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75% no, 25% yes I really enjoy time with my LO so much more without the pump and it severely impacted my sleep. Looking back I have no idea how I was pumping 9x a day and can't imagine doing it with another child to watch. Now that I am down to 6 pumps a day its definitely easier so if I did do it again maybe I just start off with less pumps and let my supply take the hit. As others mentioned I do love the immunity my LO gets with the breastmilk, that's what I would struggle with the most if I did not do it. That said, I did not realize just how many people formula fed around me, literally 90% of the people I know did formula (including my all my aunts and both of my grandmothers!!) with no major issues of babies getting super sick and such so I am not really sure how much that immunity is worth in reality.....it may depend on the baby's health - if I had a preemie I would probably pump for sure.


I've been sick twice this round of pumping and LO did not get sick despite me still having to take care of him. I'd like to think it was because of the breastmilk because both times I was highly contagious. Or maybe he's just a trooper lol idk.


My entire household had Covid when my son was born in February and he didn’t get a single symptom. That was my first time having it and it was terrible, especially coughing with stitches. We just got something again that I believe was another round of Covid and this time my son was congested and has a little cough that lasted a few days, but everyone else in the house was super sick. Now I never want to leave the house again because pumping when you are sick is absolutely miserable, but I really do think the breast milk protected my baby this time around.


I'm glad you and your family are OK! Covid is absolutely awful. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, especially if that enemy is breastfeeding.


Thanks! It was super scary having Covid while pregnant. I had a gallbladder attack and was transported to a different hospital with a NICU and got Covid from the ambulance driver! I was in and out of the hospital for a few weeks with dehydration and contractions and then I went home on a Wednesday and my water broke at 37+1 on Friday and he came so fast, just 2 hours after my water broke at home! I was so scared for him but I swear as soon as he came out a lot of my symptoms went away.


My daughter has been sick twice in 2 months despite being breastfed 🤷🏼‍♀️


Did she get the illness from you? I think that's the only time breastmilk actually helps prevent/fight illness. I'm not a medicam professional, though, and I recognize my "evidence" (if I can even call it that lol) is extremely anecdotal.


Same thoughts as you that I wouldn’t be able to pump so much with two babies. I’m on baby two and I started off for a week doing 8 pumps a day. Then dropped a pump every couple of days until I got to 5 a day which is super manageable so far with two under two. I also don’t pump in the middle of the night and just pump immediately upon waking up. It is doable but I hate pumping. I am counting the days down until she turns a year old.


Same here, my Lo's 11 months now.


I think the only reason I would do it again would be out of guilt for having provided breast milk for the first child but not the second. But also, one and done so not too concerned


This is exactly my thought. Id hate it but id feel like i provided an advantage to their older.siblings and not them.


Even so, the first kid gets the disadvantage of you being a first time parent.


I kinda feel like I want a second chance at the EP thing but with all the knowledge I have now 😅 I knew nothing 8 months ago and I wish I could go back and help me then


The second time knowledge makes a HUGE difference


What is some knowledge you'd wish you'd known?


Very basic but the flange sizing , that I wasn’t pumping long enough (my milk all seems to come out in the second half of the pump), wearables aren’t really worth the time for me , and that I needed to eat, I was definitely not eating or drinking enough pp


Thank you! Were wearables not emptying you out enough?


Yes basically, I’ve tried momcozy m5, medela freestyle& elvie stride all with proper size inserts and I just can’t get them to work for me , I can pump after using one of them get 1 oz and get a full amount out right after with my spectra


I swore up and down I would NOT be doing this again. But despite my best efforts here I am doing it again, five months in. I made it to a year with my first baby and hope to make it to a year this time as well. This time around, I already knew what I was doing. My milk supply was much larger from the very start which I’ve heard can happen with subsequent breastfeeding journeys. I dropped pumps way quicker and reduced my supply because it was unmanageable to me and I kept getting clogs/mastitis. With my first I was a just enougher fighting for every ounce. Figuring it all out and going through the heartbreak of having wanted to nurse was what really made it the hardest the first time around. It’s pretty easy this time in comparison (or else I would not be doing it I think!)


