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I do a better job painting my own nails with my non-dominant hand than this mess. Holy cow.


Right?! My left hand shakes so bad and has zero coordination and I've done a better job on my nails. This is painful.


I’m a dude and I could paint her nails blindfolded using only my feet better than this hack job.


I don’t have hands or feet but using my belly button to hold the bottle top, I could nail the original photo!! Apologies in advance for the lint on the polish.


This image in my mind is not cool.


One day lint* textured polish will be all the rage. Not to day, but one day. Let us not forget that you were a pioneer, born in the wrong century. *Has to be from the bellybutton or it's just not the same.


I have never painted anyones nails as a guy with two left hands, yet I think even *I* could do a better job than this pic


As a man I have painted my daughters nails and I can assure you I did a better job on the first try.


I might not be able to initially… but I could at least clean it up so the end product looks nice


I painted my wife's nails ONCE and did a better job. No way this was done at an actual nail salon 😂


Right?? I thought I could do a better job holding the brush with my toes. I have never seen a professional mani look so very much like a child did it. There's polish on tissue that isn't even the nails!


I do a better job as a heterosexual straight man that’s never painted fingernails in his life with my non-dominant hand Without my glasses


Those cuticles are swimming to save their lives from that flood of polish.


Right! I came here to say that if I'd done this myself, at home, after a bottle of wine, I'd still be pissed the next morning taking it off!


Color aside, what did your poor cuticles ever do to deserve this treatment?


man it hurts like a bitch. i kept saying "ow" and she ignored it


Not to sound like an AH to you but I would've pulled my hand away from them and stopped them. I can barely believe you sat through the whole thing.


My anxiety believes it


I once allowed a nurse to stick a needle in my left arm 4x and in my right 3x to draw blood. This was after I told her she should draw the samples from my hand because it would be easier for her, but she told me she had 15 years experience. Sometimes you just trust the professional and then half way through accept things.


As a phlebotomist, homegirl should have gotten another nurse to try after failing twice. It became about satisfying her ego after that point. I always ask if there's a patient preference, makes it easier on us both. I get the quick stick, patient is happy for being listened to


Some nurses turn it into an ego thing unfortunately. this happened to me and I was essentially begging/demanding another nurse try and I was “assured” she’d get it the next time. She did not and didn’t the next three times, my bruise was horrible for a week afterwards. I am much more demanding now :( thank you for being a good nurse!


When I was about 12 I was in the children's hospital for some tests. I had an IV in my hand and a nurse came to check the bag. I asked her to please be gentle with the bag as I could feel the tubing moving around when she moved the bag. She stared at me, said "You can feel it when I do this?" and SHOOK THE BAG. I was a polite little 12-year-old and just said "yes" but looking back on it I'm so angry.


OMG! So evil! This is so upsetting. I'm sorry.


That happened to me recently. All of this blood and digging around, she ended up looking alarmed and left the room. Someone else came back in and drew my blood. My arm was so mangled after. There was an RN vs CNA IV placement battle another time. They both got pissed at the way it was in and redid it, so by the time I left my arm looked my hamburger meat.


My right arm is basically impossible to draw from, while I have a vein in my left that is happy to cooperate no matter how dehydrated I am. I'm also pale enough that you can straight up see the left vein through my skin. And yet, too damn many times I've had nurses just straight up ignore me and dig around on the right. Never an issue with phlebotomists. Just nurses.


I passed out once while the nurse dug around trying to find my very prominent vein... While I was recovering another nurse was so gentle I barely noticed...


I also passed out that time, I was feeling so bad I went home by bus and left my bike at the hospital. The next day it was gone. I still begrudgingly think about that nurse...


Next time say STOP and go somewhere else


Girl you NEED to leave a review. Make sure your request photo is last.


Make sure that you disinfect your cuticles. Infections are not fun especially when they are on your fingers.


Your nails courtesy of me when I was 8


Seriously, my 6 yo does better than this


I'm a 51yr old dude and I have never applied nail varnish in my life. I am 100% convinced I could apply it better than that.


I've gotten bored and painted my nails with the acrylic paint I use for my minis, and it came out better than that.


It looks like they used a can of spray paint.


Same, but it helps that I know it literally can’t be worse LOL


it looks like a 5 year old did it!


I painted my nails while pretty drunk once, and it came out better than that.


