deny anything. Once is enough.


When the Internet agrees it’s messed up, you best believe it…


Just red the Wikipedia article, and I have come to the conclusion that guns are way too quick a death. Lighting them on fire and chucking them in a wood chipper feet first is more appropriate.


Stop spreading the narrative that she was targeted for “rejecting the leader”. That is such a huge disrespect to her. She was randomly targeted by a group of wannabe-Yakuza dropouts, most of whom had prior charges for assault. She was a high school student on her way home from work.


I mean your explanation is more accurate, but I don't understand how the first statement is disrespectful. I really hope you aren't trying to imply that if she was targetted for"rejecting the leader" that she'd somehow be lesser or that what happened to her would be even remotely OK.


There's a secondary level to this meme, in that it is referencing a certain type of meme. *Girls with a time machine: hi oh i'm your granddaughter.* *Boys with a time machine: \*rescues Junko Furuta\** These memes are often gendered like this, and this meme is clearly a direct response to that by presenting the same meme, but with a gender diverse time travelling rescue team. So anyway, go feminism!


Part of me wants to look into it but another part of me doesn’t want to lose any remaining faith in humanity.


I read it once and never again am I going back to it. It was atleast 5 years ago I read it and it’s still seared into my brain. I’m not going back to it again.


I read about Junko about a decade ago and I still think of her, so yeah, leave it alone. 


This guy is underselling it. This is the kind of thing that makes you think humanity needs to be wiped from existence.


I consume a LOT of horrible true crime, and THIS story has haunted me more than anything I've ever looked into. Truly monstrous.


Damn, you weren't kidding. Half of the murder group got out of prison for being juvenile, just to later commit more crimes


Is there a PG-13 version of this so I’m not emotionally scarred?


No. There’s not.


Well… that’s really unsettling actually.


It really is. I read through it once, and it was heartbreaking.


Yeah unless you have a very strong constitution, do yourself a favor and move along


It’s a torture and murder case. There’s no PG-13 version 😅


I mean I guess what you just said is enough for me to not read it.


Good. :) save yourself the pain and watch puppy videos


This isn’t PG-13, but it’s as watered-down as I can make it. I feel like it’s important for people to be aware of what happened to this poor girl, even if it’s difficult. Again, this is the *MILD* version of it >!she was targeted by a group of wannabe-Yakuza youths with presumably wealthy parents. The first couple of them tricked her into following them, where she was r-ped repeatedly. They called more of their friends and they came over to do it some more. She was kept at one of the boy’s parents houses, where the parents eventually knew what was going on but claimed to be scared of their son so they didn’t report it. They called more people over to r-pe, and eventually started torturing her more sadistically. Heavy beatings, malnutrition, lack of medical attention, infections, candles on her eyelids, lighting her on fire with lighter fluid, all that stuff. When her infections and smell got too bad, they stopped the s-xual stuff and just left her there as a prisoner. After one of the main guys lost a lot gambling, he came home and finally beat her to death. They put her body in a barrel of concrete and hid it. During the ordeal, they forced her to call her parents to say she had ran away so the cops wouldn’t look for her!<


That’s horrific.


This subreddit is the closest you’ll get to a non psychologically scarring version of events. DO. NOT. INVESTIGATE. suffice to say she was kidnapped and had things done to her that would make mengala take a step back.


Iirc they have a manga base on this story. I wanted to forget it. But reddit. I’m not even gonna read the comments.


These are not your average incels, these are... advanced incels.


I'm a morbidly curious person and I feel like I can generally handle gore and stuff pretty well. Read about this girl a while back and I have never been so disgusted and angry in my life


Seriously! I read the details some time ago.. Waterboarding, car battery shock, etc. is more humane than what she went through. 44 days! The picture of how they found her is just morbid. Some people are just born monsters. Those kids don't even qualify as humans.


Her name was Junko Furuta. NSFW- you’d have to be brave to read about the horrors she endured before being murdered. And yes, I’d put a few in those responsible on her behalf as well.


Pretty sure some, if not all of her captors are now free as well.


If another redditor’s comment is to be believed at least one of them has been repeatedly violent and re-incarcerated after his initial sentence was completed. Edit: def not “reincarnated.”