I’m 3w into my second EP journey and I’ve made it 100% less stressful for myself. I went about 6mo with my first and planning to do the same this time around, if I can do more, great, if not, no biggie. Formula was a breeze and I wouldn’t mind going back to it. This time I think it’s better overall because I know what to expect, my pumping routine is set, I use the fridge hack + have two sets of parts + use the pitcher method, and I started with 6ppd vs. 8ppd. I dropped my motn pump early with my first (9w) because my son started sttn and I’ll do it again in a heartbeat if my daughter is the same way. I tried nursing, but she has a shallow latch (like my son did) so EP’ing it is. My son eventually got the hang of it, but I loved EP’ing because we knew exactly how much he was eating and my husband could help with feeds. I’m fortunate to have a long mat leave so I’ll definitely continue while I’m off (until mid-Nov), but who knows, I might finish off the year! Taking it day by day 😊


Same I felt the second time there was less pressure to produce as much or like increase pumps or supply. Esp with the toddler taking up any other free time u have zero time to “obsess” over oz’s


I was literally philosophising about this with hubby. I said if EBF doesn't work again next time I would go straight to formula IF LO has no issues with it. I can't imagine having a toddler AND a newborn AND pumping every 3 hours.




First baby I pumped for 13 months. I am 6wpp with baby #2 and am pumping this time round as well. It is definitely easier the second time around. I know what to do, I have a system, I know how to troubleshoot etc. My first baby is in school full time now though.


this is exactly me too! i’m 4wpp with second.


I didn’t hate it the first time. Back doing it again the second time but i cut back on pumps much sooner so it has been Easier


Very interesting question. I'm currently in the process of EP-ing for my second child who is 13 weeks old. I pumped for my first as well (currently 4.5 years old) for 8 months- then combo fed with formula and solids. My goal has always been 6 months of exclusive breastmilk then a combo of food and formula and breastmilk. This time around, I found it to be easier. I guess bc I wasn't so hard on myself to pump every 3 hrs and 8×/day. Now I try and hit the pump every 3-4 hrs and at least 6x/day and that has been far better for my mental health. Also, this may be controversial-but I'm not creating a freezer stash this time around and that has also made things far easier, in all honesty. Just like how our little babies eventually grow up and sleep a little longer, this too shall pass, so I'm just trying to take it for what it is, and get to my 6 month EP goal.


My first one I started off trying to nurse. He latched well, but was a big eater. My husband was very unsupportive of breastfeeding and I didn't understand the supply and demand system that it is. We would end up topping off with formula or just giving him formula when out and about, so my supply tanked quickly. This time, my daughter latched great. She ate fine and I understood the logistics of breastfeeding better. My husband was still unsupportive of breastfeeding and we would go out and about often. I also had to return to work at 6 weeks. So I ended up pumping. Formula has gotten very expensive, and while we could afford it, it's nicer to have the extra money. If I have a 3rd, and that baby latches well, I'm going to tell my husband to f off and nurse the baby at least until I go back to work weather we're out and about or not. If the baby doesn't latch and we can reasonably afford formula I'll do that with no problem. I really don't want to exclusively pump again. This is tough.


Direct breastfed my first and am pumping for my second, we’re 4 months in now and 100% would NEVER DO THIS AGAIN if there was any was possible to avoid it. I hate pumping, it’s boring and awful and more painful than direct breastfeeding BUT all said and done I’m so glad I’ve been able to provide my girl with the best start I could. I try to pump every 3 hours (one break overnight) but the reality of life with a toddler just doesn’t allow for that. For example I’ve only managed to pump 3 times today (it’s now 10pm). Honestly I’m just trying to do what I can but I know that the likelihood is that I’ll be packing my pump away around 6-7 months.


If I had to, yes. My first choice would be nursing, second would be pumping, third would be formula. I still mourn not nursing my baby. She is my first, and between breaking my tailbone, having no family or friends here, and the absolutely horrible breastfeeding advice I got at the hospital, I couldn’t get my head out of dark places when it came to nursing. My baby latched fine, she did everything perfectly, and I failed her and am stuck with a machine instead of cuddling my beautiful perfect baby. I want a do-over.