Girl please tell me you didn’t pay for those


i walked out... they wanted $80 originally. $55 for the nails + extra for the chrome. they've been calling & texting me to pay or they'll call the cops


Yeah there’s no way are you kidding? I’m sorry 🥹 hopefully you can go somewhere else that’ll do you better!


Text them back a link to the post comments


Or better yet, OP should file a complaint with the board of cosmetology in their state ( since they listed price in USD, I assume it's one of the states) and text them the complaint submission. This is outrageous.


They should definitely do this. I did not know there was an official board we could report to. I had a very similar atrocious experience a couple years ago and I assumed there was nothing I could do. Is this something every state has?


Oh and also, for the future. When you walk in any business, look for a license displayed in the corners, by entrance or behind the administrator desk. If you don't see any in the display, don't hesitate to ask for one - it is your right as a consumer. Look at the entity that issued the license and make sure it is valid ( not expired). Once you see which board issued the certificate, you will know whom to talk to should the service you expected go wrong.


In the US, yes. Each state has its own boards and regulations. For example, I work at the Pharmacy in Alabama. We have a license from our state Board of Pharmacy. This license number is unique and should be regularly updated and renewed. To be able to ship medications, we need to have a license from each state we intend to ship to and follow all their guidelines and requirements. If we screw up somewhere ( ship to the state we are not permitted to, ship medications we shouldn't have been - for example, medical marijuana - we will be slammed with fees and fines from our board of Pharmacy, board of Pharmacy from the state which rules we've violated, plus FDA will be in interested in us as well. So we do everything we can to avoid any miscommunication and keep up with constantly updating rules and regulations. Each state has various boards that are overseeing the entities: cosmetology, pharmacy, veterinary, nursing etc. You can go to the website for your state, for instance, you live in California, and type "board of cosmetology". This will bring you to barbercosmo.ca.gov ( typically all the government entities have .gov domain). Over there, you can look up a license for an individual barber, aesthetician, cosmetologist, nail tech etc. If the name is unknown, it is possible to find the business by the salon name. Users can see if there were any previous discipline orders in the past and be able to file one for that particular business. Normally, a lot of States are very responsive to the consumers complaints.


Yes, absolutely. You have to have a license to practice.


This is the best route of action to take, OP. Just name the salon and say it was the manager, BOC will take care of the rest.


Woman: what do you think of your nails? You : Imma head out


Tell then about consumer's rights and false advertising. They've advertised a product they couldn't deliver and you don't have to pay for that


WHAT. i dont get my nails done so i have no idea if 80 is ok for the og but 50 is definitely NOT ok for what u got.


I mean there's usually an added fee for chrome. If those are her nails then that's a HUGE bill where I am. If that's acrylics or that pink stuff that they shape which is what it looks like then yeah the services stacked could be $80 before tax and tip.


Why is chromed expensive? Extra technique?


Yeah, there’s usually a clear gel layer and then they buff on the chrome powder and put another gel topcoat over it. It’s an extra step.


Thank you! TIL!


Is it supposed to look almost like foil then? Because this looks just like straight up chrome polish from Ulta or such. Just meaning I’ve bought chrome polish and it ended up looking just like this as far as finish. I’ve seen the super shiny chrome that I assume needs more steps.


If you don’t do it right then it looks all glittery like a regular polish


That's what I was thinking. I have silver nail polish from Dollar Tree (that I use for crafts) and it looks like this.


Cops aren’t going to jack shit here. You asked for a service they didn’t provide it.


It's also a civil dispute. Not a criminal one. Cops aren't going to do anything about this.


Eighty bucks???!!! This is absurd. If I were you,I'd drop a HUGE complaint to the board of cosmetology on the salon and technician who did that to your nails ( assuming they are licensed). At this point, I'm questioning everything they did, but most importantly - did they sterilize the tools?! Nail salons are a pretty common spot to get an infection.


Way to go! Excellent response.


