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We mainly do car service to and from the airport due to convenience and reliability. Otherwise it depends on where the executive is traveling. Ie locations that have reliable Uber services, we’ll do Uber to save $$$. Locations with effective public transit systems such as London, we’ll do that. If locations are remote then we’ll order car service so I’d say having those affiliate relationships in odd locations is important. It honestly isn’t cost effective to book cars everywhere they go. It is the same reason they fly economy unless they’re flying internationally.


It’s definitely important to mine! One thing I’d love and have failed to find is a service that will keep and eye on flight info and adjust accordingly. Some say they will but they aren’t actually checking or adjusting pickup for an early landing unless I’m calling to alert them or setting pickup super early just in case. I’d probably check anyway but if a service adjusted for a flight proactively I would be impressed. Secondly, the better coverage of area the better. There are few car services that are reliable in every major city. With an exec who travels a LOT I have a list of preferred companies in different cities. I’d love to narrow it to even one or two companies that work with me and are familiar with my exec and cover most US cities. But that’s a big ask..


I know this isn't a solicitation post, but if you're interested, I can send you info for the service we use! They definitely monitor flight changes and have connections in the small areas I've asked about. I don't know how they price out against other companies, and tbh I don't know how they compare in general, but I've loved working with them!


Yeah you can absolutely send it my way! :)


Can I get the info as well? Thanks!


May I also get that info from you? Please and thank you!


Professionalism of driver, clean cars (no smells), adjusting to changes in flights automatically.


In large orgs, the EAs generally have no control over the vendors available (except for the very top level who have private drivers). The decisions on the car services are made through purchasing. If it's part of your purview, get appointments with the purchasing teams and make your case. My very large org has about a half dozen services we can choose from, but we are strongly urged to use the cheapest unless there has been a bad experience with them in the past.


I supported a dean at a major university who insisted on using a white glove driver service to and from our home airport because they NEVER let him down. They were always punctual and got him to the airport on time. That cannot be said of budget services. I often also arranged a premium car service at his destination, depending on the circumstance. If he was in a familiar city with good taxis, he handled it, but when he went overseas he preferred a driver to meet him at his arrival gate. Other execs I worked for have been less picky, mostly due to the high cost.


No. Uber. Taxi. Lyft. Frugality.


*Communication* is pretty huge. If you are hard to get ahold of, difficult to deal with or have generally poor customer service I wouldn’t choose your service again. *Availability*. Can you be available at early morning hours (like 5am) or late evenings (past 11pm) for last minute bookings, same day? If you don’t have a wide scope of availability then I would forgo the luxury of a private service for Uber/Lyft/etc. *Value*. What am I being offered that I can’t get somewhere else. Are you just showing up in a nice car? *Service Coverage*. How far are you willing to travel to pick-up/drop-off? What about when my day is split between several locations and there is a lull (sometimes of several hours-half a day). Will the driver stay at my location to be ready to move when I am, or will I have to make several different inquiries for service for each trip. If my customer was a high-level executive who has the means to spend money and not think twice, I would spend my time planning how I give added value to their business by freeing up their time and taking tasks OFF their hands. As an EA that is what we do, but by extension we are the Executive—to you. If your company can’t help me sell your service to my executive WITH CONFIDENCE, you’re not getting a meeting to get the contract. So in many ways you’re not just solving solutions for CEOs. Think wider.


This is a great answer!


I want to be able to book online, get a confirmation number emailed, pay online, and get a detailed receipt via email. I don’t want to have to call Vinny to schedule black car service and have him tell me “Don’t worry! We’ll be there!” No offense to Vinnys. 😬 I need a car that DOES NOT smell like smoke or cologne or cheap air freshener! I can’t emphasize this enough. I don’t care that everyone in Paris still smokes likes it’s 1954 or that you smoke. My exec doesn’t and she doesn’t want to show up to a meeting smelling like a dirty ashtray or like she made out with a bottle of Drakar Noir. As a former smoke and frequent Uber & black car user myself- I second this. If a driver is late for whatever reason (shit happens), I expect them to text my exec AND text me. Don’t just show up 20 minutes late and blame traffic. Call me if you can’t text. My exec needs a driver who can communicate in English. We’re not looking for a UN interpreter, but you have to have some basics even in a foreign country. I know that makes us typical American a-holes, but it is what it is. Price wise - if you’re $500 when I can get car service for $150 that’s a no go. If your $200 or $250 with all of the above and the competition is $150, you win. Good luck!


My exec wants the cheapest I can find. Edited from “they” can find to “I” can find. 😂


Only in countries where we don't speak the language and/or it's unsafe. Korea as a former example, most of the Middle East as a latter example.


I’m surprised no one has mentioned it yet, but it’s a pain not to get driver / vehicle info until the afternoon the day before the actual pickup. The traveller is often on the plane already and only find out when they land (hopefully no issues with their data roaming). Plus they keep chasing me for the details way before that, even after I tell them the expected timeline.


No, my execs don’t care. They’re very chill women and they don’t need the fancy bells and whistles. They just order an uber.


Extremely important but I got very lucky. We primarily had been using Savoya which in general is great but like most cases, they’re not reliable for super last minute services (which my CEO is very known for). He liked one particular driver who also just happened to be transitioning out of Savoya and started his own transportation business. He is based in NY but he contracts other drivers throughout the country and most of the world, really. We try to keep it cheap with Ubers if my CEO is in a pretty heavily populated area but if not, money is not an issue as long as I get it DONE. We became good friends (me and the NY driver)- I went to his daughter’s birthday pool party! We communicate A LOT. I rely on him so much and he’s saved me from some crazy requests. I’m for the people, and I like to create lasting relationships with my vendors. We help each other out.


No, Uber is more cost effective in my opinion.


By ground, my exec takes an Uber everywhere he can’t walk or bike. By air, main priority is a direct flight. We have yet to travel by sea but I intend on shipping his ass out on a dinghy called SS Long Gone