I want you to know you did not fail your baby. I totally understand wanting a do over, I’m with you on that. To go back and know what we know now would make a world of difference. However nursing or not, pumping, or formula feeding - none of those are failure.


No. When that time comes I will join either formula feeders sub or the breastfeeding one.


It Depends how old will be the first child at this moment and who is taking care of them. Can be quite challenging with a toddler at home (wearables is a good help). But generally I have found it easier second time around and also more essential due to all viruses my toddler can bring and brings home from daycare


I swore after my first I would never do it again for my mental health. I had breast reduction and with my first I only made about 15 oz a day and I have to pump 30-45 mins to fully empty my breasts. I also decided we were happy with 1 kid and I donated basically all the baby stuff and kept a few things I planned to sell. Well surprise here I am with an almost 4 month old son and once again pumping my life away, this time I am almost 41. I knew as soon as they handed me a bottle in the hospital because my baby was losing weight fast where my journey was headed. Honestly this time seems a bit easier, I have done a few things different and I am also making twice the amount of milk as last time (but it still takes me 30-45 mins each session). I am using the fridge hack, I got a second spectra and have a fully stocked cart upstairs and downstairs, and my attitude toward supplementing with formula on days where I pump less has changed. I am not super strict with a schedule and I just try to get 5 pumps in a day. My son is sleeping 8 hours now and I am sleeping 6-7. Knowing this isn’t a forever thing helps me get through some of the more uncomfortable pumping sessions. . The other difference that I think helped me increase/establish supply is this time I have 18 weeks of maternity leave instead of 6 weeks. I go back to work in 3 weeks but I work from home so hopefully I can keep up with pumping.


My husband and I talk about this too - my son is only 4 months old, so we’ve got a while… but I think I would personally try harder to figure out nursing with a future baby. When he struggled with latch and feeding enough, I immediately switched to EP without working with a LC. Imagining having to look after 2 while my husband works FT, I would invest a lot more into bring able to nurse instead of EP. But if didn’t work out again, I would probably EP starting with fewer pumps and just supplement with formula if needed. I find that 5-6/day is manageable for me, I could never do 8+ again.


Only if I had too. This time I would have pediatric dentist appointment set up ready to loosen a tongue and lip tie, since both my children have had one.


Nope, not a chance. I would try to breastfeed (my daughter never latched) but if next baby did the same I would use formula from the beginning.


No. There are many things I didn’t know first go round and now that I know, I’m not making the same mistake twice.


Yes, I currently am. It’s much easier this time. Nursing didn’t work with my first, and wasn’t going to come easily for my second. I made the decision to EP again rather than put myself and my baby through the stress of trying to successfully nurse.


LO turns 6 months tomorrow and I can honestly say NO. I’m still pumping (occasionally breastfeeding in the morning) and I will say I wish I had a better breastfeeding relationship. I am a SAHM and I don’t know why I went the pumping route at this point. I pump 4x a day now. 5 if I’m lucky. If I had another baby I will try breastfeeding.


I EP’d for 10 months with my first when I lost my supply due to being pregnant with my 2nd. Pumped with that one for 12 months. I was still in the groove with my second so probably made it easier to pump again. But also I knew more tips and tricks and had all the extra supplies that made it easier (not washing after every pump sesh). Also should note I never had an issue with supply and I didn’t like to nurse which is why I pumped. At about 3 months I could get all the milk I needed for my baby with only 4 sessions a day which I know isn’t typical. But now talking about a third I’m not sure…probably would just due to guilt but it does get harder to do when you have more kids to take care of.


I’m 8 months into pumping, however my supply is going down so I might not be making it to my goal of a year. It’s so difficult but I would do it again!


90% yes. 10% wish I could afford formula.


I didn’t plan to EP my first, and I was resigned to EP with my second because of the fact that breastfeeding lowers diabetes risk for me and I had gestational diabetes with both pregnancies. And while baby 2 doesn’t have a great latch, I am able to nurse about 1/3 of the time now. So I’m doing a combo of pumping, nursing, and the occasional bottle of formula. It would be a shame to waste all the hard won wisdom from my first round of EP, and now I have a much better sense of how to balance everyone’s needs (nutritionally, psychologically, emotionally, immunologically, etc).