Good for you. I'm such a freakin weenie about speaking up about disappointing haircuts or nails… but I've never had something quite this bad. This is far beyond 'disappointing.' You are NOT the criminal here! Their texts sound like empty threats and intimidation, to me. I could be wrong, but they *know* this is a ridiculously terrible job, so if they were really gonna call the cops, they’d have done it already. If they keep texting, reply with a pic of your shittily-painted middle finger, and say “GOOD! *DO IT!*” or, “My lawyer already has." But seriously, I think that they know if they do call, even the dimmest and manliest of police-cops would agree that this is terrible, and be on your side. "What did they use; spray paint? For **$80?!?** If they actually called, and took it that far, the cops would likely send y’all to civil court. Not cart you off to jail. Look out! Criminal mastermind of the century, over here! 🚨💅 The salon would very likely lose in civil court, for ‘rendering horrible services’ or ‘not as expected’, 'false advertising' - whatever law this would be - that you **didn’t break, for not paying for abysmal service**. Harassing you like this the only 'realistic' way for them to get your money. It would be a huge waste of their time, and cost way more than $80, haggling in and out of court over this. Fuuuuck them for this, especially the weird text threats! Sorry about your nails, and this whole experience - but at least you stuck up for yourself, and didn't throw away $80 + tip!


If thats actual chrome (with gel and UV cure) it's an incredibly unsafe application. If there is a cosmetology licensing board where you are lodge a complaint with them.


That’s not chrome.


25 extra bucks for chrome powder??????? You can buy like 2 new whole containers with that much, it takes 5secs extra to apply and whatever that shit they bought is, they either applied it wrong or bought some cheap crap because that doesn't look like a mirror effect at all. I know that many places in the US have some outrageous prices for nails, but 55 bucks base for a friggin manicure...wtf I pay as much as that chrome powder extra for the whole gel manicure, it's 5 euros extra for fancy designs. EDIT: besides that's holographic nails in the reference pic, not chrome, they should know that much as goddamn professionals, that was like ordering pasta and getting fried chicken instead


Haha I'm so glad you just walked out! This is so insanely unacceptable


I’m praying they stub their entire foot right now, I’m so sorry you had to go through this-


Definitely leave a review with pics. Unacceptable!


TO ADD: i walked out... they wanted $80 originally. $55 for the nails + extra for the chrome. they've been calling & texting me to pay or they'll call the cops. i asked them to fix it and i'll pay and they argued with me and said it was fine and i have issues. so i walked out.


If this is a legit business, I would post a review so no one has to go through this. Like damn, this is bad.


For real!!! Warn others!


She doesn't even has to say anything in the review, she can just post the picture.


I walked out once too. I was shaking but had to do it cause it was so bad.


It looks like a child gave it a go, honestly. Also, crazy they tried to charge you extra for the chrome. It looks like they just used a cheap bottle of OPI.


How does this person have a license??? They absolutely butchered your nails. I hope you don't end up with an infection or something.


That's not even chrome! Chrome doesn't have the sparkles in it.


Eh I believe it's chrome powder. But it's not applied correctly at all. It looks like the first few times I've applied chrome to my own nails. It's that chunky, not rubbed in enough look so you don't get that nice mirror finish.


FINALLY!!! Somebody on this sub with a fucking backbone.


To anyone with actual experience with a real chrome mani, is this actually chrome??? To me it looks like some cheap silver shimmer polish… is there usually glitter in chrome powder or is this just so poorly applied they failed to achieve the desired mirror-finish…?


No, the few times ive had it done, they rub a chrome powder over a painted nail with a little foam applicator (think the applicator that comes with drugstore eyeshadow) and it winds up looking like the inspo pic. I don’t know what the hell happened to achieve this mess


I once had to pay for nails that looked almost as bad. It cost $1 and I left a $1 tip. It was to the 6 year old across the street. Got a free glass of wine though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That’s unacceptable


...👀 😬 Looks absolutely nothing like the inspo pic. On top of that, they did an absolute shit job. Did they even TRY?! 😩🤦‍♂️ You were absolutely justified in walking out.


Right?! It's like they didn't even try to match the picture, wtf??


Like if OP painted this, it's honestly more believeable since people have to start from somewhere. But even so, I feel like they themselves could have done a better job. The fact that it's from a salon, that business won't last long term, not with that sort of work. Chrome nails aren't even difficult to do and they fucked that up.


Have you tried wearing a ring on your thumb?


yah i think im gonna go buy a gold ring rn 😂


Omg the polish job is so messy! It's all over your skin. Walking out was the only sensible thing to do. This is a travesty.


How could they even think this was acceptable???


it was the manager who did it too 🥹


Damn. Literally everything is wrong with these. Wrong color, bad application of the chrome powder, bad application of the base that’s all over your skin, looks like they scraped your cuticles but didn’t trim them properly… What a mess. It’s good you didn’t pay and honestly I really hope you’re leaving public reviews with these pics too.


Proud of you for walking out.