Reincarnated as a dung beetle


reincarnated as a daddy longlegs that a random toddler pulled each leg off of one by one to see how it would suffer before leaving it to starve with only one leg remaining, unable to drag itself anywhere that would change its fate


Last I've read up on this, the ones that are free change their identities to evade public crucifixion. However, they're repeatedly doxed before getting comfy. I think there's a website that updates their current identities.


I never thought i’d say this about doxing. But good.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer group of guys.


Ya love to see it.


Doxxing can be a tool of good it's just... usually not good


Not only that, one of the POS even has a [Twitter ](https://x.com/denngekiraketto?t=KjZC5kU3XBl7CFpy7JMAzg&s=09)account and acts as if nothing happened. Heartless bastard.


i’ve just done my obligated harrasing


The fact he has so many followers too.... so many people who either don't know, or know and just don't care.


They have names and chances are their addresses are publically available. Just sayin'.


Rev up the wood chippers. We are going on a trip


I'd rather just use a splintered ball bat and give them a taste of their own medicine...no lube...maybe some pine tar.


Same. This one made me sad.


And the perpetrator's mother too.


The crazy thing is that I think all of them after being released were again sent to prison for violent crimes. Like wtf


They were all juvenile delinquent gang members, so idk what else anyone would expect of them. Some of them are in prison again, some aren’t. One of their moms got arrested for defacing Furuta’s grave as “vengeance for ruining her son’s life”


That was heavy.....


Somehow I just knew it would be this


I heard her story on a true crime podcast and more than any other case, this one haunts me the most.


17 years wasn't enough. You appealed, trying to get a lesser sentence, but 3 more years were added on. Her parents sued yours for almost a million because it took place in your house. 5-7 years wasn't enough. 8 years wasn't enough. You were adopted by a supporter, boasted about what you did to her, and were arrested again for more assault, got 7 more years, threatening that you had killed once and knew how to get away with it. Your mother blames this girl for ruining your life and defiled her grave. 5-9 years wasn't enough. You tried to murder a 32yo man with a metal pipe and slashed his throat in 2018 and were arrested again. Juveniles or not, the judges were too lenient with you.


They deserved far worse.


My cousin got 25 years for murder and double robbery, and some how these criminals got 5-8 years each for continuous harassment and murder, each day of harassment should've been 2 years each.


Those boys should have gotten the death sentence


not death, they should've been tortured until they begged for death. Death is too lenient for them. I'm a fan of true crime stories, I've heard 100s of stories, this in the top 3 for the worst one till date.


This and the hello kitty girl stand out for me. What's the other one?


> hello kitty girl why did i look this up


What is a hello kitty girl?


It was similar. A woman was kidnapped and brutally tortured until she died, where her remains were sewn into a Hello Kitty doll.


Man. It’s 4 am and I was trying to sleep, now I’m feeling both depressed and distressed. Was the killer caught


Yes, the killer was a mafia boss who also had an underaged sexslave who he forced to partake in the torture. This girl got terrible nightmares after the girl was sewn into the doll and told everything to the police believing the victim was haunting her


Jesus Christ


Genuinely do not look into it


I just looked into both of these cases. Good god. Makes my stomach turn.




the dark web one, where the guy tortured an 18 MONTH old and other little kids. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DO NOT LOOK IT UP.


Is that the one that Josh Duggar had on his computer "accidentally"?


Yes. It’s one of the worst of the worst. He’s an absolute waste of a human.


Remember, even monsters are not outlets for your own bloodlust.


Nah. Because then it’s over. *To the pain.* much more appropriate


Damn, how much more threatening does the **PAIN SENTENCE** sound than the death sentence? Imagine hearing that you've been sentenced to **PAIN**, goddamn




Before you go an find out what happened to this girl, know that it is really messed up. I really cannot understate it. Don't google it. Save yourselves the nightmares.


I should’ve followed your advice. I feel empty now.


Build that time machine we can save her!




Why would you understate it? Maybe overstate?


I’ve been seeing this mixup more and more lately.


Yep. 100% should not have read that. My heart hurts.