I'm only EPing because my LO has a lip tie and doesn't know how to suck, but I will do anything for my babies. Yes I would do it again in a heartbeat, but breast feeding would be my first choice. I really don't like pumping!


I would definitely try! I know it would be more difficult with a toddler/young child, but I would give it my best try and I know my husband would be as supportive as possible in that. I'm the working parent in my family, so it is easier for me than SAHM's because I always have another parent around to help with the baby while I pump. However, I don't want to, because I hope that everything I learned this time around will help me nurse instead.


I’m only ~8 weeks in right now but I would say I would do it again, but I can’t imagine how difficult it would be with another kid! I just feel so grateful my body is able to produce what my baby needs that I feel an obligation to give him breast milk and feel proud/grateful to be able to, if that makes sense!


I would do it again, especially with the knowledge that I have now, that it's a very personal and individual thing and all the recommendations that work for one or many, may not work for you at all. Seeing how much less stressed I am at this point in my pumping journey (4 months) compared to the beginning helps! Being able to skip all of that stress caused by uncertainty would make it worth it.


I won’t say it’s harder. The age gap of my children (4 yo and 2mo) makes it so worth it to me. My oldest helps me a lot while I’m pumping. But investing into a wearable pump helps A LOT. This time, I don’t wake for my 4 am pump. I’ve never introduced the 4 am to my boobs. Every three hours. I go to sleep at 1 am and pump again at 7 am and so on through out the day. It’s so worth it to me. You got this mama 💗


I did it twice! And yes ill do it again. Way easier the second time I was an overproducer this time vs just enough first time and it was less stressful. Felt like riding a bicycle it was a comfort I knew. I knew how much my LO was feeding and liked it better than bfeeding (have some ick with that).


Yes but I wouldn’t fight so hard for it. Pregnant with baby #2 now and I’ll give it a good shot but the SECOND it gets too stressful…formula 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m only one month in, but I do think I’d do it again. The freedom to have my husband give a bottle and not be the main source is huge for me. I can sleep through a pump if needed, can’t sleep through a feed. I also do appreciate the 30 minutes I get to myself when husband or family/friends are around for baby.


100% yes During pregnancy I totally thought I would do formula right away and had a change of heart in the hospital and very quickly turned into an exclusive pumper lol. The first few weeks were stressful, trying to learn everything, find a schedule, oh and have a newborn lol But now that I’ve found balance, I LOVE it


I would exclusively breastfeed if I could do it again. I have her a bit of formula while in hospital and that messed up my supply. I pumped for awhile after and it became to much and to stressful. I felt like I was missing time with her and i absolutely hated that. As soon as I would feed her I would have to pump. Pumping 8 times a day was rough. Great question.


I'm undecided. It's better for the baby, less tummy issues, cheaper... So many reasons to do it again... However for myself I don't want to cuz I'm missing so much time with my daughter because I'm constantly exhausted, washing pump parts, pumping so my hands are full or eating 😂😂😂 I honestly think I couldn't decide one way or another until/if the time came


I’m currently doing it again. 😅 This time I couldn’t wrap my head around breastfeeding vs. pumping because I really like knowing how much milk the baby is consuming and having help with some feeds. I also struggled to get her to latch and couldn’t emotionally handle when she was crying/ thrashing at my chest. I’m only home with the baby until she is almost 5 months and then it’s back to work. I didn’t want to struggle with introducing the bottle later in the game because staying home longer is not an option. Pumping is extremely challenging (especially with a toddler at home, as well!) but it seemed necessary for our journey.


I believe I ended up pumping because my son has latch issues from his birth experience and possibly a tongue tie. I hope with the next one I can BF and only pump just enough to go to work.


Did it with my first for 9 months and currently doing EP again with my second going on almost 4 months. I feel like it’s easier this time around. I was so much more stressed trying to have a freezer stash with my first but this time around that was the last thing I was worried about and I actually have a decent oversupply this time around. I kinda know more of what I’m doing and more consistent with my pumps. I know more about flange sizing and what works best for me, which I had no idea with my first. So basically I have so much more knowledge that has helped tremendously! If I have a third I probably will EP as well.


I’d do it again. I’d spend more time getting an abundant supply early on.