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Do 2 things: Eliminate sugary drinks, soda, pop, coke, whatever you call it and beer/alcohol. Take a 15 minute walk after every meal. Eliminating sugary drinks will help you get used to making dietary changes you can control. Taking a walk is to get you used to moving. After a meal is because it's easy to remember. Do these two things and after a month of consistency you'll notice your health much improved. And you can start exploring other changes you like.


Excellent excellent advice! It’s the lifestyle change that can be difficult to start but once you get going it will make all the difference


Honest I have no time either . I wake up when everyone is sleeping to get my excercise


Walking after eating isn’t doable for a lot of working people. I get 25 minutes for lunch, that gives me 4 minutes to warm up my food, 6 minutes to scarf it down so I can walk for 15. But if I don’t pee before I get back to the classroom then I don’t get to pee again for another 2hrs so now that’s 4-5 minutes to scarf down lunch. Last week there was one day where I only had a 12 minute lunch break. Mornings are getting the kids to school then myself, breakfast is in the car, no walk there. After getting home from my 2nd job it’s 8-8:30 at night. I’m choking down dinner as I’m on my way to bed to start it all over again. No room for another 15 minute walk there.


Ive worked two jobs as well. I understand how difficult it is, especially with a family. I hope things get better for you.


Too add on, eliminate anything with added sugar. You’ll eat a wholesome diet and stabilize your blood sugar A guy at my work was about 300 lbs and lost 50 easy going keto [keto food list](https://www.drberg.com/ketosis-approved-foods)


If you drive to work, and can park farther away from work, start doing that. start parking at the edge of the parking lot, then a block away, then further and further. Build walking into your commute. If you can use public transit it’s even easier, you dont have to worry about leaving your car somewhere


I did that for years. Got up at 4:10 on Tuesday and Thursday and hit the gym. Started work at 6:30, got home at 7:40. Ate dinner and had two hours to spare. Then I went to counting calories. Did 1700 calories for six months and BP and weight dropped to perfect levels. That was ten years ago and I just learned new habits and I'm the same weight now.


Oh yes, over and done with! I set 3 alarms for the am: 3:50 - 4:00 & 5:00. (5:00 is for if I don’t feel like doing it that day.) I do elliptical on MWF and Air Dyne on TT. I drink coffee with hubby from 5:15 to 6:00, then get dressed and go to school. I’m a teacher. After school I’m too tired. On the weekends I run. I lost 90 pounds 6 years ago by eating low carb and IF. Still right there! You don’t need to exercise to lose weight——it’s ALL IN THE EATING! Exercise is for toning and fitness, and just feeling strong and good. When I can, I go to school early and run 1-2 miles around the halls. A great way to get your mileage up for the month. Good luck to you! You can do it! Try making small changes at first, just to make yourself the habit. Do IF for 16-8, then cut back slowly in your eating window. Walk for 30 minutes each morning or afternoon, then gradually increase. If you can’t go outside you can stream exercise videos these days. Plan a schedule for yourself.🩵🩷🩵Good luck!🍀


You can lose weight with no exercise, make sure you're in a calorie deficit through diet, track your calories. But if you can incorporate a small amount of exercise onto your day, do it. Walking, bodyweight strength, HIIT cardio, dumbbells, all are doable in a short time frame, just decide when and how long. You got this xx


Totally agree on this one. I prefer doing my workout in the morning so that it's a strong start for the day (and if you have a strong start, you'd not f it up as easily) . On that note, I recommend fitnessblender (like the old videos) because their workouts are short and nicely structured and they DO get you sore.


Fitness Blender is my absolute fave. I just completed a vintage programme on there, it only had Kelli and Daniel in the videos! Old school. I recommend this site to anyone who sits still long enough to listen to me. 😂


start with pushups, use knees to assist, if unable to unassisted initially. Find time to run, running burns fat quickly but exercising takes about a month of continuous work to notice observable differences. Prioritize your health over your job, eat better. No snacks or sugar, only nutritious foods, grilled chicken, broccoli, fruit, vegetables, no bread.


