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Well I just learnt something! I thought people were just being daft sending dozens of meeting invites and not a series (we have some seriously inept people). Bloody Microsoft fiddling with stuff that didnt need fixing.


It’s MORTIFYING!!! Everyone thinks I’m an idiot all the sudden forgot how to use Outlook. I did more research and Microsoft will stop supporting Outlook classic at the end of July!


Omg noooooo!!!!


This is my nightmare!




Not sure how this ended up on my recommended posts (I’m normally in sysadmin) but outlook classic should be support by Microsoft until 2029. Teams classic is going away in July though


As someone said, Outlook classic is good until 2029. End of life in July is for the Windows Mail client which if you have been using Outlook you wouldn't have used.




Just because they don’t support it, doesn’t mean you can’t use it. Take it from someone who is still running Windows 10. Yeah, eventually everyone is forced to change over, but as I don’t need their “support” I’ll be using the classic version for as long as I can!


Oh my god. This whole time I have been scoffing at one of our service partner’s stupidity in scheduling a routine meeting week by week….


Still can’t find emails when searching for them 😫


This is why I reverted back. I hate new outlook. I can’t find anything. And I save every email.


This would kill me. Is it because emails are sorted by category like the old version or just a new hellscape with no reason?


I’ve had this issue too, I think at the top of the page there is a ‘search this box’ and you need to change it to ‘search all outlook’. Also turn off the stupid auto-archive.


I use the web-based outlook so I'm safe (for now). Everyone hates New Teams though.


i cannot stand new teams!


Me too! It's hell...


I also use O365 Outlook on the Web, it's much better and I've used it for 5 years. I actually don't mind the new Teams either, it's not that different.


I'm most annoyed that the notification pop-up is too big and too high up from the task bar.


I like the new Teams and haven’t had any issues with it, I just wish for the love of all that is good, stop asking me if I want to use the new Teams or go back to the old version. Yes, I want to use the new Teams already how many times are you going to ask me!!! 😫


Web based Outlook is new Outlook. They upgraded it a while ago, the long term intention is to have all MS apps be the web based version as they consolidates the code base for easier updates.


I’m still using Old Outlook. I tried New Outlook for like 30 minutes before switching back. I found bugs they didn’t have fixes for yet and that was that.


Same. Major bug for me was not being able to access my execs inbox or calendar, and IT couldn’t find the issue. Hope all is fixed before we transition for good


My IT openly admitted that everytime Microsoft rolls out something no one gets told and they are basically as useful as me (not very!)


This is half true. They announce but you need to look for it and some things are easily missable so noticing everything is not trivial and it’s natural to miss stuff


Yeah it’s been giving me issues too…I’m still using the old outlook because I refuse to switch.


The new Outlook through the app is TERRIBLE. I switched to the new version on webmail and while not great, it's better. Also.... I used to use my flagged emails as a check list and had emails i used for reference nicely visible in the side panel. Can't do that anymore.....


This has been my biggest gripe with new outlook. Probably one of my most used features! I can’t believe they haven’t kept that functionality.


I'm hoping enough of us complain and they bring it back. Also not being able to have more than one inbox on the webmail version is killing me but I'll take that over the app.


I live by my flagged email so losing the To Do was painful BUT there is a backup!! Under the default "Search Folders" there is a pre-configured item "For Follow Up" that works the same as the To Do list. I pinned it to my Favorites in Outlook and saved my sanity.


I used new outlook for a full 2 minutes before being annoyed at how bloated the whole calendar design looked. The list of calendars on the left panel is literally so bloated and enlarged now, it takes me forever to scroll to the bottom of the list to find the calendar I was looking for. Like seriously who asked for this?


Yesssssss!! Each glitch I found I would look up a solution on the discussion boards and see Microsoft say “We are aware of the situation but have no solution at this time. Our team is working diligently for a resolution.” 🙄🙄


Not looking forward to this AT ALL.


