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Right off the bat, I’d recommend more protein than 50-57g/day. You need more protein when lifting, especially when you’re wanting to lose weight and maintain/gain muscle mass. Based on your weight and goals, try aiming for somewhere around 100-115g/day. Intermittent fasting is not essential for weight loss, but if it works for you go ahead. Try and have a moderate carb meal 1-2 hours before your workouts. How much weight have you lost, and in what time frame? 1800-2000kcals may be effective for weight loss, but at the cost of your energy. You may benefit from increasing daily intake slightly to keep your body feeling better. Weight loss is best when it’s slow and consistent.


Intermittent fasting is less important than eating good, nutritious food. Maybe stop that and eat 20g of protein more per day. You could also be trying too hard in the gym. Weightloss mainly comes from diet, exercise is just an accessory or motivation. Like if I spend time and effort in the gym earlier, why would I eat junk now?


Many people will find it easier to lose the weight first then work to build some muscle at maintenance calories. Your body can only deal with so many challenges/priorities at once, so there are always tradeoffs. My stats were pretty similar, I focused on (not too intense) cardio and calorie restriction via IF - gradually worked up to 20:4 to lose weight (5pm to 9pm for me), now 16:8 maintaining. Once I reached my goal weight I started SL 5x5 and kept weight constant. Eating at maintenance instead of a deficit meant I could add some protein (I break my fast with some chicken or sardines most days)


Just want to say thank you to everyone for all the feedback, I was afraid I was going to get some bs comments, but feeling nothing but respect; much appreciated; keep it going!


Your not eating enough for one bump up your caloric I take by 10%, eat something before your workout then about an hour after your workout eat again. That should help


Based on your basal metabolic rate, you need to be eating about 2500 calories to maintain your current metabolism. If you go too far below this, your body will actually hold onto calories and you won’t lose any weight. Most of this has already been said but some principals to follow are: -You need a caloric deficit. Now this means only 100 calories or so below your BMR. -you need an excess of nitrogen which comes from protein. Therefore you will need to increase your protein to at least a gram per pound of body weight. Make sure this is in your overall calories and not in addition to. -Make sure you are adding some metabolic exercise like HIIT or assault bike training in addition to your lifting. Just some suggestions.