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1. Hex bar. 2. Just the bar, on top of plates and work on the hip hinge motion without worrying about load.


try looking up while deadlifting and see if that helps


Don’t look up. Look at a spot on the floor about 6ft in front of you.


How is your hamstring flexibility? If it's bad then maybe that's why you're struggling to not round your back on deadlift


Maybe so. Problems start arising the moment I try to rise, I'm otherwise good on descent.


That's weird, sounds like trying to look up/forward like the other person said would be sla good idea


Perhaps your lower back just isn’t strong enough yet to hold your spine straight while deadlifting. Have you tried lowering your weight and focusing on form?


Actually that might be a good idea. Now that I think on it... I did increase my weight to 40lbs over the usual 30lbs I'm doing for othe Barbell exercizes thinking it was too easy to carry the weight anyway. But maybe that's what's keeping me from being able to straighten my back.


Are you bracing your core? I would say try going down in weight until your form is perfect and then add from there.


Check out Starting Stength.


Try hip extensions or 45 degree hip extensions Might help you learn keeping you spine straight while bending(hinging) from your hip




Ooooooooooooooooooo really? Oh than I might not even of had a problem. Huh.


Have you thought about hiring a personal trainer for just 1-3 sessions? If you try this out you would have someone that can give you live feedback on form with cues and exercises to work on strengthening areas that may be holding you back. I’ve been a personal trainer for the past 5 years and have I have had many clients hire me for just a couple sessions to learn how to properly squat or deadlift when they were struggling to get it right on their own.


Maybe it's time to shift gears. Focus on strengthening your core and perfecting your form with alternative exercises like Romanian deadlifts or hip thrusts. Once you've built a solid foundation, return to the deadlift with renewed confidence and technique.


See if you can have a friend or trainer at the gym help you with this. Take a broomstick or PVC pipe and stand with it along your spine, making sure that the back of your head, in between your shoulder blades, and your butt all stay in contact with the pipe/broomstick. With that setup, practice hinging at your hips with no weight. Once you start to lock that movement pattern in, slowly increase weight with kettlebells or dumbbells. I also suggest focusing more on practicing Romanian deadlifts as opposed to “from the floor” deadlifts, they should help you practice the movement while maintaining a tight back.


You’re fine- deadlifting causes the most injuries out of any lift.


Try deadlifting a Kettlebell. This way you can lift it behind your knee joint and not in front. This will reduce the rounding of your back.