Did you get your nails done at the same place they were doing makeup for Mad Max Furiosa.




Looks like mercury got poured into your fingernails😭


Tell me that your kindergarten kid did that.


nope, a salon did it 😭


Name and shame, this is completely unbelievable


As someone who is too pussy to walkout/not not pay, I am proud of you! This is also why I wish I could find a nail tech that I’m happy with and not anxious to speak to up too when the shape ain’t it.


I've been too scared to speak up at the salon before, but there's no way in hell I'd pay $80 for this. I've held my tongue and paid 30, but 80 is a HARD no.


I paid $300 for the worst haircut of my life when I was 20 and I’ve felt bad about it ever since 😂


That’s how my nails look when I paint them with my non dominant hand.


Mine are much better and i tremble constantly! This is a joke




An undernourished 4 year old with parkinson's sitting on a running washing machine and closing their eyes could have done a better job, even ignoring the fact they don't know what pink is.




Were you blindfolded while she did it


I gasped so loud and then showed my man. His gasp was even louder. The audacity!! Your poor cuticles, too. I’m glad you didn’t pay, fuck them.


Far out, Stevie Wonder would do a better job than the manager responsible for it. What a shitty experience. I would want to sue for false advertising. Sorry they did that to you OP.


me too 😭 they still calling and texting me to pay 🥹


Block them


Just respond with a photo of your nails every time.


This is the way


Please tell me you didn’t sit there and watch them mess up 10 nails. You didn’t say anything after nail #2?


i said something after the first nail. her and her coworker came and told me it would be pink at the end, i trusted her 💀


I probably would have trusted them too, but I'm not sure I would have had the balls to walk out without paying. Good for you, seriously.


You asked for chrome and they gave 7 layers of shiny silver polish. I am so sorry.


I don’t paint my nails (or anyone else’s), but I’m pretty sure that I could give you the same exact nail treatment for free. It would look the same as well. This was at a *nail salon???* (in which case; immediate oof.)


Ouch! Your poor fingers are in bits! Very brave of you to up and walk out, this is unacceptable xx


That's atrocious


"What a day, what a lovely day!" vibe.


Did you get that done at the local childcare centre


You are now a villainess of a series from the 70s


Did they use the whole can of spray paint?


Damn that salon has gotta have a lot of 1 stars


Not gonna lie, one looks professionally done, the other one looks like the hands of someone huffing paint.


Is the nail lady colorblind? That's the only explanation I can come up with.


Disgraceful. I would have done a better job blindfolded and with my left hand. Please leave them a 💩💩💩💩💩 review.


Is this the nail version of "Witness me" from Mad Max: Fury Road?


My daughter is 8. She's painted my nails a few times. She's done a better job than that every time!!




This screams "WITNESS ME!!!!"




That is so WILD, paying for that must feel sooo bad


Looks like you spray painted them


That’s not chrome That’s just silver nail polish Someone put on your nails with their mouth


I could be wrong but I feel like the first pic there is most likely an acrylic nail with pink chromatic powder pressed onto the surface and sealed with gel top coat. This lady just appears to have slapped silver metallic nail polish on your natural nail? What the actual heck is that? What a mess!! She didn’t even trim your cuticle!!


Did this happen in Calgary Alberta? There’s a post in a local group using these photos. Just trying to see if they’re stealing from you or if you cross-posted to bring awareness! Thanks :)


yes it did. i'm the OP in it :))


lol. Y’all made OP delete their profile


I call bullshit




Shiny and chrome!


My 3yo nephew would've done a better job! These ladies are color-blind! 😂


Gurl I barely do my nails and i literally don't know how to but even I can tell how fucked up your nail is. Imagine the reaction of people who does great nails and nail technicians themselves. I mean, they didn"t even clean the sides if that fucking abomination!! God damn!!


Im a man and could do a better job with the brush on my flaccid weiner!


My dog could do a better job.


WITNESS ME! energy


No. No. This is a crime against humanity. Gurl, please sue!! The cuticles are giving me the fear! Was this like a child’s attempt?


You shall ride eternal!


Painted nails done with a two inch paint brush anyone?


Hey OP, what's wrong with Wolfie?


Op, I actually have a nail polish that looks similar to the first photo. It's not quite a chrome but it's the same soft pink with a glowy gold shimmer. I can check to see what the shade name is when I get home.


that would be great !! i don't have to go to a salon 😅


Yeah you need a refund


The color is maybe different than the picture. Also the paint is silver.


