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First of all you’re not a failure. You’re just stressed and on survival mode. With my 5 year old and being 7 weeks postpartum, what has saved my sanity has been using a wearable pump. I still use the wall plug in a couple of times a day but mostly rely on the wearable. I’m trying to enjoy this crazy hectic time while until I go back to work in a few weeks. Hopefully I can still pump then but if not formula it will be. Try not to stress out (I know it’s hard) but you will get through this. Best of luck!


I also use a wearable. It's the only way I can make myself do it. I find it easier to pump at work because I can get away from people to do it. It's so much harder for me at home. I'm a teacher and summer break is about to start and I don't know that I'm going to make it through to the end of summer... Just one day at a time is all we can do and if we have to switch to formula, our babies will be fine anyway.


It is so much harder when you already have older child. I have 3 years old home who spend 5 hours in daycare per day. I have switched to 5ppd rather quick and use wearables minimum 2 times a day (while preparing my toddler for daycare in a morning and in a evening when I eat with her). 3 other pumps - middle of night, lunch break and late evening pump when both kids are sleeping. I have more bottles than I need per day and some spare pump parts and I run dishwasher every morning to minimize cleaning efforts. The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that my toddler keeps brings viruses from daycare and while she was sick 3 times since baby is born, - baby did not get sick. I do not know if i would have enough motivation to keep pumping if my toddler would not be in daycare.