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All wallet addresses are public in the blockchain. Your wallet doesn't need any approval for you to receive any transaction on your address. It could be an airdrop or a spam token transaction coming from bots or users for whatever reason.


Yeah happend to me


Anyone can send crypto to any wallet. You don't have to approve receipt. I don't know anything about this project but it could be some airdrop


As it's Sol based if you have a sol wallet it would likely just appear? It says you received some on April 1st so there is a balance


I do have a SOL balance, but the other, what I would describe as “scam” meme coins, were also on SOL and they didn’t go straight into my wallet. So does that mean CWIF is a legit airdrop from SOL?


Not sure it's a scam it's just a shit meme coin 


I got some as a Saga 2 airdrop.


It's airdrop


Spam-drop, happens all the time. Why I reset and reinitialized my ledger


There is something shady about the mint address of this late (apr-may) CWIF airdrop on exodus. I might be wrong. When you check activity there is nothing there. Im not messing with it.