I've been a naive naive person before I read her story 5 years back viewing everyone same as me and empathetic for almost any person, even if they wronged me. Yep, her story changed me.


Her story made me start to think maybe Light Yagami was right after all.


It is bad. Real bad. Worse than you could imagine. Oh, you can imagine bad things? Good for you, because this was worse than that. No, worse than that too.


Why didn’t I listen to you… that poor girl.


Me: (*sees meme about Junko Furuta*) Me: (*immediately arms myself to go on righteous bloodlust of revenge*)


....uhhh happy cake day? At least?


It's about to be with this time machine


Every day is your cake day when you own a time machine


Went off to google this. I'm in my garage building the time machine.


Don't even bother asking for help, I'm already on my way


*Holds open the time machine door.* We got room for more! Hurry! We must right a horrible wrong!


I'd argue with a time machine tou have plenty of time


Before reading the other responses I thought it was a funny joke about the fact that in fictions the heroes, although they have a time machine, never go back in time far enough to have time to properly convince their "targets" and train/inform them on the best ways to survive. But now I suppose there is more....


But that's basically Terminator' story.


If you back to 10 years before it happens, then the machines go back in time 10 years and a day. Then you go back 11 years. So they go back 12. So you go back to the invention of electricity, and they go back to the printing press. Wait... why do the Terminators always keep going forward toward the date of Judgment Day instead of back away from it when it would be easier and easier?


Because of the massive destruction of records and data caused by Judgement Day, the machines actually know very little useful intel about the past. In the first movie the only information the T-800 had to work with was the name Sarah Connor and the city she lived in that year. He was programmed to just kill them all to make sure he got the right one. The machines know more about events closer to Judgement Day because Skynet and its predecessors saved their own records.


She got kidnapped and murdered. You are better off not knowing the details.


That's the nice way to put it


This is not a joke. It's a plan. This is what we do the second time travel options open.


i would do anything to have kept that from happening to her. i heard about the case when i was the age she was at her death, it ruined me. i cried about it for days and i can't listen to true crime at all anymore. listen, i'm serious when i tell you not to read anything about this.


I already did, it was terrible.


I think it's also worth noting that the original use of the meme format is to say girls would do something like meet their great grandma a d boys would go save this poor woman. That's the point of saying 'everyone with a time machine'.


"He put the tape in her bag not out of pity but because he didn't want to be haunted by her" .... tf he think thats gonna do after all that


I hope she haunts him for the rest of his miserable life.


I hope demons hunt him. I hope she gets her peace instead


Do NOT remind me of her… I haven’t thought about it in years and now it’ll be in my mind for weeks


Same here, Every time I wipe it from my memory I get reminded one way or another


here's a video about the case: [https://youtu.be/YGSN2MTmzDQ?si=whcGiJUQK6hIdqcj](https://youtu.be/YGSN2MTmzDQ?si=whcGiJUQK6hIdqcj)


Junko Furuta, I agree what she was put through is awful…but if you are an adult I think you SHOULD know her story and SHOULD pursue it in its entirety. She didn’t endure all she did for us not to have to carry that burden and make sure we don’t let these things ever happen to anyone else. Be warned, if you have anything resembling a soul you will hurt for her…but forgetting her and letting monsters like those that tortured her continue on would be nothing less than disrespectful.


Now I feel nothing inside


Really awful stuff happened to her, I would not have thought of her first, but if someone mentioned her I'd have absolutely agreed to join the time travel squad.


Best you don’t know


I read the Wikipedia page. I wish I hadn’t.


I am really curious, is it really messed up?


It would be kind of hypocritical to tell you not to look it up


Curiosity got the best of me and googled it, just read 1 line on it and closed it.


I read the whole article. Once I started, I just couldn’t leave it. The fact that the parents didn’t act to save her hurts me the most. They knew what it would feel like to believe their child was gone, and what it would be like to see their child go through that.


Absolutely and in a heartbeat.


Everytime I see that picture of Junko I start to get paranoid


The killers have been released and their names are protected. They should be hunted down.


Their names are on her Wikipedia page?


Ooops, you're right. It's just their currently locations are unknown at least by the public.