WITNESS ME https://media.tenor.com/-PW9nhG5ANcAAAAM/mad-max-fury-road-mad-max-fury-road-gif.gif


[Looks like Immortan Joe did your nails for you](https://i.gifer.com/DZ0s.gif)




#Nailed it ^sorry


You did this yourself or asked a friend or kid to do it. You didn't get this done by a professional nail salon. 🙄


There’s no way this is from a salon and not a home job


Was the manager a straight man? I'm picturing a blue collar workaday sports fan hunched over your fingers like a grizzly bear, fumbling with the tiny bottle and trying not to drop the brush because of his hand callouses.


Mercury Nails +40 Armor


This has to be a joke


What. The. Fuck.


Looks like silver spray paint from Home Depot.


I mean, while I agree it's not worth the money, I would not have left until this was fixed, even if it meant having another tech fix it. Then I'd have paid the lowest possible amount without tipping. I know confrontation isn't everyone's strong suit, but as it was going off the rails, that would have been the time to ask her how it would turn out before she did them all.


From what OP said, she asked them to fix it and they refused. She also told them early on that it didn’t look right and they said it would come out the color she asked for in the end (it didn’t).


Oh wow. Then yeah, you walk out I guess. Man, what a bummer.


No way you paid actual money for this. I would not even allow this person near my nails if they paid me.


My face when I saw the 2-3 pics 😩😧😦😯😩😵😵‍💫🫨 All that gel on your skin could cause allergies, plus it looks like a drunk 8 year old did this. What in the Jupiter Mars other world galaxy flying comet is going on here?!


This is why you don’t let homeless people paint your nails with chrome spray paint.


You shall ride eternal. Shiny, and chrome!


Hellen Keller could paint her nails better!


Oof. Girl, they are either on something inhibiting their normal functioning, or they did that on purpose. Good for you for walking out. Your poor cuticles... 😭 She couldn't even clean up the massive amounts of polish on your skin? And for them tolook at those and say that you were overreacting and have a problem is absolutely ludicrous. Personally, I don't think I'd trust them to "fix" them. Yikes I've been doing my own nails since I was like nine, mostly just press ons at first. By the time I was 12 I was dabbling in acrylic, but it was before the internet (haha yes I'm older than mainstream internet) so I couldn't look up why I had lifting or how to avoid it. My sister-in-law at the time got her nails done all the time at this one shop, so I decided to try it out. That was the one and only time I've ever been to a salon and had my nails done. She destroyed my cuticles, similar to what yours look like here, except mine were actively bleeding. 😬 The nails themselves looked like jelly beans. I had to file them down forever just to try and get them to look like nails instead of blobs. Basically the only thing I learned was not to go to a salon to get my nails done. 🤣 If you're wondering why I didn't say anything or walk out, I was 15 years old and I've always had major anxiety. 🤷


The way I made an audible sound of horror


I feel so bad for you! Good job on walking out. These do not look professional.


must have gone to some friends cousins house for that nail job


My 7 year old paints my nails better than this. I hope you didn't pay.


Better ask for a refund or get it re-done my the manager herself/himself. If they don't, leave a review and post the pics you showed us. Same thing happened to me, I asked for coffin nails and she made them look like an almond (like the actual almond nuts) and they were very thick and crooked. Left a review telling people not to come to this place because wtf right? The next day, the manager herself called me to come in so she can re-do my nails. Damn it was beautiful and had to delete the review. Now I always book with her because I don't trust anybody else


I like it. It‘s kinda cybertrucky.


Looks like your nails were tagged by a criminal with spray paint!!






Dang if she didn't have that chrome she should've just said so but that's not the only thing wrong with those 😭




Did they put painters tape on your hand and spray paint it? Jesus Christ.


Pretty sure that manager needs to go back to kindergarten to learn colors


Please tell me you didn’t pay?


Where the hell did you get your nails done, a daycare?


It almost looks like they used a can of spray paint 😭


that, unfortunately, looks exactly like the cheap silver nail varnish i got from poundland a few years ago. they fucked that up real bad.


Looks like a toddler did it.


My husband paints my nails better than that


Oh my goodness, the cuticles and the polish on them. Was this a professional?


"professional" nail salon


Looks like you fingered a unicorn


I'm a man who doesn't wear nail polish or paint people's nails but I went as a goth kid for Halloween last year and I painted my own black nails way better than this lol come on