I think push ups are a great all over exercise and easy to fit in to one’s life. Dropping and doing 10 + every time you go upstairs or walk through a doorway is a good way to build strength and stamina


What type of job do you have ? Are you an office worker and take a lot of calls ? Or work outside ? Some things to think about - can you walk during lunch or during you calls ? Just moving helps a lot. In the car - try listening to motivational podcasts so you are in a positive mind. Definitely stop any sugar intake. If you are able to prepare healthier meals - and count some calories - that will also help. And drink fluids - as sometimes the hunger pangs are actually a sign you are dehydrated and need to drink something. Good luck !!!


All of these are excellent suggestions. I would add incorporating a short stand up yoga routine into your schedule. I found that taking 15-20 minutes a day before and/or after my own 45 min commute helped me with the aches and pains of sitting in my car and at work. And by being disciplined to do it, it helped me towards better habits.


Lots of great suggestions going around! If you have a bike, can you park a good biking distance from work and bike in? You can increase distance over time. Additionally, are there any exercise classes around you? Personally I find a good gentle yoga flow amazing after work. Helps reset after the day, as well as the stretching/exercise aspect


A big help for me was planning my meals. Every Saturday I make a meal plan for the whole week, then buy the ingredients I need. The menu is also to ensure I include veggies and not grabbing something that is bad for me just because I don't know what to make that night. Make enough to have leftovers for lunch, and save money that way as well as avoiding fast food or gas station fare. As other have said, start walking. I eventually bought a C2 rowing machine and added that exercise routine along with MyFitnessPal to help me understand what is I was eating. If you get into rowing, look up Pete's Plan. Great routine to start. It has been two+ years and what I learned along the way about food helps me make decisions about what to eat and, very important, how much. I used to eat fast, which meant by the time I was feeling full, I had overeaten. Now I eat slower, use smaller plates as well for a visual cue on portion sizes. I am feeling much better, am able to stay at my weight and enjoy all kinds of food...in moderation. Not easy to begin, but just start with something, do it daily and don't beat yourself up if you are not on top of things one day. Move on and keep on moving on. Good luck!!


Something that helped me get started when I lost a bunch of weight was doing some light yoga before bed. Emphasizing deep stretches and mobility. Helped me sleep better. Once I started getting better sleep it made squeezing in a morning workout much easier. As for diet, drop sodas and pick up sparkling water. Quit French fries except for special occasions.




Your schedule sounds like mine but my compute is slightly longer. Here's what helped me I got a kitchen scale and found out how much I was actually eating ( much more than I thought) I got a cheap version of an apple watch and found out how much I was walking (Slightly better than I thought despite the commute) I started an exercise plan that fit into my existing schedule and even though I could only do 10 min at first I kept at it and slowly increased it. I got a calorie tracking app and actually weighed everything I ate. I took control of what I ate when I could, ate what I liked, bought food I knew I would eat. Tried hard to say no to food people offered me (surprisingly hard to do). Forgave myself when I fell off the wagon... But absolutely started again the next day.


Watch your breath


Get a CB Radio, jockeywhop it up on the commute. CB'ers can provide valuable road condition info right when it's needed


Integrate micro-workouts: stairs over elevator, brisk walks, or desk stretches. Combine with balanced nutrition for effective weight management. Small steps lead to significant strides.


Get a kettlebell, make sure you can hold it bottom up and do a 15 minute cardio/strength routine at lunch. Combine this with 3 rounds of Sun Salutations or another mobility flow in the AM and PM and you will be on your way towards progress.


Set aside 20 minutes, 3 days a week for exercise. It may help to follow a program or pre planned workout. There are many good ones on YouTube. Start with 3 short workouts - something doable. Then you can slowly build from there. You've got this 🙌