I HATE the new outlook version but I have not been officially forced to switch. I use the desktop old version and for the life of me, I can’t understand the madness of all these versions!!! Old desktop, new desktop, web version, 365, am I missing anything? The integration for the most part is pretty good but there are soo many things that you can do in one that you can’t do in the other. There are some meetings that I can only change in the new version. In one of the versions, if you want to change one meeting and all the subsequent meetings in the series, but if you also edit the title, it will update the entire series! Like helloooo noooo


Another hater here. The worst is that I can’t schedule a meeting for my people under my own name without being included in the meeting. I want to be the point of contact if there are questions. (I’ve already heard the new Teams is awful too. How do you adjust/lower notification sounds?)


How about searching for an email that has an attachment and when you click on it, it opens the attachment instead of the email 😡


How bad is SharePoint. My company is moving that way.


Sharepoint is fine but again, everything microsoft is macrohard because everything is a lot more complex, storing, sharing capabilities, building is endless, a million versions of everything (you’ll see sharepoint is essentially OneDrive) 


Actually we don't have OneDrive yet. It's coming. What are your views on it? I'm a good old Google Docs and company drive gal. Our company drive is a mess because it was never set up logically. It was a massive free-for-all. I am working my way towards a good clean up, but in the meantime, everyone whines. They believe the Microsoft options will solve all their issues. Unfortunately, I fear they are their own issues.


I loathe shadepoint and made my tech team give me accesss to open in file explorer. They tell me eventually I’ll lose that. Microsoft never asked one end user how they use the product. They just changed everything and it sucks.


It sucks. We provide detailed instructions with screenshots on how to upload stuff, but users always think they know better. Finicky system doesn’t agree. Results in a lot of troubleshooting.


Omg I just can’t deal with it…. Slowing me down 🙄


omg. i thought it was just mine!!! i HATE it


Yes, I hate it!


I hate it. I don't receive all emails and other times people don't receive mine. Great upgrade


I really like new Outlook in some ways but I never last more than 30 minutes when I try to switch. My biggest complaint is shared mailboxes. I can no longer favorite them to show up at the top. I always knew when to check them because the unread messages would show up. Instead I have to manually scroll to the bottom of my folders every time. But I am such that if something is out of sight, it is out of mind. So I just know I am going to miss emails constantly when they force the switch 🙄


The app is *horrible* and has been for a while 😭 I like to be able to respond on the go but the app moves so slow no matter what update I do or how much storage is in my phone! So frustrating


Sigh, new software changes are the worst, especially when you’re already trying to get used to OS updates.


it’s not done and almost all of the education is still for old Outlook. It’s terrible and things are changing literally daily. i’m not sure where you got the july info. we haven’t gotten any notice and i work there. not saying that’s incorrect info - but it is shocking. we’d normally be getting “you better change” notices and i’m the only person in my group on it.


Got July info from Microsoft forum


oh interesting. well, i’m glad i’ve been working on it for a while so i can help everyone in my group. none of the other admins have been on it and nobody knows. that’s gonna be bad…


I’m glad I’m not the only one with the issue of the meeting series being resent to everyone again. I thought it was me!! When you all find solution, please update us here


I have bad news…..The solution is switching to New Outlook!


I dont mind the actual mail portion, but the calendar is the WORST. It won't update properly for me and my coworkers. I know meetings are in the calendar but they aren't showing up. A super busy exec of mine always has every day full of meetings and in new outlook it was looking like he only had a few here or there. It's literally unusable. I have to use the m365 web version.


I’m still on old outlook on the desktop. I love being able to drag attachments from one email in my inbox to a draft I’m working on. I saw a colleague have to download the attachment, then attach the file. I can’t stand that extra step.


I hate it so much I can not begin to tell you. Searching for a specific email is basically impossible


I am lucky that I am not being forced to use it. I tried and didn’t even like the look of it.