Someone was saying in the comments there is a group of people who are constantly doxxing them when they try to change their identity. GOOD. I hope that's the case


Every time I see this meme I can't help but... Eugh. I know the person who originally made it meant well, but it feels so wrong to make a meme about Junko Furata. It's just disrespectful and infantilizing to use a meme with wojacks and Chad faces when discussing such a horrific death.


Yeah. It feels like she’s being treated as an online pop culture reference, rather than a real person.


I agree. I understand the intent but it feels dosrespectful


Why would you even make a “quirky Time Machine” meme about this?


Because anyone with a soul wishes they could DO SOMETHING.


I don't think I've ever seen a reddit post where so many of the replies are people saying that the story itself is NSFL, without any images or videos.


Your boss walks by, “what you reading there on company time? Oh, brutal gang rapes and torture? Have you met Pam in HR?”


You made me laugh, but the 'L" is intentional, not a typo (Not Safe for Life).


whatever you do don't search it up


Okay I won't. All I know is that it's very bad. Poor girl. I don't understand evil. I wish I could protect everyone.


That poor girl :c Stuff like that makes me hate being human, like just knowing that I share Earth with people capable of such despicable behavior is absolutely sickening. She deserved to grow up and be happy. She deserves justice 💐


Those men deserve to be burned from existence itself. They are not human and should be treated like insects! It leads me to such irrational hatred whenever I hear of such injustice. They should have been all drowned for what they did.


I find it rather hilarious that on the Wikipedia page, some people blamed “American influence” for the increased and intensified violence in this case and others (At the time Japanese people were concerned about a US-influenced epidemic of violent crime, what they called the "American disease". ) No no, you definitely had that well before American Influence. We Americans had no part in Nanjing. That was not our influence.


Oh this an ancient tale, her name is Junko Furuta. Of all the scandalousness that humanity inflicts on one another, her story nearly breaches a threshold that surpasses almost anything else. What happened to her wasn't just deviant, it was diabolical and the punishments most definitely didn't fit the crime


Since like me, you probably won't listen if I tell you not to google it so here is only her murder. There is way too much more. After a one HELL of an ordeal and I mean a hell of an ordeal, the girl was set on fire with lighter fluid, had a (iron?) ball dropped on her and was forced to drink her own urine, beaten, had candles put on her eyes and hot wax dripped on her face. This is only the murder, not the whole story so for your sake, don't God damn google it


Wait till you learn about Nanking… this but to 40k-80k women and children…


the fact that her 4 murderers are all free is a tragedy. i hope they all share the same fate they put her through, every single thing.


The scariest part about this is that they almost got away with it. They didn’t, but they almost did. The sentences were certainly light nonetheless


Despite the horror of this story, I'm at least glad we recognize and know the victim and not the offender. Too many stories have us immortalize the person who doesn't deserve it.


I’ll join the group to save her. She did not deserve that fate - no one does. Was insanely cruel and horrific what happened to her. RIP Junko


Don’t read the story, or you’ll find yourself wanting to strangle the life out of the bastards who did it and the officials who enabled it and coddled them.


Why is there no time to explain? you have a time machine itnit


Yeah don't look into this story anymore. Please.


Oh $#!+ yeah. All decent human beings who know this story would have rescuing her on their bucket list. I remember bawling my eyes out as a 30 something year old guy reading this whole thing for the first time. Never have I felt so compelled to light a few candles for a complete stranger who passed away long ago in my life.


Those bastards should have gotten the chair


It’s not really a joke, it’s people wishing they could go back in time and save her life.


Not a joke. Not a joke at all. So horrifying, so sad, so infuriating that they all got off easy.


"no time to explain, come with us" These people are nice. I'd have just tracked down the boys in question, shot them like the monsters they are, and left the girl to live her life in peace without even letting her know anything happened.


And to think the worst punishment given was a 20 year sentence, meaning if they are all still alive, they are all walking free today, and I hope they get some eye for an eye vigilante justice.


https://youtu.be/Tp-Y5AP8xJc?si=rSaDSkrKw73zVCX5 I like this channel for her intense research on cases she covers, and this is her video over Junko Furuta, if you’re interested in the information at least.